EART160 Planetary Sciences - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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EART160 Planetary Sciences


Gas loss (due to impacts, rock reactions or Jeans escape) ... A consequence of Jeans escape is isotopic fractionation heavier isotopes will ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: EART160 Planetary Sciences

EART160 Planetary Sciences
Francis Nimmo
Last Week
  • Planetary mass and radius give us bulk density
  • Bulk density depends on both composition and size
  • Larger planets have greater bulk densities
    because materials get denser at high pressures
  • The increase in density of a material is
    controlled by its bulk modulus
  • Planets start out hot (due to accretion) and cool
  • Cooling is accomplished (usually) by either
    conduction or convection
  • Vigour of convection is controlled by the
    Rayleigh number, and increases as viscosity
  • Viscosity is temperature-dependent, so planetary
    temperatures tend to be self-regulating

Talk tomorrow
  • 4pm in NS101
  • Matija Cuk, The lunar cataclysm

This Week - Atmospheres
  • What determines the surface temperature of a
  • What determines the temperature and pressure
    structure of planetary atmospheres?
  • What are the atmospheres made of, and where do
    they come from?
  • What determines the wind strengths?
  • How do planetary atmospheres evolve?

Surface Temperature (1)
  • What determines a planets surface temperature?

Reflected energy
Incident energy
Energy re-radiated from warm surface
Absorbed energy warms surface
A is albedo, FE is solar flux at Earths surface,
rE is distance of Earth to Sun, r is distance of
planet to Sun, e is emissivity, s is Stefans
constant (5.67x10-8 Wm-2K-4)
  • Balancing energy in and energy out gives

Surface Temperature (2)
  • Solar constant FE1300 Wm-2
  • Earth (Bond) albedo A0.29, e0.9
  • Equilibrium temperature 263 K
  • How reasonable is this value?

s is Stefans constant 5.67x10-8 in SI units
  • How to explain the discrepancies?
  • Has the Suns energy stayed constant with time?

Greenhouse effect
  • Atmosphere is more or less transparent to
    radiation (photons) depending on wavelength
  • Opacity is low at visible wavelengths, high at
    infra-red wavelengths due to absorbers like water
    vapour, CO2
  • Incoming light (visible) passes through
    atmosphere with little absorption
  • Outgoing light is infra-red (surface temperature
    is lower) and is absorbed by atmosphere
  • So atmosphere heats up
  • Venus suffered from a runaway greenhouse effect
    surface temperature got so high that carbonates
    in the crust dissociated to CO2 . . .

Albedo effects
  • Fraction of energy reflected (not absorbed) by
    surface is given by the albedo A (0ltAlt1)
  • Coal dust has a low albedo, ice a high one
  • The albedo can have an important effect on
    surface temperature
  • E.g. ice caps grow, albedo increases, more heat
    is reflected, surface temperature drops, ice caps
    grow further . . . runaway effect!
  • This mechanism is thought to have led to the
    Proterozoic Snowball Earth
  • How did the Snowball disappear?
  • How did life survive?
  • How might clouds affect planetary albedo?

Atmospheric Structure (1)
  • Atmosphere is hydrostatic
  • Gas law gives us
  • Combining these two (and neglecting latent heat)

Here R is the gas constant, m is the mass of one
mole, and RT/gm is the scale height of the
(isothermal) atmosphere (10 km) which tells you
how rapidly pressure increases with depth
  • Result is that pressure decreases exponentially
    as a function of height (if the temperature stays

Scale Heights
  • The scale height tells you how far upwards the
    atmosphere extends
  • Scale height H RT/gm. Does this make physical
  • Total column mass (per unit area) r0HP0/g
    (wheres this from?)
  • It turns out that most planets have similar scale

Temperature measured at 1bar pressure
Atmospheric Structure (2)
  • Of course, temperature actually does vary with
  • If a packet of gas rises rapidly (adiabatic),
    then it will expand and, as a result, cool
  • Work done in expanding work done in cooling

Cp is the specific heat capacity of the gas at
constant pressure
m is the mass of one mole, r is the density of
the gas
  • Combining these two equations with hydrostatic
    equilibrium, we get the dry adiabatic lapse rate
  • On Earth, the lapse rate is about 10 K/km
  • What happens if the air is wet?

Atmospheric Structure (3)
  • Lower atmosphere (opaque) is dominantly heated
    from below and will be conductive or convective
  • Upper atmosphere intercepts solar radiation and
    re-radiates it
  • There will be a temperature minimum where
    radiative cooling is most efficient (the

Temperature (schematic)
Lapse rate appx. 1.6 K/km why?
Measured Martian temperature profiles
Giant planet atmospheric structure
  • Note position and order of cloud decks

Atmospheric dynamics
  • Coriolis effect objects moving on a rotating
    planet get deflected (e.g. cyclones)
  • Why? Angular momentum as an object moves
    further away from the pole, r increases, so to
    conserve angular momentum w decreases (it moves
    backwards relative to the rotation rate)
  • Coriolis acceleration 2 w v sin(q)
  • How important is the Coriolis effect?

Deflection to right in N hemisphere
q is latitude
is a measure of its importance (Rossby number)
e.g. Jupiter v100 m/s, L10,000km we get 30 so
Hadley Cells
  • Coriolis effect is complicated by fact that
    parcels of atmosphere rise and fall due to
    buoyancy (equator is hotter than the poles)

High altitude winds
Surface winds
  • The result is that the atmosphere is broken up
    into several Hadley cells (see diagram)
  • How many cells depends on the Rossby number (i.e.
    rotation rate)

Slow rotator e.g. Venus
Fast rotator e.g. Jupiter
Medium rotator e.g. Earth
Ro0.02 (assumes v100 m/s)
Zonal Winds
  • The reason Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
    have bands is because of rapid rotations (periods
    10 hrs)
  • The winds in each band can be measured by
    following individual objects (e.g. clouds)
  • Winds alternate between prograde (eastwards) and
    retrograde (westwards)

Geostrophic balance
  • In some situations, the only significant forces
    acting are due to the Coriolis effect and due to
    pressure gradients
  • The acceleration due to pressure gradients is
  • The Coriolis acceleration is 2 w v sinq (Which
  • In steady-state these balance, giving

Does this make sense?
  • The result is that winds flow along isobars and
    will form cyclones or anti-cyclones
  • What are wind speeds on Earth?

Where do planetary atmospheres come from?
  • Three primary sources
  • Primordial (solar nebula)
  • Outgassing (trapped gases)
  • Later delivery (mostly comets)
  • How can we distinguish these?
  • Solar nebula composition well known
  • Noble gases are useful because they dont react
  • Isotopic ratios are useful because they may
    indicate gas loss or source regions (e.g. D/H)
  • 40Ar (40K decay product) is a tracer of

Atmospheric Compositions
  • Isotopes are useful for inferring outgassing and
    atmos. loss

Not primordial!
  • Terrestrial planet atmospheres are not primordial
    (How do we know?)
  • Why not?
  • Gas loss (due to impacts, rock reactions or Jeans
  • Chemical processing (e.g. photolysis, rock
  • Later additions (e.g. comets, asteroids)
  • Giant planet atmospheres are close to primordial

Values are by number of molecules
Why is the H/He ratio not constant?
Atmospheric Loss
  • Atmospheres can lose atoms from stratosphere,
    especially low-mass ones, because they exceed the
    escape velocity (Jeans escape)
  • Escape velocity ve (2 g R)1/2 (wheres this
  • Mean molecular velocity vm (2kT/m)1/2
  • Boltzmann distribution negligible numbers of
    atoms with velocities gt 3 x vm
  • Molecular hydrogen, 900 K, 3 x vm 11.8 km/s
  • Jupiter ve60 km/s, Earth ve11 km/s
  • H cannot escape gas giants like Jupiter, but is
    easily lost from lower-mass bodies like Earth or
  • A consequence of Jeans escape is isotopic
    fractionation heavier isotopes will be
    preferentially enriched

Atmospheric Evolution
  • Earth atmosphere originally CO2-rich, oxygen-free
  • How do we know?
  • CO2 was progressively transferred into rocks by
    the Urey reaction (takes place in presence of
  • Rise of oxygen began 2 Gyr ago (photosynthesis
  • Venus never underwent similar evolution because
    no free water present (greenhouse effect, too
  • Venus and Earth have same total CO2 abundance
  • Urey reaction may have occurred on Mars (water
    present early on), but very little carbonate

  • Surface temperature depends on solar distance,
    albedo, atmosphere (greenhouse effect)
  • Scale height and lapse rate are controlled by
    bulk properties of atmosphere (and gravity)
  • Terrestrial planetary atmospheres are not
    primordial affected by loss and outgassing
  • Coriolis effect organizes circulation into
    cells and is responsible for bands seen on
    giant planets
  • Isotopic fractionation is a good signal of
    atmospheric loss due to Jeans escape
  • Significant volatile quantities may be present in
    the interiors of terrestrial planets

Key Concepts
  • Albedo and opacity
  • Greenhouse effect
  • Snowball Earth
  • Scale height
  • Lapse rate
  • Tropopause
  • Coriolis effect
  • Hadley cell
  • Geostrophic balance
  • Jeans escape
  • Urey reaction
  • Outgassing

H RT/gm
2 w v sin(q)
(No Transcript)
Thermal tides
  • These are winds which can blow from the hot
    (sunlit) to the cold (shadowed) side of a planet

Solar energy added
trotation period, Rplanet radius, rdistance
Atmospheric heat capacity
Wheres this from?
Extrasolar planet (hot Jupiter)
So the temp. change relative to background
Small for Venus (0.4), large for Mars (38)
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