Title: DEIMOS Keck
1(No Transcript)
2DEIMOS _at_ Keck
3 Detailed dynamical studies
Mass distribution underlying stellar systems
- dark halos
- massive black holes
- structure formation
ß 1 (s?/sr)2
4dE's in the Local Group
NGC 147
13' x 9'
5dE's in the Local Group
- Simplifying assumptions
- axisymmetry, edge on
- 2-integral DF f(E,Lz)
- constant M/L
Jeans modeling of NGC 147
6dE's in the Local Group
- Simplifying assumptions
- axisymmetry, edge on
- 2-integral DF f(E,Lz)
- constant M/L
Jeans modeling of NGC 147
good fit !!! M/L 8
old to intermediateage stellar population with
no dark matter
7Modeling the kinematics of stellar systems
x,y spatial (light) distribution
v line-of-sight velocity
??? ???? tangential velocities (GCs)
phase-space distribution function
f (r,v,t) d r d v
spherical system E, L
Integrals of motion
axisymmetric system E, L , I
simple modeling Jeans, f(E,L ), .
geometry (spherical, axisymmetric, ...)
simplifying assumptions
isotropic velocity dispersions
8Schwarzschild (orbit superposition) models
trial gravitational potential F
orbit library sampling (E,Lz,I3) integral space
find weighted superposition of (E,Lz,I3) orbits
that best fits light distribution and kinematics
store orbital properties density and kinematics
as a function of (x,y) on sky
9Storing orbital properties
Orbit Library
Cretton et al. (1999)
Rix et al. (1997)
10Schwarzschild (orbit superposition) models
trial gravitational potential F
orbit library sampling (E,Lz,I3) integral space
find weighted superposition of (E,Lz,I3) orbits
that best fits light distribution and kinematics
store orbital properties density and kinematics
as a function of (x,y) on sky
? supermassive black holes dark halos of
galaxies globular cluster dynamics .. ? Rix et
al. (1997) Gebhardt et al. (2000) Valluri et
al. (2004) - . ? all set up to handle LOSVDs
obtained from continuous datasets
11Continuous vs Discrete Data
Integrated light of unresolved population ?
long slits ? integral field units
12Continuous vs Discrete Data
Integrated light of unresolved population ?
long slits ? integral field units
13Continuous vs Discrete Data
? Cen (van de Ven et al. 2006)
14Continuous vs Discrete Data
? Cen (van de Ven et al. 2006)
NGC 205 (Geha et al. 2006)
- globular clusters and PNe around giant Es
- galaxy redshifts in clusters of galaxies
- stars near centre of Galactic GCs
- ..
Need tools able to exploit these data
153-integral Schwarzschild code for discrete
Tests using pseudo-data (axisymmetric) E3 galaxy
- many different input datasets
- Study the recovery of
- distribution function
- mass-to-light ratio
- inclination
(Chanamé, van der Marel, Kleyna, in prep.)
163-integral Schwarzschild code for discrete
Recovering the input distribution
function (i.e., orbital structure!!)
(Chanamé, van der Marel, Kleyna, in prep.)
173-integral Schwarzschild code for discrete
Recovering the input distribution
function (i.e., orbital structure!!)
non rotating case
rotating case
Schwarzschild fit
Input model
(Chanamé, van der Marel, Kleyna, in prep.)
18Recovering the input distribution
function (i.e., orbital structure!!)
193-integral Schwarzschild code for discrete
proper-motions provide additional information
than only-LOS velocities
Recovering the input M/L
(Chanamé, van der Marel, Kleyna, in prep.)
203-integral Schwarzschild code for discrete
proper-motions provide additional information
than only-LOS velocities
Recovering the input M/L
(Chanamé, van der Marel, Kleyna, in prep.)
213-integral Schwarzschild code for discrete
proper-motions provide additional information
than only-LOS velocities
Recovering the input M/L
(Chanamé, van der Marel, Kleyna, in prep.)
223-integral Schwarzschild code for discrete
Recovering the inclination
(Chanamé, van der Marel, Kleyna, in prep.)
23dE's in the Local Group
NGC 147
13' x 9'
- Coming soon IMBHs in globular clusters
dSphs dark halos of giant Es .