Title: ARRA
- American Recovery Reinvestment Act
- Spend funds quickly to save and create jobs.
- Improve student achievement through school
improvement and reform. - Ensure transparency, reporting and
accountability. - Invest one-time ARRA funds thoughtfully to
minimize the funding cliff.
- All IDEA recovery funds must be used consistent
with the current IDEA statutory and regulatory
requirements. - Only for the excess costs of providing special
education and related services, except where IDEA
provides otherwise.
- Money is considered a one-time allocation for
2009-10 school year - Money needs to be obligated by September 30, 2011
- Need to set aside a percentage for parentally
placed-private school students - Quarterly reporting to DPI
- It is the cost that you have as the result of
special education students.
- Pre-school Entitlement 14,852
- IDEA Recovery Funds 314,116
- Preschool entitlement funds is available for
special education programs and services to
children with disabilities ages 3-5 - Funds may be used for staffing, educational
materials, and other costs to provide special
education and related services to children with
disabilities. Â
- Exploring pre-school options for our students
- Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards Training
for staff - Additional equipment/trainings
- Other?
8IDEA Recovery Funds Flexibility
- Maintenance of Effort
- The 50 Rule
- IDEA required that school districts must budget
the same amount of local funding to special
education as it expended the previous year
10The 50 Rule
- If an LEA receives an increase in its IDEA
flow-through allocation from one fiscal year to
the next, the LEA may reduce its MOE obligations
by half of the increased amount - Freed-up funds must be used to carry out
activities that could be supported with funds
under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act
11Flow-Through Funding
- Federal grant money that the school district gets
on a yearly basis. - In 2008-09 the district received 285,265 in
flow-through funding - Estimated amount of flow-through funding for
2009-10 is 295,926. - Recovery funds are in addition to yearly
12Demonstration of IDEAs 50 rule
FY 2008 Flow-through allocation 150,000
FY 2008 LEA IDEA MOE 800,000
50 of 100,000 (the increase) is 50,000. The
LEA has the option of reducing its MOE by
FY 2009 Flow-through allocation 250,000
FY 2009 LEAs new level of MOE 750,000
13Impact of 50 rule in Lodi
FY 2008 LEA IDEA MOE 1,289,520
FY 2008 Flow-through allocation 285,265
50 of 324,777 (the increase) is 162,388. The
LEA has the option of reducing its MOE by
FY 2009 Flow-through allocation 295,926
314,116 610,042
FY 2009 LEAs new level of MOE 1,127,132
14Impact of 50 rule in Lodi cont.
- If the district takes advantage of the 50
rule it will create approximately 162,000 in
Freed-up funds - Could be used to support ESEA activities, not
just special education - Freed up need to be spend during the 2009-10
school year
15What cant we do with Stimulus Funds?
- The money cannot be used to reduce the overall
district budget. - The money cannot be used to close any deficits in
previous, current, or next years budget. - This goes for all stimulus funding streams
Pre-School Entitlement, IDEA Recovery,
Freed-Up, or Title Funds.
16Possible Uses of IDEA Stimulus Dollars
- School Wide Positive Behavior Interventions
Supports Training - Staff Development around the areas of crisis
prevention and intervention, behavior
intervention plans/functional behavior assessment
training, etc. - Assistive technology
17Title I Stimulus Funds
- 55,214 (09-10 10-11)
- Must supplement not supplant
- Quarterly Reporting of All Activities
- Can only be spent on programs in targeted
assistance schools
18Funds may be used for..
- Provide professional development for Title I
teachers and regular education teachers that work
directly with Title I students - Provide additional instructional time to Title I
students - Serve a larger percentage of eligible students
- Provide extended day instructional services for
identified Title I students
19Funds may be used for.
- Provide extended summer school core instructional
time - Begin or expand family literacy programs for
parents of identified Title I students - Purchase supplemental materials, supplies, and
software to enhance instruction for Title I
students - Fund more Title I eligible schools
20Next Steps
- The district administrative team is working on
developing a plan for these funds to be used in a
way that fits the vision and mission of the
school district in a sustainable fashion