SEG 3210 User Interface Design - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SEG 3210 User Interface Design


Systematic malfunctions are strongly suggestive of erroneous mental models ... A word or phrase denoting one object used in place of another to suggest a likeness ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SEG 3210 User Interface Design

SEG 3210User Interface Design Implementation
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Abdulmotaleb El Saddik
  • University of Ottawa (SITE 5-037)
  • (613) 562-5800 x 6277
  • elsaddik _at_
  • abed _at_
  • http//

Unit C conceptual models
  • Review The trouble with Users
  • Introduction to Conceptual Models
  • Mental models
  • Relationship between design and user models
  • Metaphors
  • Guidelines for Building Conceptual Models
  • Key Points to Review

1. Review The trouble with Users
  • Any developer can tell you that users are
  • lazy,
  • demanding,
  • careless and
  • incompetent
  • In particular, developers are often frustrated
    that so many users apparently lack computer
  • Some day well hook up all the machines and
    eliminate the middle-man
  • What can we do in the meantime?
  • There are some common strategies...

First strategy - Wait for them to die
  • Strategy flaws
  • New bad users will replace them
  • There will always be some users who are new to
    the current generation of technology.

Second strategy - Wait for the super-user to
  • Strategy flaws
  • No noticeable recent evolutionary leaps
  • Expert users are even less forgiving of usability
    problems than novices...
  • so we have to deal with the users weve got.

Third strategy - Educate them
Designing usable systems
  • Analysis
  • Understand the users and their tasks
  • Design
  • Apply this understanding during design activities
  • Evaluate
  • Validate design decisions to see whether people
    can actually use the system.

2. Introduction to Conceptual Models
Designers Model
Users Model
2. Introduction to Conceptual Models
  • Conceptual model Design model
  • Model held by the designer - may not be the same
    for all designers working on a product
  • Mental Model Users model
  • Model held by a user - may be different for each
  • System image
  • Reflection of the model in the system itself its
    information display and control possibilities
  • System image
  • The interface, the systems behavior, and the
    documentation together are called the System
  • If the system image does not convey to users the
    design model in a clear and obvious way, the
    users will develop incorrect user models.

2. Introduction to Conceptual Models
  • Conceptual model Definition (1)
  • The designer analyzes the content to be taught,
  • the task to be performed or
  • the information to be displayed, and
  • defines its structure and functionality.
  • This structure in the designer's mind is called a
    conceptual model
  • Conceptual model
  • A designers attempt, through the user interface,
    to facilitate the development of a useful mental
  • A framework through which functionality is
  • A conceptual model is also called an external
  • i.e. the designers attempt to present a
    simplified view of the system
  • it is not really the same as the system
  • Can be considered a roadmap to the system
  • 1) Bielenberg, D. (1993). Interactive design and
    the mythical "intuitive user interface". Journal
    of Interactive Instruction Development, 6 (2),

Human knowledge
  • Human intelligence relies on a great deal of
    background knowledge.
  • The more we know
  • The easier many tasks become
  • We have millions of facts in our brains
  • Most should be quickly accessed
  • Hence they must be highly organized
  • The better we understand the organization the
    better we can build user interfaces that ...
  • Allow us to access our knowledge
  • Help us to improve our mental models

Principles of Knowledge organization
  • Semantic nets
  • Graph structures with...
  • Nodes representing concepts
  • Links representing relationships
  • e.g.
  • a person can be related to a dog by the owner
  • Ideas are similar to entity-relationship or
    object diagrams
  • Rhetorical Structure Theory
  • An example of this is the English sentences "An
    apple is a fruit, Fruit is sweet."

3. Mental Model
  • A representation in a users brain of what
    contains his or her conceptualization and
    understanding of a system
  • Patterns of knowledge representation in the brain
  • Humans build models of systems using schemas and
    other semantic nets
  • Mental models are like computer simulations
  • But in the brain
  • Humans manipulate mental models to
  • Predict and test consequences of actions
  • i.e. we run our models
  • Solve problems
  • Integrate new facts

Mental Model
  • Mental models ...
  • get better with experience
  • can be wrong and need replacing
  • We constantly seek evidence to strengthen or
    modify our mental models
  • by observation and exploration
  • good feedback can help in this process
  • Many user interface malfunctions can be ascribed
    to incorrect mental models
  • which may be generated by poor conceptual models
  • Systematic malfunctions are strongly suggestive
    of erroneous mental models
  • Mental models can be contrasted with images
  • Images are views of one state of a mental model

Types of mental models
  • We can build user interfaces that help users
    build and manage one or both of the following
  • Structural models
  • User has internalized how something works
  • e.g. How a car works
  • Functional models
  • User has internalized how to use something
  • e.g. How to drive a car
  • How to
  • by a ticket,
  • go to a platform,
  • wait for a train,
  • get on a train,
  • change trains and
  • leave the station at the destination

How the two types of models can help people
  • Structural
  • Help deal with unfamiliar problems
  • Help users predict the effects of any possible
    sequence of actions
  • However they require more work to learn
  • Context-free -gt can be extended and integrated
    with other knowledge
  • Functional
  • Help get a task done fast with minimal thinking
  • i.e. blindly following directions
  • Context-dependent --gt easier to use
  • For most tasks, most people only build functional

Mental models
  • Mental models can be
  • Abstract
  • Subway / Metro / Underground maps that are not to
    scale and leave out many details
  • Concrete
  • Topological map
  • Simple
  • Average drivers model of a car
  • Detailed
  • Mechanics model of a car

London complete system Famous for introducing
abstraction - not to scale
London central coreSame detail, just bigger
Paris suburban system Even more abstract
Paris central coreLess abstract - more to scale
- more complex
TorontoHighly abstract and simple
Mental models are typically messy
  • They are incomplete
  • Peoples ability to run them is severely limited
  • We are not machines
  • They are unstable
  • People forget details
  • Models of similar systems are confused with each
  • People incorporate unscientific ideas and
    superstitions into mental models
  • If there is a 50 chance, then if it succeeded
    last time it will fail next time
  • We cannot hope to instill perfect mental models
    in users
  • We can only promote the development of a model
    that is neater, more elegant, more stable, more
    complete and more confident

Classroom exercises with mental models
  • In the following tasks, think about
  • What mental activity you perform to compute the
  • How much time it takes.
  • How accurate you think your answer is
  • If you need to do a similar task often, how could
    you improve your mental model.
  • Could a computer make the task easier? How?
  • How many windows in your house?
  • How many traffic lights are there on the route
    you drive to work (or some other drive)?
  • If you came back to a cold house and you wanted a
    20C temperature, what would you do?
  • How would you leave a message for somebody on
    their voice mail? When would they get it?
  • How would you find out of a given procedure in a
    program is ever going to be called?

Two puzzles to illustrate mental models
  • There are four cards
  • Each has a letter on one side and a number on the
    other side
  • Rule If there is a vowel on one side, then there
    is an even number on the other side
  • You see the following cards E, D, 4, 7
  • Which cards do you need to turn to verify the
  • There are four receipts
  • Rule If a purchase is for more than 1000, the
    manager must sign on the back of the receipt
  • You see the following receipts on the table
  • two showing amounts 1200 and 200
  • two showing the back, one with the managers
  • Which receipts do you need to turn to verify the

4. Relationship between design and user models
  • Ideally, the user model should completely map
    onto the design model.
  • More often the users develop only a partial
    mental model of the design model.
  • The way users find out about the design model is
    through the interface, the systems behavior, and
    the documentation
  • The gulfs of execution and evaluation
  • Users can bridge the gulfs by changing their
    mental model
  • Designers can bridge the gulfs by changing the
    conceptual model they present

  • Mapping indicates the relationship between the
    action of the user and the result of the action.
  • Natural mapping
  • The users natural understanding of action
  • steering the wheel (direct association)
  • RED for stop and GREEN for go (cultural
  • Four controls for four stove burners (logical
  • Present the font choices using the fonts

Times New RomanArial Arial Black Courier New Old
English Monotype Sorts Univers
Forcing Function
  • Design that prevents users from taking actions
    which are inappropriate or which would lead to
  • Appliance shut off when opened
  • Microwaves
  • Washing Machines
  • Radio buttons
  • Choose one and one only
  • Good example of a forcing function design
  • Menu bar - grays out and prevents the selection
    of those items inapplicable to the current

New Open Close Save Save as...
Directness of an interface
  • The feeling that one is operating directly in the
    world of interest
  • Rather than through a computer
  • Semantic directness
  • The degree to which the UI allows users to say
    what they want to say simply and concisely
  • good If users can directly draw in a word
    processor when creating a document rather than
    switching applications
  • bad If users in a draw program must draw a
    shape using separate lines
  • Articulatory directness
  • The relation between the meanings of elements in
    a UI and their physical form
  • reasonable turn indicator in a car
  • bad burner controls on many stoves

Example burner controls on many stoves
Stove Top B
Stove Top A
Controls A
Controls B
Affordances and constraints
  • A UI element with good perceived affordance
    suggests what is possible to do with it
  • A UI element with good perceived constraints
    suggests what is not possible to do with it.
  • Good affordances and constraints
  • Reduce the users reliance on her mental model
  • She can immediately tell what to do without
    thinking about it
  • Help the user build their mental model
  • Typical affordance
  • An element that looks like a button, can be
  • When the cursor is over it, it darkens indicating
    that pressing the mouse now would perform the
  • Typical constraints
  • e.g. a square peg and a round hole
  • e.g. the scroll bar can only scroll a limited

Conceptual models of novices vs. experts
  • Knowledge starts of as declarative
  • Statements of fact that can be put in words
  • With practice, knowledge gradually becomes more
    procedural and automated
  • One internalizes the mental model of how to do
    certain things
  • An expert may not even be able to explain what
    they do
  • The fact-learning required in the early stage is
    a bottleneck
  • We must make interfaces so they can be learned
    and used with just a few pieces of knowledge
  • e.g. how to use the mouse
  • Expanding on existing procedural knowledge can
    sometimes be easier
  • Computer experts can more easily to learn any UI

States and modes
  • In the UI a mode is
  • A state entered by a particular action, in which
    the set of actions available changes
  • e.g. in the Unix vi text editor, one can be in
  • Text entry mode
  • Command mode
  • e.g. Dialog boxes are modes if one has to quit
    before doing anything else
  • Modeless dialogs are better.
  • Each mode has its own mini conceptual model
  • This can be confusing to users
  • Hence avoid modes where possible

5. Metaphors
  • Metaphors are an important tool in building
    conceptual models
  • There is a close linkage between metaphors and
    conceptual models.
  • metaphor implies a model
  • model isn't easily grasped without metaphors
  • What is a metaphor ?
  • A word or phrase denoting one object used in
    place of another to suggest a likeness
  • The use in an interface of familiar concepts to
    represent more abstract system concepts
  • Analogy
  • Partial likeness between things that are compared
  • Metaphor vs. Analogy
  • Distinction is that in a metaphor an object is
    treated as if it were another in analogy we
    remain aware that they are different.
  • Metaphors
  • Help the user use prior knowledge to understand a
  • Make abstract ideas more concrete
  • Help users build mental models

Examples of metaphors
  • Mac/MS-Windows - desktop metaphor
  • mismatch ejecting disk by dropping in trash can
  • word processor - typewrite metaphor
  • mismatch auto-line wrap
  • Spreadsheet as ledger - squared paper metaphor
  • mismatch calculating formulae
  • Mailtool - mailbox metaphor
  • icon mismatch US mailbox not UK, German, French
  • Control panel as cards with tabs
  • Conceptual model as roadmap to the system
  • Ubiquitous computing is a step beyond
  • integrating a computer invisibly into an everyday
    device (e.g. an employee badge)
  • Two types of metaphors
  • Verbal metaphors
  • The system is explained in a metaphorical way
  • Virtual interface metaphors
  • The system appears in a metaphorical way

Difficulties developing metaphors
  • Following a metaphor too literally can mean we
    underutilize the power of the computer
  • e.g. in a windowing system it can be hard to sort
    through many windows which represent documents
  • This is easier with real paper documents
  • We should ensure the computer also makes this
  • Incomplete metaphors can mislead the user
  • e.g. Ejecting a disk (file cabinet) by putting it
    in the trash
  • It is difficult to extend metaphors consistently,
    especially when adding functionality
  • e.g. Magical Macintosh features
  • Infinite folders-within-folders
  • Aliases for files (same file in several folders)
  • The trash can is on the desktop!

A solution to the metaphor extension problem
  • Composite metaphors
  • Several metaphors working together
  • as long as they dont conflict!
  • People dont seem to have a problem working with
    multiple mental models at a time
  • E.g.
  • desktop
  • menus
  • windows
  • scrolls
  • cutting and pasting
  • publishing and subscribing

Some sources of ideas for metaphors
  • Human activities
  • Agents
  • Stage and theater
  • Searching, creating, writing etc.
  • Machines
  • Television and telecommunications
  • Carpentry, plumbing and construction
  • Office devices like rolodex and keyboards
  • Clocks and other representations of time
  • 2-D space
  • Forms, spreadsheets
  • Drafting tables, light tables
  • Game boards
  • Instrument panels
  • Menus
  • Maps
  • 2.5 -D space
  • Desktops and briefcases
  • Books and encyclopedias

Check list for metaphors
  • Does the concept represent the functionality?
  • Are the users familiar with the concept?
  • Does the concept fit with the system context ?
  • Is the concept too complex for my user group ?
  • What are the mismatches from the metaphor in
    representative use scenarios/use cases ?
  • Identify strategies to manage mismatches ?
  • Identify the levels at which the metaphor applies
    - the task, procedural method, appearance level.
  • The metaphor is trading off accuracy of the
    mental model for learnability

6. Guidelines for Building Conceptual Models
  • General
  • Keep the conceptual model, and thus the system,
  • Build conceptual models that draw maximally on
    real-world knowledge.
  • Avoid conceptual models that require abstract,
    logical thinking.
  • Documentation and on-line help should
    explicitly present the conceptual model.
  • Choose names and terminology consistent with the
    conceptual model.
  • Design conceptual models that maximize both
    semantic and articulatory directness.
  • Where possible, eliminate modes

Guidelines for Building Conceptual Models
  • Using conceptual models to build mental models
  • Take into account mental models users will bring
    with them to the new system.
  • Design so as to facilitate the users development
    of an efficient and effective mental model.
  • Conceptual models should be oriented to the
    users, not the designers mental model.
  • Help the user build a structural model if they
    need to be creative with the system.
  • Help the user build a functional model if they
    need to rapidly perform some function.
  • Ensure feedback works to correct and build users
    mental models.
  • Avoid displaying clutter or irrelevant
    information as this will slow the building of a
    mental model.
  • Different but related conceptual models may be
    needed for novices and experts
  • Reduce the dependence on the users mental model
    by making the interface as visible as possible
    using elements with appropriate perceived
    affordance and constraints

Guidelines for Building Conceptual Models
  • Metaphors
  • Make departures from any metaphor clear
  • Avoid metaphors that if followed literally would
    not allow the power of the computer to be fully
  • When the metaphor is already chosen, trade
    literalism for power by adding magic features.
  • Avoid partial metaphors that users may be misled
    to assume are more complete
  • When building composite metaphors, make sure the
    component metaphors do not conflict

7. Key Points to Review
  • Task analysis and conceptual modeling are
    techniques that help us design better user
  • We understand users and their needs more deeply
  • Task Goal-directed procedure
  • with subtasks and actions
  • internal task vs. external task
  • natural task vs. artificial task
  • Goal State the user wants to be in
  • implicit goal vs. explicit goal

Key Points to Review
  • Task analysis Modeling users tasks
  • parallel with traditional analysis (e.g. OO)
  • Model the tasks
  • Determine user classes
  • List and prioritize tasks
  • Gather goals, preconditions, decompositions,
    mental models, side-effects, breakdowns
  • Simplify and improve the models
  • Make abstract
  • Build conceptual models
  • Add back details
  • Standardize,
  • rearrange,
  • reduce need

Key Points to Review
  • Conceptual model (roadmap to system)
  • vs. mental model (map in users brain)
  • Human knowledge representation
  • Mental models
  • Simulations used to test and predict consequences
    of actions
  • Cause malfunctions when incorrect
  • Contrast with images
  • Structural (workings) vs. functional (use)
  • Abstract vs. concrete simple vs. detailed
  • Typically messy
  • The conceptual model helps build good mental

Key Points to Review
  • Users vs. designers mental models
  • Gulfs of execution and evaluation
  • Interface directness
  • Semantic Say what you want
  • Articulatory Relation to physical form
  • Perceived affordance and constraints
  • Reduce reliance on mental model
  • Novices vs. experts
  • Declarative vs. automated and procedural
  • Bottleneck acquiring initial declarative
  • Modes States where actions differ To be avoided
  • Metaphors Familiar concepts to represent system
  • Difficulties
  • Following to literally
  • Misleading due to incompleteness
  • Being consistent
  • Composite metaphors
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