Title: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
1Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Atomic structure in solution High concentration
of protein 1 mM Basis - Atomic nuclei are
intrinsically magnetic Size limitation is 40 kDa
2Basis of NMR
Hydrogen has alpha and beta spin states Alpha can
be excited to beta by applying a pulse of
electromagnetic radiation
Energy difference is proportional to the strength
of the imposed magnetic field. The Resonance
spectrum change between alpha and beta states
3Chemical shifts reveal information about
structural changes
Degree of shielding of nucleus by electrons that
flow around nucleus is a measure of the electron
density Difference frequency chemical shifts
(ppm) relative to a reference sample scale
between 0-9 ppm
4Nuclear Overhauser Effect
Interaction of nuclei of two protons in close
proximity allows determination of distance
between them (Less than 5 angtroms apart)
5Converting a spectrum to 3-D structure
Distance constraints between proton pairs allows
determination of structure Spectrum generated on
a large number of molecules in multiple
conformations range of conformations a protein
adopts in solution
6Protein Crystallography
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12Protein Structural Analysis
Number PDB Entries
- High-Resolution Structural Techniques
- (determination of atom positions)
- Crystallography (solid-state)
- NMR (solution-state)
- limited by the ability of the molecule to
- limited to soluble peptide or protein molecules
13Small-angle X-ray Scattering
- Low-Resolution Techniques can be used to provide
molecular envelope shapes - Electron Microscopy with Image Reconstruction
- solid-state (often cryo-cooled)
- Limited to relatively large proteins and protein
complexes such as viruses, membrane protein
complexes, muscle proteins and the ribosome - Small-angle Solution Scattering with
Computational Modeling Methods - solution-state
- useful range 10 - 1000 Å (15 500 kDa)
14Small-angle X-ray Scattering
Q ? 4?sin?/?
15Probable Frequency Distribution of Inter-atomic
Inverse Fourier Transform
46 Å
- P (r) - The probability of finding a vector of
length r between scattering centers (atoms)
within the scattering particle.
16Introduction to Protein Structure Building Blocks
of Proteins The 20 Amino Acids
17Introduction to Protein Structure Peptide Bonds
Connect the Building Blocks
side group
side group
18Introduction to Protein Structure Peptide Bonds
Connect the Building Blocks
19Introduction to Protein Structure Steric
Restrictions on PHI and PSI Angles
Ramachandran Plot for Typical Residue
20Introduction to Protein Structure Flexible
Backbone of a Protein
The set of ?i,?i angles define internal degrees
of freedom
21Three Dimensional Structure of Proteins
Secondary Structure Local regions of regular
folding helix, beta-sheet, random coil,
irregular folds Tertiary Structure Structure of
entire polypeptide chain Quanternary Structure
More than one polypeptide chain arranged in a
regular manner
22Secondary Structure
- Rules that protein structure must obey
- Little distortion of bond length and bond angles
from those found in x-ray diffraction studies - Van der Waals radii dictates how close to atoms
can approach one another - The amide group must remain in a trans
configuration. Rotation is only possible about
the two bonds adjacent to the ?-carbon. - Noncovalent bonding is necessary to stabilize a
regular folding. Hydrogen bonding between amide
nitrogen and carbonyl oxygen.
23Alpha helix and Beta-sheets
- Each of these structures satisfied the 4 rules
- Peptide groups are planar, and each amide proton
and carbonyl oxygen participates in hydrogen
bonding - Other possibilities not as common in proteins
310 helix and ? helix (not been observed)
- -Repeats after 18 residues, 5 turns, c h x m
- -3.6 residues per turn, 0.15 nm/residue
- p nh 3.6 x 0.15 0.54 nm/turn
- -Each amido proton is hydrogen bonded to the
carbonyl oxygen on the 4th residue up the helix - -Hydrogen bonded loop (N) 13 atoms in
25Alpha Helix
- Beta-sheet is equivalent to a n2 helix,
- Stabilized by hydrogen bonding between two stands
- Each residue is rotated 180 degrees to one
another - Linear hydrogen bonds can form between adjacent
chains, allowing correct bond angles with minimal
strain - Parallel and anti-parallel beta-sheet
27Parallel and Antiparallel Beta-Sheets
28Ramachandran Plots
- Examination of steric crowding of R-groups in the
secondary structures - Phi and Psi angles clockwise when looking in
either direction form the ?-carbon (-180 to
29Ramachandran Plots
- Which structures are sterically possible
- Only a small area of possible angles exists
because of van der Waals radii - Right handed helix more favored than left all
amino acids are in the L-form, and steric
interference is less in a right handed helix.
Synthesis of proteins from D-amino acids are left
30Ramachandran Plots
- Ramachandran plot of actual protein structure.
Some difference from alpha-helix and beta-sheet.
Glycine can adopt angles outside the allowable
angles because of small side chain.
31Fibrous Proteins
- Major proteins of skin and connective tissue
mechanical properties - Alpha-keratins hair and finger nails
intermediate filament proteins - Predominantly alpha-helical
- Alpha-helices pair together in a left-handed coil
- Each 4th residue is nonpolar hydrophobic strip
of hydrophobic residues on each alpha-helix
allows two helices to stick together by
hydrophobic interactions. - The dimers then form into larger structures and
are stabilized by disulfide cross-links within
the fibers.
32Formation of keratin type intermediate filaments
- Monomers pair by coiled-coil
- Form 4-stranded protofilament
- 8-strand protofibril
- Disulfide cross-links stiffen fibers
- Fibers spun by silkworms and spiders B-sheet
utilized - Repetitive sequence
- Allows the B-sheets to pack together by
interdigitation of glycine and alanine or serine. - Strong and flexible fiber (weak interactions
between sheets, van der Waals). - Small amounts of bulky amino acids disrupt
beta-sheet. Increases stretchiness.
- Most abundant protein in vertebrates matrix
that holds tissues together - Composed of a triple helix of 3 polypeptide
chains - Individual chains are left-handed helices with
3.3 residues per turn and the 3 chains wrap
around one another in a right handed manner
stabilized by hydrogen bonds between chains - Each 3rd residue must be glycine which lies
near the center of the triple helix, Gly Pro
HydroxyProline, other residues are possible at
2nd and 3rd position - Hydroxylation of proline enzyme that catalyzes
requires Vitamin C scurvy is Vit. C deficiency.
Lesions on skin and gums - Collagen Cross-linking between topocollagen
molecules lysine oxidized to aldehyde react
with another lysine via aldol condensation and
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- Mostly random coil with little 2ndary structure
- Cross-links between several chains
- Prevent over stretching and allows the fibers to
snap back into place when tension is removed
37Globular Proteins
- Folded into compact structure
- Example myoglobin 70 alpha-helix, heme
(prosthetic) group to carry oxygen - Bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor helix,
beta-sheet and nonregular folding
38Patterns in protein folding
- Domain compact locally folded region of
tertiary structure, multiple domains occur in
many larger proteins and perform specific
functions - Folding patterns
- Built on a packing of alpha-helices
- Built on a framework of Beta-sheets
39Rules of Tertiary Folding
- All globular proteins have a defined inside and
out - Hydrophobic amino acids are inside the protein
- Hydrophilic amino acids are outside
- Beta-sheets are usually twisted or wrapped into
barrel structures - Twist is usually left-handed, structure of silk
is not completely planar but slightly twisted - Not all parts of globular proteins are classified
as helix, sheet or turn - Random coil flexible regions not resolved by
x-ray crystallography - Irregularly structured regions not flexible
- The polypeptide chain can turn corners in a
number of ways to go from B-sheet to a-helix - ??-turn, reversal of polypeptide chain direction
- 4 residues , i carbonyl is hydrogen bonded to the
amide hydrogen of i 3 - ?-turn, the hydrogen bond is i and i 2.
- Proline usually plays a role and turns are
usually at surface of protein
41Quanternary structure
- Two or more subunits stabilized by non-covalent
forces and disulfide bonds - Helical symmetry actin and tobacco mosiac virus
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