Title: A Simple Model for Regional Near-Surface HOx
1A Simple Model for Regional Near-Surface HOx
- Introduction
- Model Description
- Model Results
- Model Discussion
- Conclusion
- most important radicals in atmosphere
- -- OH main oxidant in atmosphere
- -- HO2 OH reservoir and O3 precursor in
D. Tan, et al, 2001
- Measurement of HOx
- only available in recent years
- still very difficult
Average diurnal profile of HOx and j(O1D) in
Ireland, April-May 1997, EASE97 compaign, D.J.
Creasey, et al, 2002
5Model Description
- 24-hour dimensionless box model with time step of
1 hour. - Assumption
- -horizontally homogeneous, no transport
- -meteorological parameters constant
- -actinic flux is constant vertically but vary
with time
Actinic Factor A
Photolysis rate constant jj0A
6Model Description
- Shell structure of species
- --Fixed and varied
- --Steady state and non-steady state
Varied species are indicated in bold font. a
Species with short lifetime to be treated as
steady state b Species treated as steady state in
the day but non-steady state at night c NOx is
fixed but NO/NO2 is varied
7Model Description
- Chemical reaction types
- Photolysis reaction j
- Bimolecular reaction bk
- Termolecular reaction tk
- Equilibrium reaction ek
- Heterogeneous reaction hk
8Model Description
- Numerical solution of chemical equation
Steady state Non-steady state
The sensitivity of the 1-hour time step is also
9Model Results
- Typical temporal profile of HOx and HO2/OH
- NOx21011,CH421013,O311011
- Temporal profile of HOx and HO2/OH in different
CH4 concentration - NOx21011,O311011
10Model Results
- Temporal profile of HOx and HO2/OH in different
NOx concentration - CH421013,O311011
11Model Results
- Temporal profile of HOx and HO2/OH in different
O3 concentration - NOx21011,CH421013
12Model Discussion
- The results show a positive dependence of HOx and
HO2/OH on the CH4 and O3 concentration and a
negative dependence on NOx concentration during
the daytime but not sensitive at night.
Stevens, et al, 1997
13Model Discussion
- NO/NO2 ratio in daytime and at night
In daytime the concentration of NO and NO2 have
the almost same order of magnitude. At night NO2
dominant NOx while NO is much less.
14Model Discussion
- Observation value of HO2/OH 101000
- -- NOx dependence
- -- Neglecting other hydrocarbons, such as
D.J. Creasey, et al, 2002
- A regional box model is set up, which could be
applied to a polluted area, e.g. downtown
Atlanta. - In the daytime, the near surface HOx and HO2/OH
both have a positive dependence on CH4 and O3,
and a strong negative dependence on NOx. - At night, the HOx and HO2/OH are both much less
sensitive to CH4, NOx and O3 without the sunlight
radiation. - There are still some disagreements with the
observation values.
16Thank You! Any Question?