Title: Core Group Training
1- Core Group Training
- for
- Implementing
- MI-Plan
- Result of partnership between
- Center for Education Performance and Assessment
(CEPI) - Michigan Department of Education (Office of Field
Services) - Michigan North Central Association
- MGT of America
3Training Purpose
- Provide training for
- The use of MI-Plan as a management tool for the
school improvement planning process - Facilitating technical use of the MI-PLAN
web-based tool. - Using MI-Plan processes and techniques for
developing systemic school improvement plans.
4What is MI-Plan?
- Time saving, easy to use web-based management
system for creating, implementing, and monitoring
school improvements plans. - Creates a single planning environment that meets
multiple reporting requirements.
5Why Use MI-PLAN?
- Combines expectations of Revised School Code
(Public Act 25), NCA school improvement
protocols, Title 1 requirements in No Child Left
Behind, and Education YES into a web-based
planning process. - Helps insure coordination of effort and
resources. - Automatically downloads school data (MEAP,
MI-Access, Alternative LEP). - Provides common planning process.
6MI-Plan Benefits
- Creates a collaborative, continuous improvement
culture to ensure that all students are achieving
at high levels. - Encourages innovation through research-based
practices. - Focuses and aligns staff development and
resources. - Increases public participation in planning.
- Provides data to support and document continuous
What are the steps in the MI-Plan Process? This
is a testThis is only a test!
8 MI-Plan Web Tool Process Flow
Student Performance Goals ------------- Strategie
s Interventions
Contextual (Ed Yes)
Professional Development
Perception (Aligned to Ed Yes)
An 8 Step Process
10Step 1 Assess Readiness to Benefit (Foundation
for Planning)
Essential Process Activities SIP Guide Step 1
- Establish a school improvement team.
- Assess schools readiness to plan.
- Determine SIP team/steering committee level of
knowledge in school improvement process and
research-based practices. - Develop a School Introduction.
- Create a school improvement planning calendar
- Define/clarify the schools decision making
process. - Verify/validate the schools mission statement.
- Create a school vision statement.
- Required Activities
11Why do we plan?
- To be more intentional and focus on whats
important - To professionalize the culture by learning
together and deprivitizing our practice - To build learning environments of inquiry, trust,
and mutual respect -
12Building a Continuous Improvement Culture
The most compelling factor leading to school
success is functioning in a collaborative
family-like atmosphere. -Bridging the
Opportunity Gap
13The Importance of Trust
Strongest Level of Trust
1 in 2 chances of making significant
improvements in student learning
Weakest Level of Trust
1 in 7 chances of making significant
improvements in student learning
(Source Bryk and Schneider)
14(No Transcript)
15Assess School Readiness
School Readiness - the extent to which a schools
staff has the ability and willingness to
accomplish a specific task. Two major components
of readiness are ability and willingness.
Hersey, Paul and Blanchard, Kenneth, Management
of Organizational Behavior, Utilizing Human
Resources, Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall, 1988.
16Assess School Readiness
- Ability is the knowledge, experience, and
skill that an individual or group brings to a
particular task or activity.
Hersey, Paul and Blanchard, Kenneth, Management
of Organizational Behavior, Utilizing Human
Resources, Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall, 1988.
17Assess School Readiness
- Willingness is the extent to which an individual
or group has the confidence, commitment, and
motivation to accomplish a specific task.
Hersey, Paul and Blanchard, Kenneth, Management
of Organizational Behavior, Utilizing Human
Resources, Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall, 1988.
18Assess School Readiness
Sometimes, people arent really unwilling, its
just that theyve never done a specific task
before. They dont have any experience with it,
so theyre insecure or afraid.
Hersey, Paul and Blanchard, Kenneth, Management
of Organizational Behavior, Utilizing Human
Resources, Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall, 1988.
19Se Hace Camino al Ander -Antonio Machado
We Make the Road by Walking
20Checking for Understanding
What are your questions about Laying the
An 8 Step Process
22 Essential Off-line Process Activities SIPP Guide
Step 2
- Schedule SIP Team Meetings.
- Determine readiness to benefit.
- Determine What to Collect.
- Collect, sort, and select data from a variety
of sources. - Inventory programs and processes.
- Review rational for data choices.
- Evaluate quality/value of data.
- Required Activities
23MI-Plan Data Domains
Student Learning
24Checking for Understanding
What are your questions about Collecting and
Selecting Data?
An 8 Step Process
26 Essential Off-line Process Activities SIP Guide
Step 3
- Determine readiness to build and analyze the
school portfolio. (Consider conducting a mini
lesson on writing narratives) - Conduct data carousel.
- Write non-evaluative narrative statements to
describe the data. (Achievement, demographic,
perception, and contextual) - Prioritize challenges.
- Analyze school profile.
- Evaluate school profile.
- Required Activities
27Data Carousel Activity (SIP Guide Step 3. pp.
Tables with data for groups to review
Each table reviews the data individually, think
about strengths and challenges.
Group discusses data and develops non-evaluative
narrative statements.
Strengths and challenges are recorded.
Narrative tally sheets are collected and compiled.
Synthesize and prioritize challenges.
28Prioritize Challenges
Prioritized Challenges After Data
Carousel (Example)
- Reading achievement 16
- Math achievement 10
- Attendance 6
- Student discipline 4
- Parent involvement 2
- Curriculum planning 2
- Conflict resolution 2
- Time to do all this 2
- Home-school relations 2
- Team functioning 2
- Closing minority gap 2
29Quality School Profile
Profile complete, well organized, and concise.
Sufficient data from multiple sources been
collected (students, instruction, community,
former students, etc.)
Data been disaggregated.
Data been analyzed and implications determined.
Data can be presented in graphic tables and
30Checking for Understanding
What are your questions about Analyzing Data?
An 8 Step Process
32Step 4 Set Student Performance Goals
Essential Off-line Process Activities SIP Guide
Step 4
- Schedule a SIP Team to review narratives
- Assess readiness to set and prioritize goals.
- Group challenges into emerging goal target
areas (i.e., Math). - Write student performance goal statements.
- Review goal statements goals with all staff.
- Required Activities
33Step 4 Set Student Performance Goals
Essential Off-line Process Activities SIP Guide
Step 4 (Contd.)
- Determine the essence the goals.
- Align goals to the Education YES Measures of
School Performance. - Rank quality of student performance goals.
- Evaluate goals in terms of schools mission.
- Required Activities
34Checking for Understanding
What are your questions about writing goals?
An 8 Step Process
36 Essential Off-line Process Activities SIP Guide
Step 5
- Determine study approach (Options Engage all
staff or just use SIP team). - Determine readiness for research.
- Create a plan for study with timelines
- Dig Deeper into the data to better understand
the essence of the goal. - Become familiar with types of research? (i.e.,
gold standard quantitative research using an
experimental design)
Do study teams know how to unpack a goal?
- Required Activities
37 Essential Off-line Process Activities SIP Guide
Step 5
- Investigate and document effective
strategies/interventions, best practices, and
activities from multiple sources such as site
visits and content area specialists. - Complete study team report, share and discuss
findings with all stakeholders - 8. Evaluate strategies/interventions.
Do study teams know how to unpack a goal?
- Required Activities
38A Plan for Study
39Checking for Understanding
What are your questions about the research
An 8 Step Process
41Step 6 Develop Action Plans
- Develop action plan readiness.
- If Title 1 School, complete Title 1 Target
Assistance Requirements. - If School Identified for Improvement, complete
NCLB AYP Two-Year Plan Requirements. - Complete Michigan School Improvement Requirements
descriptors. - Review Action Plan examples.
- Develop Professional Development Plan and
Calendar. - Complete Action Plan assessment.
Essential Off-line Process Activities SIP Guide
Step 6
- Required Activities
42Checking for Understanding
What are your questions about developing action
An 8 Step Process
44Essential Off-line Process Activities SIP Guide
Step 7
- Determine readiness to monitor implementation of
the action plan. - Review and adjust plan if necessary to implement
strategies/ interventions. - Monitor activities timelines.
- Survey implementation effectiveness.
- Evaluate implementation of action plan.
- Required Activities
45Checking for Understanding
What are your questions about developing
monitoring the plan?
An 8 Step Process
47Step 8 Evaluate Impact on Student Achievement
Essential Off-line Process Activities SIP Guide
Step 8
- Evaluate readiness to determine impact of Plan on
student achievement. - Complete improvement planning process survey.
- Complete plan evaluation rubric.
- Required Activities
48Checking for Understanding
What are your questions about evaluating the
An 8 Step Process
50Checking for Mastery
- We possess skill in the use of MI-Plan for
- Administering and facilitating site use.
- Collecting and selecting data.
- Analyzing data and identifying goal target areas.
- Identifying and prioritizing school improvement
goals. - Using research to identify and select improvement
strategies and practices. - Developing an action plan.
- Monitoring implementation of the plan.
- Evaluating the impact of the plan on student
achievement. - Creating School Improvement Reports.