Title: Introduction to International, Foreign
1Introduction to International, Foreign
Comparative Law Research
- Public International Law
- Treaty Search
- Human Rights Search
- International Trade Law
- Regional Organizations
- European Union as an example
- Foreign Law Research
- Common Law v. Civil Law
- European Countries
- Comparative Law Research
2Public International Law Sources
- Primary and Secondary Sources
- International Treaties
- International Customary Laws
- The general principles of law recognized by
civilized nations - Judicial decisions, teachings of most highly
qualified scholars (persuasive)
3Treaty Search
- Treaties are agreements between or among
sovereign States. - Treaties have other names agreements, covenants,
conventions, charters, protocols, declarations,
memoranda of understanding, modus vivendi and
exchange of notes. - Bilateral and Multilateral Treaties
- Self executing v. Non-self executing
- Trade treaties (self executing)
- Human Rights (non-self executing)
- Executive agreements (U.S.).
4Treaty Search Process
- Information on signatories, ratifications, and
reservations - Example Kyoto Treaty
- International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights (ICCPR) Article 6 (5) - 5. Sentence of death shall not be imposed for
crimes committed by persons below eighteen years
of age and shall not be carried out on pregnant
women. - Legislative History
- Judicial Interpretations
- Effective Date, Validity
5Finding treaties to which U.S. is a party
Statutes At Large
U.S.T. (KZ235.3.U55) official
20 yr
9 yr
T.I.A.S. (KZ235.32 .U54)
Bevans (with an index)(KZ236 1776b )
U.S.T. United States Treaties and Other
International Agreements T.I.A.S. Treaties and
Other International Acts Series Bevans Treaties
and Other International Agreements of the United
6Finding treaties to which U.S. is a party
Heins UST Current Services (1990-date)
microfiche Consolidated Treaties Intl
Agreements (1990-date) print Heinonline Treaty
Library ILM (1962-date) in print
Statutes At Large
U.S.T. (KZ235.3.U55) official
20 yr
9 yr
T.I.A.S. (KZ235.32 .U54)
Bevans (with an index)(KZ236 1776b )
U.S.T. United States Treaties and Other
International Agreements T.I.A.S. Treaties and
Other International Acts Series Bevans Treaties
and Other International Agreements of the United
7Sources for Treaty Search
- UST, TIAS, Bevans, Statutes At Large
- Westlaw (USTREATIES)
- LexisNexis (USTRTY)
- International Law Materials (ILM) (Selected
Treaties) - USCA and USCS (a few important treaties)
- Bevans Treaties and Other International
Agreement of the U.S. of America, 1776-1949 - Websites
- UN Texts of Recently Deposited Multilateral
Treaties - UN Treaty Collection (Law Library Subscription)
- State Dept. Treaty in Force
- Thomas (Treaties Section)
- Hein online (Law Library Subscription)
- State Dept. Treaty in Force (Annually)
- Also in Print (Reference)
- Hein on Line
- Commercial indexes
- Kavass Guide to the United States Treaties in
Force (Hein on Line) - In print Kavass, Current Treaty Index-United
States Treaty Index Consolidation (KZ 235.U54
C.2) - UN Treaty Series Database
- Westlaw and Lexis (Boolean Search)
9Verification and Updating
- State Dept. Treaty in Force
- State Dept. Treaty Actions
- UN Treaty Collection (Status Search, signatory,
ratification, reservation etc.)