Title: PHYS 2220
1PHYS 2220
2Chapter 22
Coulombs Law-
Sum the forces style problems-
Chapter 23
Electric Field-
Electric Field due to a point charge -
Electric Field due to a dipole -
p has a magnitude of qd and points in the
direction of the negative charge to the positive
charge. z is the distance from the center of the
dipole to the point where the electric field is
being measured
TorquePotential Energy
3Chapter 24
Gauss Law
Electric Field
1) Point Charge2) Near the surface of a charged
conductor3) Line charge4) Semi-circle5)
Infinite non-conducting sheet6) Outside a
spherical shell7) Inside a uniform sphere of
4Chapter 25
U Electric Potential Energy
Potential due to a point charge
Potential due to a group of point charge
Potential due to a line charge and semi-circle,
1516 HW3
5Chapter 26
1) Parallel Plate Capacitor2) Spherical
Capacitor3) Cylindrical Capacitor
Capacitors in seriesCapacitors in parallel
In general know how to handle them in circuits
Potential Energy
6Chapter 27
Current is in the direction of the positive holes
Definition of Current
Current Density and drift speed (ne) carrier
charge density
Resistance and potential
Resistivity and Conductivity
Resistance in a long strait wire
Resistance change with temp, alpha is just the
temperture coefficient of resistivity.
7Chapter 28
Know how to work through circuits and determine
unknown resistance, potentials, and capacitance.
i.e. Loop Rule and Junction rule
Know how to solve RC Circuits. Ie know how to
handle charging and discharging capacitors
8Chapter 29
Force on a charged particleForce on a segment of
Torque on a coil of wire,
Accelerator physics problems. Usually FqvB,
uniform magnetic field in the perpendicular to
the velocity
9Chapter 30
Biot-Savart Law
Know how to find the magnetic field of a strait
wire and a circular arc. Many problems in HW 7
that involved combinations of those
Force between 2 wiresAmperes LawMagnetic Field
of a Solenoid and Toroid
10Chapter 31
Magnetic Flux and Field
Faradays Law- emf and the change in magnetic
Understand 1) RL Circuits2) Energy stored in
and inductor3) Mutual Inductance
Chapter 32
Magnetism of Matter
Just a few questions on HW 8 about orbital anglar
momentum of an electron and the orbital magnetic
dipole moment.
11Chapter 33 LC and RLC CIrcuits
Understand LC and RLC circuit oscillationsResonan
ce an RLC circuit driven by and external emf
Reactance, impedance, power of AC circuits
Chapter 34 Electromagnetic Waves
Electromagnetic wavesPoynting VectorRadiation
PressurePolarizationReflection and
ReftractionSnells Law and Brewsters Law
12Chapter 35 Images
Real and Virtual ImagesMirror Equation- i.e.
relation between image and object distance.
Radius of curvatureSpherical Refracting
SurfaceThin Lens and the lens equationMagnificat
ionThe few optical instruments
Chapter 36 Interference
Wavelength and its relationship to the index of
refractionYoungs ExperimentIntensity in a 2
slit interferenceThin-Film InterferenceThe
Michelson Interferometer
13Final Exam
Monday, May 5 400PM-700PMBe there by 345PM at
Class Thursday- Optional Individual Help-Basement
Accelerator Control Room- Anytime after 10AMPIC
Help Desk
Concentrate on the Exams and HWThe majority of
the problems will be from them.
Good luck!!!