Title: General Themes 1:
1General Themes (1)
- Colonization 1. invasion
- India U.K.
- the Caribbean Holland, Spain, France, U.K.
- Metaphor Caliban
- Colonization 4 neo-colonialism U.S.
- Colonization 2. Settlement
- CanadaU. K.
- MetaphorMiranda
- Colonization 3. Internal colonialism
- racism against immigrants
2General Themes (2) Language Cultural Hybridity
- Indian subcontinent -- metaphor Masala
midnights children, god of small things
- causes multiple invasion-colonization language,
religion, race and caste system
- the Caribbean -- metaphor creole (and
creolization) metissage
- causes invasion settlement -colonization
- - multiple colonizer African slaves
Asian indenture laborers
- Canada -- metaphor mosaic
- causes settlement colonization immigrants
Multiculturalism Act (1988)
3General Themes (3) race/gender (class)
- Canadas national identity
- parallel
- Atwoods Trick with Mirror
- Asian-Canadian
- Obasan
- Concubine
- Race/Gender power
- parallel women as double-victims
- opposite Clares hunting experience
- the Caribbeans in Toronto(Rude, Griff)
- poverty, drug, sexism
- inverse racism, defense mechanism survival
parallel -- opposite
4General Themes (4) gender/cultural identity
- Diasporic characters
- uncertain identity and emotional
instability/lack e.g.
- Lady from Lucknow
- Happy Together
- A girl/womans uncertain identity in the growing
- Antoinette, Annie, Clare
- Naomi
- Double Happiness
Causes social environment, family,
5Which of the following are Canadians?
Saturday Night Life Dan Aykroyd
Jim Carrey
Keanu Reeve
Captain Kirk
Megan Follow asAnne of Green Gables
Paul Anka, Neil Young,Peter Jennings
Pamela Ander-son Lee
k.d. Lang
Celine Dion
6- Aussies Dislike being mistaken for Pommies
(Brits) when abroad.
- Canadians Are rather indignant about being
mistaken for Americans when abroad.
- Americans Encouraged being mistaken for
Canadians when abroad.
- Brits Can't possibly be mistaken for anyone else
when abroad.
7- Americans Spell words differently, but still
call it "English".
- Brits Pronounce their words differently, but
still call it "English".
- Canadians Spell like the Brits, pronounce like
- Aussies Add "G'day", "mate" and a heavy accent
to everything they say
8 - Aussies Are extremely patriotic to their beer.
- Americans Are flag-waving,anthem-singing, and
obsessively patriotic to the point of blindness.
- Canadians Can't agree on the words to their
anthem, when they can be bothered to sing them.
- Brits Do not sing at all but prefer a
- large brass band to perform the anthem.
9From Two Solitudes to MANY
- Canadas National Identity Race Relations
- "As Canadian as possible, . . ., under the
10Canada From Two Solitudes to MANY
- Garrison/Victim Mentality vs.
- individualism
- Duality -- caused by settler-colonization and
- French and English
- British, American Canadian
- e.g. Tricks with Mirror Can Lit.
11Immigrants Multiculturalism ActImmigrants to
- the postwar new-comers at first mainly British,
and then Dutch and German
- in the 1960s -- Mediterranean peoples, notably
Italians, Greeks and Portuguese,
- in the 1970s -- a steadily growing number of
Asians--from India and China via Hong Kong
especially and of people of ultimately African
origin via the Caribbean.