Lecture 2: Stomatal action and metabolism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 2: Stomatal action and metabolism


... cell abscisic acid signalling and engineering drought hardiness in plants Nature ... Hydraulic coupling between adjacent guard cells ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture 2: Stomatal action and metabolism

Lecture 2 Stomatal action and metabolism
  • Teaching aims to introduce the structure,
    function and metabolic regulation of stomatal
    guard cells
  • Learning outcomes to understand the complex
    interplay between turgor of guard cells and
    epidermal cells, driven by the active
    accumulation of ions and solutes, which occurs
    across both plasmalemma and tonoplast

  • Lecture 1 Erratum Cavitation in Beech (page 7 HG
    Lecture 1) second bullet point should have said
    MINIMUM conductivity occurs in spring.. of
    course.. youd noticed that already!!
  • 2.1 Regulation of transpiration
  • 2.2 Stomata structure and function
  • 2.3 Sensing the environment
  • 2.3 Ion fluxes and exchange
  • 2.4 Ion channels and patch clamping
  • 2.5 Signalling and control at plasmalemma and
  • Key references
  • Assmann SM and Wang X-Q (2001) Guard cells and
    environmental responses Current opinion in Plant
    Biology 4, 421-428
  • Shroeder JI et al 2001 Guard cell abscisic acid
    signalling and engineering drought hardiness in
    plants Nature 410, 327-330
  • Backround texts Taiz and Zeiger

  • 2.1 Regulation of transpiration
  • Water loss is driven by the leaf to air vapour
    pressure difference
  • Absolute water vapour concentration highly
    temperature dependent so we need to know leaf
    temperature precisely
  • Evaporation will lead to leaf cooling

(No Transcript)
  • 2.1 Regulation of transpiration
  • Boundary layer and stomatal resistances control
    water loss from leaf
  • Figure shows that in moving air, transpiration
    increases linearly with stomatal aperture in
    still air, stomata only exert control when
    closing- but there are many adaptations to reduce
  • Resistance analogue cuticle and stomatal
    resistances are in parallel, boundary layer in
    series in diagram shown, cuticle and stomatal
    resistance is (1 x 70)/ (70 1) 0.99 s cm-1
    total R 0.35 0.99 1.34 s cm-1 (units
    equivalent to time for one molecule of water to
    diffuse 1 cm)- but closed stomata approximate to
    an infinite resistance
  • Conductances calculated simply as (cm s-1)
    equivalent to distance one molecule diffuses in
    one second, are finite and easier to quantitate
    in practise

  • Ecologically, we can make some generalisations
    about maximal leaf conductance
  • Largely, this will tie in with the need to
    restrict cavitation and capacity for the plant to
    recharge water status overnight
  • Porometer express conductance as a molar flux
    per m2 of leaf surface

  • 2.2 Stomata structure and function
  • Antagonism between guard cell and epidermal
  • Ultrastructural modifications

  • 2.3 Sensing the environment
  • Feedback from internal CO2 and leaf water content
    (sensed partly by carbohydrate supply
    hydropassive feedback due to direct effects on
    water supply) Abscisic acid a key signal from
    roots and mesophyll.
  • Feedforward guard cells have chloroplasts
    (sense light) and water is evaporated directly
    around the guard cell complex to alter GC turgor

  • Evidence that guard cells respond to vapour
    pressure independent of leaf water status
  • Shoot water potential is constant, but stomatal
    conductance declines in drying air

  • Stomatal patchiness (Mott and Buckley 2000 TIPS
    5, 258-262)
  • Stomatal aperture is not randomly distributed
    across a leaf
  • Chlorophyll fluorescence can be used to track
    spatial patterns of photosynthesis
  • Overall leaf conductance shows a decline under
    high VPD..

..but stomatal apertures are patchy!! How is this
linking brought about?
  • Hydraulic coupling between adjacent guard cells
  • LHS stomate increases aperture, decreasing
    adjoining epidermal cell turgor
  • Relaxation of RHS stomate allows transpiration to
    occur and increases loss of epidermal turgor
  • Effect is propagated through stomata until a vein
    is reached
  • Other feedback / feedforward loops will
    eventually constrain opening

  • 2.3 Ion fluxes and exchange
  • Using a pressure probe, guard cell turgor can be
    measured directly
  • Aperture and turgor are (virtually) linearly
  • What ionic fluxes lead to the generation of
  • How are these processes energised?

  • 2.3 Ion fluxes and exchange
  • Dont mention the starch -sugar hypothesis, I
    used to counsel
  • Just remember the primary active H transport
    coupled to secondary ion transport processes of
    K and Cl-
  • Add in a twist of malate2-, synthesised via PEP
  • So starch degradation in the light is not used
    osmotically to increase turgor.(I said).

. and see the fantastic profiles of ions which
exchange across guard cell, companion cell and
(No Transcript)
  • So there is a role for sucrose after all!! (see
    Taiz and Zeiger Zeiger and Zhu, J exp Bot, 1998,
    433- 442)
  • In Vicia faba (broad bean), potassium
    accumulation drives early morning opening, to be
    replaced by sucrose accumulation later in the day
  • Sucrose comes from starch hydrolysis, CO2
    fixation in the GC chloroplast and apoplastic
    import from the mesophyll

  • 2.4 Ion channels and patch clamping
  • Patch clamping allows the current carried by
    individual K channels to be distinguished in
    cell attached configuration
  • If cell is depolarised to 120 mv, see three
    channels open successively
  • Now if you had voltage clamped to 60 mv, and 11
    mM K outside and 105 mM K inside, what flux
    would you expect??

Whole-cell configuration
  • Remember the Nernst equation- K is in passive
    equilibrium, so there is NO net flux (and NO
    current flowing)
  • Patch clamping can be used to resolve two types
    of channel-
  • IKout and IKin suggesting that the cell can
    independently control rates of inward and outward
    exchange of K..

and ion flux matches observed accumulation when
E -120mv
  • Ion channels
  • Of course, there are two membranes to consider
  • And driving forces will differ, with the elegant
    work of Enid MacRobbie first to show how the two
    are co-ordinated using tracer efflux experiments

  • the plasmamembrane is hyperpolarised by the H
    pump, driving the influx of other transporters
  • There are up to 4 inward K channels
  • Sucrose co-transport and Cl- channels osmotic
  • Outward K channels and anion channels allow
    passive ion efflux, provided that some process
    has initially depolarised cells by activating
    anion efflux
  • Responses to the environment (water deficit,
    cold, oxidative stress) mediated by calcium
  • ABA is detected by an (as yet) unidentified
    receptor which induces an increase in
    intracellular Ca2, which is either imported or
    released from intracellular stores
  • Slow and /or fast responding anion channels open,
    depolarising cell and activating IKout channels
  • 90 of ions must first leave the vacuole, and
    Ca2 stimulates VK channels and release of K,
    although FV channels can mediate K release in
    response to cytosolic pH changes

Ion channel functions (from Schroeder et al 2001)
  • ABA also inhibits ion uptake, and elevated Ca2
    inhibits the ATPase and K uptake channels
  • Calcium is the key to various signalling pathways
    which control ion fluxes and trugor generation
    and loss

  • Conclusions
  • Water loss is effectively controlled entirely by
    stomata, with boundary layers important at low
  • While we can best define the entire pathway via a
    resistance analogue, in practise we translate
    water losses into finite conductances, which can
    be used to characterise vegetation types
  • Guard cell ultrastructure and epidermal cell
    antagonism are the key to controlling the
    aperture between two guard cells
  • Guard cells can sense vapour pressure and light
    intensity directly (feedforward responses), and
    response to internal CO2 concentration and leaf
    and soil water status
  • Guard cell turgor is generated by accumulating K,
    Cl , malate and sucrose, energised by chloroplast
    and/or mitochondria and a blue light
  • Stomata do not respond homogeneously (though we
    generally ignore patchiness when measuring
    leaf-level as exchange

  • Patch clamping allows the operation of individual
    channels to be distinguished
  • The membrane potential can be seen to control ion
    fluxes, demonstrating the Nernst potential (no
    net flux) and that a hyperpolarised E or 120 mv
    can account for the observed rates of K
  • Ion Accumulation and export are controlled by a
    range of anion and cation channels in tonoplast
    and plasmamembrane
  • ABA is a key inhibitor of stomatal opening, and
    elicits a range of signalling responses
    controlled by intracellular Calcium
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