Title: Inland Marine Transportation System IMTS
1Inland Marine Transportation System (IMTS)
Update on IMTS forTennessee-Tombigbee Waterway
Development Opportunities Conference
Harry Stone, USACE
25-27 August 2009
2IMTS Structure and Process
- IMTS Board of Directors
- Chaired by Deputy CG for Civil Works and
Emergency Ops - Members are Division Commanders and HQ USACE
Chief of Ops - Working Group cross section of skills from
across IMTS - Action Teams
- Composed of experts with hands-on experience
(Lockmasters, Ops Managers, etc.) - Develop draft outputs for review by workforce and
industry, review and approval by Board - Implementation of new standards/policies
IMTS-wide by Board of Directors
IMTS Board Of Directors
Working Group
Action Teams
Key an open process with participation by
workforce and industry users
3Current Status of IMTS
- First Executive Board Meeting in Nov 2008
- First Working Group Meeting Dec 2008
- Off to a fast start picked five BPR Improvement
topics to start right away - Formed first action teams to get started
- Committed to implement all improvements over the
Example of Action Team formed BPR Improvement
Topic 2, Share Corporate Knowledge of Preventive
Maintenance Repair
4Improvement Ideas
- Focus of study how we do our work (our Business
Processes) - Improvements ideas were grouped into three
categories and twenty five BPR Topics
Human Capital
System Availability
Operational Improvements
- 1 asset for Corps Navigation
- Examples of Improvement ideas
- Train and Certify Lock
- personnel
- The 1 customer priority
- Examples of Improvement ideas
- Scheduling Major
- Maintenance
- Key to customer service
- Examples of Improvement ideas
- Standard Locking
- Procedures
5Recent Actions of IMTS
- Communications
- Highest priority
- Newsletter, web site
- Worked with industry on distribution lists
- Conference briefings
- March Meeting
- Held industry input session
- Developed action items to follow up
- Example new member from GIWW
- Strengthen outreach to industry
- Prioritized remaining Improvement topics
Industry Input Session, Mar 2009
1st Newsletter, Mar 20009
6Update on BPR 1 2
- BPR 1 Share Corporate Knowledge of Major
Maintenance - Highly successful Locks Maintenance Workshop 2009
award for Chad Linna - Will transition to IMTS-wide workshop
- Impact enhance sharing of knowledge on major
maintenance, maximize system reliability - BPR 2 Share Corporate Knowledge of PM Repair
- Action Team led by Aaron McGee
- Impact strengthen sharing of knowledge of daily
operational maintenance and lock operations
Mike Ensch presents award to Chad Linna
Locks Maintenance Workshop 2009
7Updates on BPR 12 and 13
- BPR 12 Completed. IMTS Booklet for Plant
Acquisition - Gives simple explanation of how to make purchase
of standard designs - Impact eliminates confusion and myths on these
purchases, will be a living document to collect
other ideas and cost-saving tips in simple
language - BPR 13 User Guide completed for Plant
Replacement and Improvement Program (PRIP) - PRIP is important program for buying shared
assets in USACE Civil Works - Lost a lot of knowledge as people retired
- Impact simple, easy to read User Guide helps
asset managers rapidly learn the program
8HR Center of Standardization
- HR Center of Standardization approved for IMTS
workforce - Background 11 of the 25 BPR topics deal with
human capital - All were developed by working closely with HR
experts - Many will require extensive work by HR experts
- HR center will provide experts dedicated to IMTS
workforce with in-depth expertise - Virtual team will include two people from
Operations - Impact
- Major resource will enable substantial
improvements in human capital area - Example standardize job descriptions
Human capital is the 1 asset for IMTS!
9BPR20 Standard Locking Procedures
- Request by customers
- Standardize procedures for locking traffic (in
areas that affect customers) - Six individual ideas that include hailing
frequencies, handling courtesy lines, turning off
engine when inside chambers, etc.)
10BPR20 Crew Change Policy
- Progress Overview
- Currently, Crew Change Policy varies by District
- Goal IMTS-wide policy
- Draft policy developed by action team, reviewed
by offices at HQ - Draft reviewed by customers and workforce July
Typical customer journey is through several
Crew Change Policy
11BPR 9 NavLocks Channel Maintenance
- Voted as the 1 priority for remaining
improvement topics at March Meeting - Action Team to be formed
- Key focus for action team develop scope for
this overall effort and establish the baseline - Special emphasis on Channel Availability
Note Coastal Dredging is not included in IMTS
Dredging by Hurley
12BPR 16-1,3Scheduling Major Maintenance
- Started this calendar year in Lakes and Rivers
Division - Will form action team to expand to other
waterways in IMTS where applicable
Major Maintenance work in Lakes and Rivers
Division to sustain system availability
13Benefits of the IMTS to Customers
- Enhance system reliability and improve customer
service - Integration across IMTS
- More consistency across all waterways
- Greater ability to implement best practices and
ideas for improvements from workforce industry
System Reliability Schedule Major Main.
Customer Service Standard Locking proc.
14How can you participate?
- How can Industry users participate?
- Read IMTS newsletters or go to public IMTS web
site to read about opportunities to provide input - Share your experiences and suggestions at
listening sessions at meetings/help us identify
meetings where sessions should be held - Read draft documents from action teams on
proposed improvement ideas at IMTS web site and
provide comments - Send ideas, suggestions, and comments to e-mail
address IMTS_at_usace.army.mil
15Questions?? Comments???
Operation Maintenance
Major Maintenance Projects
Reminder - Send questions or comments on the
IMTS by e-mail to E-mail address
IMTS Web site for Corps Navigation workforce,
industry and public http//operations.usace.army.