Title: Learning Agents Center
1Disciple Reasoning and Learning Agents
Gheorghe Tecuci with Mihai Boicu, Dorin Marcu,
Bogdan Stanescu, Cristina Boicu, Marcel Barbulescu
Learning Agents Center George Mason University
Symposium on Reasoning and Learning in Cognitive
Systems Stanford, CA, 20-21 May 2004
Research Problem, Approach, and Application
Problem Solving Method Task Reduction
Learnable Knowledge Representation Plausible
Version Spaces
Multistrategy Learning during Problem Solving
Agent Development Experiments
Future Directions Life-long Continuous Learning
Teaching and Learning Demo
3Research Problem and Approach
Research Problem Elaborate a theory, methodology
and family of tools for the development of
knowledge-base agents by subject matter experts,
with limited assistance from knowledge engineers.
Approach Develop a learning agent that can be
taught directly by a subject matter expert while
solving problems in cooperation.
The expert teaches the agent to perform various
tasks in a way that resembles how the expert
would teach a person.
The agent learns from the expert, building,
verifying and improving its knowledge base
1. Mixed-initiative problem solving 2.
Teaching and learning 3. Multistrategy
Problem Solving
Ontology Rules
4Sample Domain Center of Gravity Analysis
The center of gravity of an entity (state,
alliance, coalition, or group) is the foundation
of capability, the hub of all power and movement,
upon which everything depends, the point against
which all the energies should be directed. Carl
Von Clausewitz, On War, 1832.
The center of gravity of an entity is its primary
source of moral or physical strength, power or
resistance. Joe Strange, Centers of Gravity
Critical Vulnerabilities, 1996.
If a combatant eliminates or influences the
enemys strategic center of gravity, then the
enemy will lose control of its power and
resources and will eventually fall to defeat. If
the combatant fails to adequately protect his own
strategic center of gravity, he invites disaster.
Giles and Galvin, USAWC 1996.
5First computational approach to COG analysis
- Approach to center of gravity analysis based on
the concepts ofcritical capabilities, critical
requirements and critical vulnerabilities, which
have been recently adopted into the joint
military doctrine. - Application to current war scenarios (e.g. War on
terror 2003, Iraq 2003) with state and non-state
actors (e.g. Al Qaeda).
Identify COG candidates
Test COG candidates
Identify potential primary sources of moral or
physical strength, power and resistance from
Test each identified COG candidate to determine
whether it has all the necessary critical
Which are the critical capabilities? Are the
critical requirements of these capabilities
satisfied? If not, eliminate the candidate. If
yes, do these capabilities have any vulnerability?
Government Military People Economy Alliances Etc.
Research Problem, Approach, and Application
Problem Solving Method Task Reduction
Learnable Knowledge Representation Plausible
Version Spaces
Multistrategy Learning during Problem Solving
Agent Development Experiments
Future Directions Life-long Continuous Learning
Teaching and Learning Demo
7Problem Solving Task Reduction
- A complex problem solving task is performed by
- successively reducing it to simpler tasks
- finding the solutionsof the simplest tasks
- successively composing these solutions until the
solution to the initial task is obtained.
Let T1 be the problem solving task to be
performed. Finding a solution is an iterative
process where, at each step, we consider some
relevant information that leads us to reduce the
current task to a simpler task or to several
simpler tasks. The question Q associated with
the current task identifies the type of
information to be considered. The answer A
identifies that piece of information and leads us
to the reduction of the current task.
8COG Analysis World War II at the time of Sicily
We need to
Identify and test a strategic COG candidate for
Which is an opposing_force in the Sicily_1943
Therefore we need to
Identify and test a strategic COG candidate for
Is Allied_Forces_1943 a single_member_force or a
Allied_Forces_1943 is a multi_member_force
Therefore we need to
Identify and test a strategic COG candidate for
Allied_Forces_1943 which is a multi_member_force
What type of strategic COG candidate should I
consider for this multi_member_force?
I consider a candidate corresponding to a member
of the multi_member_force
Therefore we need to
Identify and test a strategic COG candidate
corresponding to a member of the
Which is a member of Allied_Forces_1943?
Therefore we need to
Identify and test a strategic COG candidate for
Research Problem, Approach, and Application
Problem Solving Method Task Reduction
Learnable Knowledge Representation Plausible
Version Spaces
Multistrategy Learning during Problem Solving
Agent Development Experiments
Future Directions Life-long Continuous Learning
Teaching and Learning Demo
10Knowledge Base Object Ontology Rules
Object Ontology
A hierarchical representation of the objects and
types of objects.
A hierarchical representation of the types of
11Knowledge Base Object Ontology Rules
We need to
Identify and test a strategic COG candidate
corresponding to a member of the
Which is a member of Allied_Forces_1943?
Therefore we need to
Identify and test a strategic COG candidate for
IF Identify and test a strategic COG candidate
corresponding to a member of a force The force
is ?O1
IF Identify and test a strategic COG candidate
corresponding to a member of the ?O1
Plausible Upper Bound Condition
?O1 is multi_member_force has_as_member ?O2
?O2 is force
Question Which is a member of ?O1 ? Answer
Plausible Lower Bound Condition
?O1 is equal_partners_multi_state_alliance has_as
_member ?O2 ?O2 is single_state_force
THEN Identify and test a strategic COG candidate
for ?O2
THEN Identify and test a strategic COG candidate
for a force The force is ?O2
12Learnable knowledge representation
Use of the object ontology as an incomplete and
evolving generalization hierarchy.
Plausible version space (PVS)
Use of plausible version spaces to represent and
use partially learned knowledge
Universe of Instances
Plausible Upper Bound
Plausible Lower Bound
- Rules with PVS conditions
- Tasks with PVS conditions
- Object features with PVS concept
- Task features with PVS concept
Feature Domain PVS concept Range PVS concept
Research Problem, Approach, and Application
Problem Solving Method Task Reduction
Learnable Knowledge Representation Plausible
Version Spaces
Multistrategy Learning during Problem Solving
Agent Development Experiments
Future Directions Life-long Continuous Learning
Teaching and Learning Demo
14Integrated modeling, learning and problem solving
Input Task
Mixed-Initiative Problem Solving
Ontology Rules
Generated Reduction
Reject Reduction
Accept Reduction
Rule Specialization
Specified Reduction
Rule Generalization
Rule Learning
15Disciple uses the learned rules in problem
solving, and refines them based on experts
We need to
Identify and test a strategic COG candidate
corresponding to a member of the
Provides an example
Problem Solving
16Rule learning method
Analogy and Hint Guided Explanation
Analogy-based Generalization
Plausible version space rule
plausible explanations
guidance, hints
Example of a task reduction step
Incomplete explanation
Knowledge Base
17Find an explanation of why the example is correct
We need to
Identify and test a strategic COG candidate
corresponding to a member of the
Which is a member of Allied_Forces_1943?
Therefore we need to
Identify and test a strategic COG candidate for
The explanation is the best possible
approximation of the question and the answer, in
the object ontology.
18 We need to
Generate the PVS rule
Identify and test a strategic COG candidate
corresponding to a member of a force The force
is Allied_Forces_1943
Therefore we need to
Identify and test a strategic COG candidate for a
force The force is US_1943
IF Identify and test a strategic COG candidate
corresponding to a member of a force The force
is ?O1
Rewrite as
explanation ?O1 has_as_member ?O2
Most general generalization
Plausible Upper Bound Condition
?O1 is multi_member_force has_as_member ?O2
?O2 is force
Condition ?O1 is Allied_Forces_1943
has_as_member ?O2 ?O2 is US_1943
Plausible Lower Bound Condition
?O1 is equal_partners_multi_state_alliance has_as
_member ?O2 ?O2 is single_state_force
Most specific generalization
THEN Identify and test a strategic COG candidate
for a force The force is ?O2
has_as_member domain multi_member_force
range force
19Rule refinement method
Learning by Analogy And Experimentation
Knowledge Base
IF lttaskgt
PVS Conditionltcondition 1gt PVS Except When
Conditionltcondition 2gt PVS Except When
Conditionltcondition ngt
PVS Rule
Failure explanation
Example of task reductions generated by the agent
THEN ltsubtask 1gt ltsubtask mgt
Incorrect example
Correct example
Learning from Explanations
Learning from Examples
Research Problem, Approach, and Application
Problem Solving Method Task Reduction
Learnable Knowledge Representation Plausible
Version Spaces
Multistrategy Learning during Problem Solving
Agent Development Experiments
Teaching and Learning Demo
21Agent Development Methodology
22Use of Disciple at the US Army War College
319jw Case Studies in Center of Gravity Analysis
Disciple helps the students to perform a center
of gravity analysis of an assigned war scenario.
Disciple was taught based on the expertise of
Prof. Comello in center of gravity analysis.
Global evaluations of Disciple by officers from
the Spring 03 course
Disciple helped me to learn to perform a
strategic COG analysis of a scenario
The use of Disciple is an assignment that is well
suited to the course's learning objectives
Disciple should be used in future versions of
this course
23Use of Disciple at the US Army War College
589jw Military Applications of Artificial
Intelligence course
Students teach Disciple their COG analysis
expertise, using sample scenarios (Iraq 2003, War
on terror 2003, Arab-Israeli 1973)
Students test the trained Disciple agent based on
a new scenario (North Korea 2003)
Global evaluations of Disciple by officers during
three experiments
I think that a subject matter expert can use
Disciple to build an agent, with limited
assistance from a knowledge engineer
Spring 2001 COG identification
Spring 2002 COG identification and testing
Spring 2003 COG testing based on critical
24Parallel development and merging of KBs
432 concepts and features, 29 tasks, 18 rules For
COG identification for leaders
Initial KB
Domain analysis and ontology development (KESME)
Knowledge Engineer (KE)
All subject matter experts (SME)
Training scenarios Iraq 2003 Arab-Israeli
1973 War on Terror 2003
Parallel KB development (SME assisted by KE)
37 acquired concepts and features for COG testing
Extended KB
stay informed be irreplaceable
be influential
have support
be protected be driving force
Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4
Team 5
5 features 10 tasks 10 rules
14 tasks 14 rules
2 features 19 tasks 19 rules
35 tasks 33 rules
3 features 24 tasks 23 rules
KB merging (KE)
Learned features, tasks, rules
Integrated KB
Unified 2 features Deleted 4 rules
Refined 12 rules Final KB 9 features ? 478
concepts and features 105 tasks ?134 tasks 95
rules ?113 rules
5h 28min average training time / team 3.53
average rule learning rate / team
COG identification and testing (leaders)
Testing scenario North Korea 2003
Correctness 98.15
25Other Disciple agents
Disciple-WA (1997-1998) Estimates the best plan
of working around damage to a transportation
infrastructure, such as a damaged bridge or road.
Demonstrated that a knowledge engineer can use
Disciple to rapidly build and update a knowledge
base capturing knowledge from military
engineering manuals and a set of sample solutions
provided by a subject matter expert.
Disciple-COA (1998-1999) Identifies strengths
and weaknesses in a Course of Action, based on
the principles of war and the tenets of Army
Demonstrated the generality of its learning
methods that used an object ontology created by
another group (TFS/Cycorp).
Demonstrated that a knowledge engineer and a
subject matter expert can jointly teach Disciple.
Research Problem, Approach, and Application
Problem Solving Method Task Reduction
Learnable Knowledge Representation Plausible
Version Spaces
Multistrategy Learning during Problem Solving
Agent Development Experiments
Future Directions Life-long Continuous Learning
Teaching and Learning Demo
27Life-Long Continuous Agent Learning
1. Multistrategy teaching and learning
Implicit reasoning of human expert
Explicit reasoning in natural language
Ontology extensions
Ontology Elicitation
Rule Ontology Learning
- Plausible version spaces
- Learning from instruction
- Learning from examples
- Learning from explanations
- Learning by analogy
- Analogy based methods
- Explanation based methods
- Natural Language based methods
- Abstraction based methods
Learned rules, ontology
Learning Agent
2. Mixed-initiative problem solving and learning
Rule Ontology Refining
KB Maintenance
4. KB maintenance and optimization
Refined rules, ontology
- Automatic inductive learning
- Case-based learning
- Abductive learning
- Ontology discovery
- KB optimization
- KB maintenance
- Mixed-initiative learning
- Routine, innovative,
- inventive, and creative reasoning
Rules w/o exceptions
Non-disruptive Learning
User Model Learning
Exception Handling
User model
Cases, rules
3. Autonomous (and interactive) multistrategy
Research Problem, Approach, and Application
Problem Solving Method Task Reduction
Learnable Knowledge Representation Plausible
Version Spaces
Multistrategy Learning during Problem Solving
Agent Development Experiments
Future Directions Life-long Continuous Learning
Teaching and Learning Demo
This research was sponsored by the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency, Air Force
Research Laboratory, Air Force Material Command,
USAF under agreement number F30602-00-2-0546, by
the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under
grant number F49620-00-1-0072 and by the US Army
War College.