Title: Citation Network Analysis
1Citation Network Analysis
- A software tool for structured literature
reviews - Jesse D. Lecy
- PhD Student
- Maxwell School
2Motivation The Structure of Scientific
Science does not occur through a steady
accumulation of knowledge, but rather "a series
of peaceful interludes punctuated by
intellectually violent revolutions, during which
"one conceptual world view is replaced by
This book is a study of paradigm shifts in
Thomas Kuhn
3The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
"Though each may hope to convert the other to his
way of seeing science and its problems, neither
may hope to prove his case. The competition
between paradigms is not the sort of battle that
can be resolved by proof." (SSR, p. 148)
"a new scientific truth does not triumph by
convincing its opponents and making them see the
light, but rather because its opponents
eventually die, and a new generation grows up
that is familiar with it." (SSR, p. 152)
4The Sociology of Peer Review
- A unique language and culture develops in field.
It is difficult for researchers to collaborate
outside of their fields, and there are often few
incentives to do so. - It is rewarding to work within a research
paradigm you can find camaraderie and work with
people who value the problems that you value. - The peer review process can be politicized
preferential treatment of authors, institutions,
methods, or research findings. - As a result, researchers will organize themselves
by field. - Can these dynamics be ignored when doing a
literature review?
5The Classic Literature Review
- A literature review discusses published
information in a particular subject area,
sometimes within a certain time period. - Usually accomplished through
- Keyword searches
- In academic journal databases
- And selective reading of papers
6The Alternative Citation Networks
Advocacy Networks
Global Environmentalism
Global Civil Society
Diasporas AsSocial Movements
Faith Based NGOs
7Structure Everywhere Not All Publications are
Quoted from the Web of Science In the
mid-1930's S. C. Bradford realized thatan
essential core of journals forms the literature
basis for all disciplines, and that most of the
important papers are published in relatively few
journals (Bradfords law). An analysis of 7,528
journals covered in the 2005 Journal Citation
Reports revealed that as few as 300 journals
account for more than 50 of what is cited and
more than 25 of what is published. A core of
3,000 of these journals accounts for about 75 of
published articles and over 90 of cited
articles. Furthermore, this core is not static.
Its basic composition changes constantly
reflecting the evolution of scholarly topics.
How Can we identify this structure during a
literature review?
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9Recent Publication Using CNs
This is a background supplement of a paper that
presents the results of a bibliometric analysis
of the knowledge domains resilience,
vulnerability and adaptation within the research
activities on human dimensions of global
environmental change. We analyzed how 2,286
publications over the last 30 years are related
in terms of co-authorship relations and citation
relations. - Scholarly Networks on
Resilience, Vulnerability and Adaptation, Global
Environmental Change, 2006.
10The Dawn of Bibliometric Analysis
Eugene Garfield
Larry Page and Sergey Brin
11Software for Generating Citation Networks
Citation Network Analyzer
Photo credit Konstantinos Kokkinis
12What HistCite Does
Size of the node represents the number of times
the article is cited The number is the reference
to the paper
13Problems with HistCite
- HistCite is linked to the Web of Science, which
is a subscription only database with limitations
on their journal subscriptions - HistCite costs 200
Google Scholar, The New Generation of Citation
Indexes, Noruzi, 2005
Citation Network Analyzer
15How CNA WorksStep 1 Finding Seed Articles
Seminal papers to a field identified by keyword
searches or consultation with domain experts
16Distilling the Network
17Identifying Subfields of a Lit Review on NGOS
Advocacy Networks
Global Environmentalism
Global Civil Society
Diasporas AsSocial Movements
Faith Based NGOs
18Invisible Colleges Author Networks
19Invisible Colleges Cliques
20Invisible Colleges Ego-nets
21Other Analysis
Most Common Journals in the Network
22Demonstration of the Software
23Sampling Framework
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28Sampling Framework
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30Sampling Framework
31All articles on first level
32High percentage samples on second level (50)
33Slightly less on third level (20)
34Small amount samples on subsequent levels (5-10)
35Sampling Framework
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39Generating a Network
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44Example Analysis
45Challenges Large Networks
Hierarchical Clustering
46Representing Structure Efficiently Using
47Clustering Complex Networks
48Example Analysis of Sub-Fields
49Dendrogram from Clustering in R
50Subfield on Transnational Migration
51Subfield on Gender
52Subfield on Social Movements
Social Movements
53Example Analysis of Converging Literatures NGOs
- NGO Research Occurs in
- Diverse Fields
- Econ Development
- Constructivism
- International Non-Profits
54Seed 1 Constructivism
55Seeds 1 2 Constructivism plus Intermediary
56Seeds 1 3Constructivism plus International
57Seeds 1, 2 3
58To obtain the program
CNA.zip Or contact Jesse Lecyat