Title: Single View Modeling
1Single View Modeling
- CG workshop project Jackie Assa
2What if
Anjyo, K., Horry, Y., and Arai, K. "Tour into the
Picture SIGGRAPH '97
3(No Transcript)
4Single view modeling
Single View Modeling of Free-Form Scenes Li
Zhang, Dugas-Phocion, Samson, Seitz CVPR 2001
5The problem
6Image completion
Fragment-Based Image Completion Drori, Cohen-Or,
7Filling 3D pockets
8So what needs to be done
- Input
- Image
- Height map
- Set of cuts
- Output
- 3D model with 3D gaps Filled.
9How (1)
- Building the ripped mesh in 3D
- Mapping the image as texture to the mesh shown
parts - Extending the mesh to include additional facets
on the hidden parts. - Completing the image at the missing parts, and
texture map the mesh extensions. - Boundary alpha matting
10What needs to be done (bonus)
- Shape completion
- Simple viewer
- VRML/AVI export
11LDI - Layered Depth Images
Shade, Gortler , Hey , Szeliskiz Siggraph 1998
12What LDI approach
- Input
- A set of pixels and their depth
- A set of cuts
- LDI map with expended patches.
- TIP -http//facstaff.morehouse.edu/ajohnson/tour/
tour1.html, http//www.cs.ust.hk/cpegnel/glTIP/ - SVM - http//grail.cs.washington.edu/projects/svm/
CGW/single_view_modeling.htm, http//research.micr
osoft.com/antcrim/papers/Criminisi_dagm2002.pdf - Image completion - http//graphics.cs.ucf.edu/bori
kar/BorikarPaper.pdf, http//www.cs.tau.ac.il/dco
r/online_papers/papers/iddo03.pdf - LDI - http//grail.cs.washington.edu/projects/ldi/