WebLab Viewer 3D - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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WebLab Viewer 3D


All atoms drawn directly by sketch pen are carbons unless you specify otherwise. ... Color by Hydrophobicity and click Apply. Color by Secondary Type and click Apply. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: WebLab Viewer 3D

????WebLab Viewer??3D????
  • Ta-Wei Li
  • NCTU

Start to use WebLab Viewer Pro
  • Click two times on WebLab Viewer Pro ??
  • Go to View Tool Bar and select all the tools,
    such as

Draw Chain Molecules
  • All atoms drawn directly by sketch pen are
    carbons unless you specify otherwise.
  • Select sketch pen
  • Click an empty area to draw the first C atom
  • Move the cursor to another empty are to draw the
    2nd, 3rd and 4th C atom

Add H atoms to C backbone
  • Click select button
  • Select the whole molecule. There are two ways
  • Circle all four C atoms
  • Click any one C atom. Then, with pushing
    ltShiftgt, click other three C atoms.
  • Click Add Hydrogens button

Eye-check and Clean Structure
  • Click Zoom button and drag the mouse to
    zoom and investigate butane structure
  • Click Translate button and drag the mouse
    to rotate and check butane structure
  • Click Rotation button and drag the mouse
    to rotate and investigate butane structure
  • Now, click Clean button and recheck the
    butane molecule again

Hand-check Structure 1
  • Bond Length
  • Select any two neighboring C atoms and Click
    Tools Monitors Distance
  • Distance
  • Select the two farthest H atoms and Click Tools
    Monitors Distance
  • Bond Angle
  • Select any three neighboring C atoms and Click
    Tools Monitors Angle
  • Then click Tools Monitors Remove

Hand-check Structure 2
  • Torsional Angle
  • Select four neighboring C atoms and Click Tools
    Monitors Torsion

What is Clean Structure ?
  • It is to search local energy minimum point.

Molecular Geometry
Energy Profile of n-Butane
  • Local
  • Minima

Global Minimum
Find other Local Minimum
  • Click Torsion button
  • Then click the middle C-C bond and drag the mouse
    to change the torsional angle into 90
  • Now, reselect the whole molecule and click
    clean button to see if you get the gauche
    structure, whose trosional angle is close to 60.

Change Atomic Type
  • Select the first C atom and click modify
    Element O
  • Select the forth C atom and click the right
    button of the mouse, Change Element O
  • Click clean to get one local minimum of 1,2
    ethanediol (???)

Copy, Paste and Move
  • Select whole 1,2 ethanediol.
  • Click edit copy
  • Click edit paste
  • Drag the new 1,2 ethanediol to empty area
  • You may change any torsional angle and click
    Clean button to get another local minimum of
    1,2 ethanediol.

WebLab Practice and Discussion 1
  • How many local minimum of 1,2 ethanediol may
    contain intramolecular H bond (?????), I.e., the
    distance between O and H is ranged from 1.5 to
    2.5 Å?
  • In the same file, please draw the following
    structures and show bond angles of CH4, BH3, NH3,

Draw BF3 (1)
  • Open WebLab with Clicking
  • Select sketch pen
  • Click an empty area to draw a C atom
  • Change C into B
  • Click Add Hydrogens button
  • Change H into F and then click clean
  • Whats wrong?

Draw BF3 (2)
  • The hybridization of BF3 is sp2, but not sp3.
  • The structure of BF3 should be a plane , and ?FBF
    should be 120.
  • Please check if ?FBF is 120.
  • In fact, current structure of BF3 looks like NH3.
  • Select B, and then click Modify
    Hybridization sp2.
  • Click Clean to see if you get the correct
    structure of BF3 .

Draw CH2BrCl
  • Select sketch pen and click another empty area
    to draw C atom
  • Click Add Hydrogens button
  • Change one H into Br and another into Cl
  • Now, select this molecule CH2 BrCl.
  • Copy, paste and move CH2 BrCl, like

Make Mirror Image
  • Now, rotate the second CH2BrCl to be the mirror
    image of the first one ,such as
  • Now, we can say these two molecules are identical.

Mirror Image
Create Stereoisomers
  • For both CH2BrCl, change one H into I, such
  • Are their structures still the same?

Mirror Image
Understand Chiral Center
  • No, they are not the same configuration.
  • A carbon atomto which four different group are
    attached is a chiral center.

Configuration R
Configuration S
Check the Chirality
  • Select both CHIBrCl
  • Click View Display Style
  • In Atom Display Style, select Line
  • Click Tools Monitors Chirality

Draw cyclodecane, cyclohexane and cyclopentane
  • Select ring pen
  • Click an empty area and drag the mouse to draw 10
    C ring
  • Click Add Hydrogens and Clean
  • Click an empty area and drag the mouse to draw 6
    C ring
  • Click Add Hydrogens and Clean
  • Click an empty area and drag the mouse to draw 5
    C ring
  • Click Add Hydrogens and Clean

Draw cyclodecane, cyclohexane and cyclopentane
  • Do you know which cyclic aliphatic compound is
    more relaxed than others?
  • Please check ?CCC of cyclodecane, cyclohexane
    and cyclopentane?

Understand Cyclohexane
  • Consider that 6 C atoms lie in a plane
  • The bonds in the plane are called equatroial
  • The bonds above and below the plane are called
    axial bonds

Understand 1,3-diaxial interaction
  • Please draw equatorial-methylcyclohexane and
  • Are the the same compounds?
  • Which is the more crowded compound?

Draw Benzene
  • Select ring pen
  • Click an empty area and drag the mouse to draw 6
    member ring
  • Select the whole molecule and click Aromatic
    bond button
  • Click Add Hydrogens and Clean

Hole Checking
  • Please select cyclopentane, cyclohexane,
    cyclodecane and benzene.
  • Click View Display Style
  • In Atom Display Style, select CPK
  • Check if there are holes in the middle of those
  • If you want to change the background color, click
    View Option Background and select
    distinguishable color.

Draw Decalin
  • Select ring pen
  • Click an empty area and drag the mouse to draw 6
    C ring
  • Click one bond of the 6 C ring
  • Click Add Hydrogens and Clean to get decalin
  • Are H on the bridge C of decalin equatorial or
    axial H?

Draw H bond of Water
  • Select sketch pen
  • Draw two separate C atoms and change them into
  • Click Add Hydrogens and Clean
  • Select and move H atom towards O of another water
  • After clicking clean, measure distance of H
    bond for water.

WebLab Practice and Discussion 2
  • For equatorial-methylcyclohexane and
    axial-methylcyclohexane, which is the more
    crowded compound? why?
  • Among cyclic aliphatic compounds, which has a
    hole in the middle, and which is more relaxed?
    Please explain why it is more relaxed.
  • Are H on the bridge C of decalin equatorial or
    axial H?
  • What is the distance of H-bond for water?

What is protein?
  • Protein is polymer of Amino Acids.

Study a protein molecule Trypsin
  • Select the Open command on the File menu and
    select the Trypsin.msv file in the QuickStart
  • Select View/Display Style to open the Display
    Style dialog box. Move the panel off to the side
    where it does not block your view of the trypsin
  • In the Display Style dialog box, click on the
    Protein tab to go to the Protein page (which
    wasn't visible in our previous exercises with
    luciferin). Under Display Style, try various
    combinations of Display Style and Coloring

Protein-specific displays
  • Select Atom. Turn Off the Atom Display Style and
    click OK
  • Select Protein. On the Display Style, select Flat
    Ribbon and
  • Color By Residue click Apply.
  • Color by Hydrophobicity and click Apply.
  • Color by Secondary Type and click Apply.
  • On the Display Style, select Schematic and
  • Color By Secondary Type click Apply.
  • On the Display Style, select Ca Stick and
  • Color By Residue Type click OK.

Structure of Protein (1)
  • Primary Structure Amino acid sequence
  • Secondary Structure Arrangement of chain about
    an axis
  • Alpha Helix
  • Beta Sheet
  • Tertiary Structure Spatial relationship of
    amino acid units that are relative far apart in
    the protein chain

Structure of Protein (2)
S-S intramolecular linkage
  • In the Display Style dialog box, apply the Line
    Display Style to the Atoms and then Color by
    Element. Click OK. From the Edit menu, open the
    Select dialog box by clicking Select.... Toggle
    on the Element parameter and type S in its text
    box. Click Select.
  • Open the Display Style dialog box and go to the
    Atom page. Select stick in the Atom Display Style
    and click OK

Investigating H-bonding
  • Select the Tools / Monitors / Hbond command. Then
    click in an empty part of the document to
    unselect the hydrogen bond monitor.
  • Open the Display Style dialog box. Go to the
    Protein page and turn on Solid Ribbon Display
    Style. Don't change the coloring. Click Apply.

Four Ways to Link Protein
Projecting properties onto surfaces
  • Select the Tools / Surfaces / Add command.
  • Open the Display Style dialog box and click on
    the Surface tab. Turn on the Transparent option
    and click Apply.
  • When you are done experimenting with the
    surfaces, close the trypsin document. Use Save
    as... and rename your file if you want to save
    your view, or select File / Close and reply No to
    the prompt if you do not want to save your

What does surface mean?
What is DNA ?
  • DNA is polymer of nucleotide.

Customized display features for DNA Yeast DNA
and protein
  • Use File / Open or one of the other open methods
    to load the Complex.msv file.
  • Open the Display Style dialog box and click on
    the DNA/RNA tab. Set the Display Style to Ladder
    and the coloring to Color by Residue. Click
  • Click the Protein tab and set the Display Style
    to Tube. Set the coloring to Secondary Type.
  • Go to the Atom page and turn Off the Atom Display
    Style. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Hierarchy window (1)
  • Go to the Window menu and select New Hierarchy
    Window. After the window opens, select Window /
    Tile Vertical. (If you have additional Weblab
    Viewer documents open, close them or minimize any
    that we are not using and then resize the 3D and
    Hierarchy windows for this lesson to fit side by

Hierarchy window (2)
  • Be sure the 3D window is active, then use the
    Display Style dialog box to set the Atom Display
    Style to Ball and Stick Color by Residue.
  • In the Hierarchy window, click with the Selection
    tool on the box for C3'1 to expand the
    hierarchy to show the atoms within this amino
    acid chain. Click on the small structure icon
    next to C3'1 to select it and see the information
    reported in the Task bar pane Nucleic Acid
  • With C3'1 still selected, select Edit /
    Properties to get more information about this

Hierarchy window (3)
  • Click on the Visibility tool to change to
    the Visibility mode and click on the small
    structure icon next to C3'1.
  • Click on various amino acids within the C3'1
    amino acid. Then click on the O5 atom and
    ltShiftgt- click on the C6 atom. Try various
    combinations of selecting an object or a range of
  • Finally, click with the Visibility pointer in an
    empty area of the Hierarchy window.

Hierarchy window (4)
  • Click the - box for the first residue, C3'1.
    Click the small structure icon with the
    Visibility tool and then ltShiftgt-click each
    object in turn down until all the residues in
    Chain D are displayed. ltShiftgt-click on the
    chain-link icon for Chain D to add the backbone
    to the display.

Crystal properties Pyrite
  • Open the pyrite.msv file in the QuickStart
    folder. To simplify window management, close any
    documents from the earlier lessons.
  • First, use the Rotate tool to simply rotate and
    observe the model. Hold down the ltShiftgt key and
    drag the mouse around the window to rotate about
    the Z axis.

Using crystal display options (1)
  • Open the Display Style dialog box and click the
    Cell tab. The Lattice Display is already set to
    Line. Click in the color box to open the Color
    Picker and pick a lighter gray. Click OK.
  • Turn on the Label Axes option and click Apply in
    the Cell page of the Display Style dialog box.
  • On the Atom page, change the Display Style to
    Ball and Stick. Change the Stick size to 0.1.
    Rotate the model again.

Space Group
  • Open the Crystal Builder dialog box by selecting
    the Tools / Crystal Cell... command.
  • Click the Space Groups tab of the Crystal Builder
    dialog box to see the symmetry group

View More Cells
  • Click the Preferences tab.
  • On the Preferences page of the Crystal Builder
    dialog box, set the View Range for the A, B, and
    C axes each to 2. Click Apply. (You may want to
    close the Crystal Builder panel and use the Fit
    to Screen tool so you can see the entire lattice,
    then open the Crystal Builder panel again.) Then,
    on the Preferences page, set the Symmetry Style
    option to Positions and click Apply.

WebLab Practice and Discussion 3
  • How many alpha helixes and S-S linkages in
  • How many polypeptide chains and DNA chains in
    Yeast DNA complex?
  • In Yeast DNA, are the number of C-G pairs more
    than A-T pairs?
  • What is the formula of pyrite? Which atom is on
    the face-centered position? How many atoms are
    next to the face-centered atom?
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