Title: Martin County High School
1Martin County High School
A Tradition of Excellence
2Martin County High School
A Tradition of Excellence Joan G. Hunt, Principal
3A Tradition of Excellence
- Academics
- Arts
- Athletics
- Activities
4Academic Tradition of Excellence
- Advanced Placement Program
- Long History - over 25 years in program
- Over 20 different courses
- Pre-AP courses prepare you for future success
- Can begin AP as Freshmen
- Flexibility allows for concentration in an area
or broad study in seven departments - Students consistently experience success on exams
5How Does AP Work?
- Students take college level courses taught by
highly qualified, experienced teachers - Students take an exam in each AP course in May
- Exams are scored on a 1 to 5 scale
- Colleges grant credit or advanced standing based
on the score and their own policies
6Why Do Parents Like AP ?
- Students who take as few as two AP classes finish
college in four years at twice the rate of those
who do not take AP courses (1999 federal study) - Having credit when you enter college means you
may spend fewer years in college - Last years scores will save over a half million
dollars of private university tuition, and nearly
a quarter million at a public university plus
room and board
7Advanced Placement Scores 2007
- All students enrolled must take AP exams.
- Test Score 5 4 3 2 1
Total Passing - Studio Art 0 3 6 2 1
12 75 - U.S. History 0 7 11 9 9 36 50
- Biology 1 4 4 1 0 10 90
- English Lang. 1 4 18 12 1 36 64
- English Lit. 0 7 22 12 6 47 62
- Calculus AB 0 0 3 6 3 12 25
- Calculus BC 11 12 9 1 2 41 93
- Physics B 8 2 0 0 0 10 100
- Spanish Lang. 1 4 4 4 6 15 33
- Euro. Hist. 0 4 4 1 4 13 62
- Econ. Micro. 1 1 4 1 1 8 75
- Psychology 9 25 30 20 5 89 72
- Environ. Sci. 0 1 2 3 2 8 38
- Statistics 5 11 21 10 6 52 71
- Govt.Pol. US 1 4 11 6 5 26 62
- World History 1 9 17 20 6
53 51
8How Do Colleges Treat AP?
- Consult their websites for specifics, but AP
courses are accepted for college credit at all
state universities and at selective admissions
universities - Colleges want students to take the most
challenging curriculum available at their school
MCHS has 23 different AP courses available,
depending on demand. - You may receive credit or advanced standing (get
to skip introductory courses)
9AP Scores and College Credit Offered
10Overview of Program
- Begins with Pre-AP Courses that teach the skills
and thinking patterns needed for AP - Pre-AP courses exist in English, Math, and
Science for Freshman and Sophomore years - Pre-AP courses are designed specifically to feed
AP courses at MCHS - Admission to program based on test scores or
desire to excel
11When Can I Begin AP Classes?
- When you are ready (skills and time needed to do
the work) - Can take some courses as Freshmen
- AP Human Geography ideal for motivated freshmen
- AP Psychology in some cases
- AP World History and AP Psychology are common
Sophomore courses
12How Many Courses Can I Take?
- Use AP as a part of a balanced life!
- One or two per year is a good start as you get
adapted to high school - As a junior or senior, you are only limited by
the time you have available to complete the
readings and other assignments - Good rule of Thumb Have two hours out of class
for every block of class time
13Can I fit in Band, Arts, and Other Elective
Program Courses?
- Yes! You have eight credits available each year
- Band, OPUS, Drama courses can be taken each term
and still have room for many AP courses - Many required courses are available as AP courses
- You are not locked in to a specific schedule
over four years, but can customize your four
year program to meet your needs
14What is the advantage to the AP Program at MCHS?
- More courses available than any other high school
in the area - May take a broad selection of Liberal Arts
courses for AP International Diploma - May specialize in AP courses in your area of
interest - May take one course or six courses each year to
give you personal flexibility
15Sample Schedules
16Sample Schedules
17Academic Tradition of Excellence
- Five Language courses of study
- French, Chinese, Latin, Spanish, and American
Sign Language - Latin program is a signature program offered
only at MCHS
18Be a part of our Tradition of Excellence
19(No Transcript)