Title: SolidificationStabilization
- Sanjay K. Mohanty
- Civil Environmental Engineering Department
- University of Hawaii at Manoa
December 29th, 2004
- Heavy metal Remediation technology
- Solidification and Stabilization
- Contaminants For Treatment
- Site Avtex Fibres Superfund Site, Virginia
- Remediation Design / Plan
- Cost Analysis
3Heavy metal Remediation Technology
- Chemical Oxidation
- Electrokinetic Separation
- Soil Washing
- Permeable treatment walls
- Phytoremediation
- Capping
- Vitrification
- Solidification/Stabilization
4Solidification Stabilization
- Definition
- Process that encapsulate a waste to form a solid
material and to restrict contaminant migration by
decreasing the surface area exposed to leaching
and/or by coating the waste with low-permeability
materials.. (EPA) - Objective
- Stabilization of material prior to land disposal
- Stabilization of contaminants to be left in place
as part of site cleanup - Strategy
- Reduce the permeability/mobility.
- Reduce level of Toxicity
- Limit the solubility (fixation)
- Application
- Land Disposal
- Site remediation
- Solidification of industrial waste
5Solidification and Stabilization Cont.
- Inorganic wastes
- Heavy Metal
- Fluorides, Iodine, Borosilicate
- Organic wastes
- Oil, Grease
- Pesticides
- Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
- Solvents
- Organics
6Solidification and Stabilization Cont.
7Solidification and Stabilization Cont.
- Mechanism
- Macro-encapsulation
- Micro-encapsulation
- Adsorption
- Detoxification
8Solidification and Stabilization Cont.
Factor affecting the solidification/stabilization
- Particle size
- Particle size distribution
- Soil Homogeneity and isotropy
- Unconfined Compressive strength
- Atterberg limits
- Permeability
- Bulk Density
- Contaminant property
- Surface area of the waste
- pH
- Redox potential
- Oil and grease
- Ion-exchange capacity
9Solidification and Stabilization Cont.
Schematic of CFS Process
10Solidification and Stabilization Cont.
Typical Auger/Caisson and Reagent/Injector Head
In situ/ Ex situ heavy- metal stabilization
11Solidification and Stabilization Cont.
- Advantages
- Permanent treatment option
- Efficient at lower depth (8 10 ft)
- Handle larger volume of wastes (in situ)
- Cost effective by avoiding mobilization of soil
(in situ) - Avoid possible air contamination while
transportation (in situ)
- Limitation
- Depth of contaminants
- Incompatibility of wastes with variations of this
process - Weathering of the materials used for fixation
(reliability) - Uniformity
- Increase in volume during solidification
- Solidified material may hinder future site use
- Processing of contamination below the water table
may require dewatering - Cost associated with mixing and installing
horizontal subsurface barrier
12Project Site
- Avtex Fibres Superfund Site, Front Royal,
Virginia - Site History
- Rayon and other synthetic production (1940
1989) - Wastes and by-products were disposed in site
- PCB contamination found in Shenandoah River
(1989) - Shutdown of the plant in 1989.
- Added to NPL site in June 10, 1986.
- Contaminant of concern
- Groundwater
- Carbon bisulfide
- Ammonia
- Arsenic
- Antimony
- Phenol
- High pH
13Site picture
15(No Transcript)
17Remediation Design / Plan
- Mixture design and Development
- Portland cement mix technology
- Evaluate different factor associated with this
technique - Evaluate the Site risk
- Cost Analysis
- Remedial Alternative
18Cost Analysis
- Material
- Mixing
- Landfill disposal and maintenance
- Protect public health
- Conner, J. R. 1990. Chemical Fixation and
Solidification of Hazardous Wastes. Van Nostrand
Reinhold. New York - LaGrega, M. D., Buckingham, P. L.,Evans J. C.
1994. Hazardous Waste Management. McGraw-Hill
Series in water resources and Environmental
Engineering. - http//www.epa.gov/reg3hwmd/super/sites/VAD0703586
84/index.htm - Yong, R. N. 2000. Geoenvironmental Engineering
Contaminated Soils, Pollutant Fate and
Mitigation, 307 pp. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. - http//clu-in.org/asr/
Special Thanks to William
22Thank You