Lecture 15: Ocean chemistry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 15: Ocean chemistry


Physical ... temperature are conservative properties of seawater...they are ... the deep ocean carry these properties around with little mixing or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture 15: Ocean chemistry

Lecture 15 Ocean chemistry
  • Questions
  • How do the dynamics of the ocean affect the
    chemistry of the ocean, the distribution of
    biological activity, and the type of sediment
    accumulated on the seafloor?
  • Tools
  • Aquatic chemistry, box modeling, fluid dynamics,
  • Reading
  • White Chapter 15
  • Albarède Chapter 6

The ocean generalities
  • The world ocean is very flat this map has 50x
    vertical exaggeration
  • The ocean is stratified into a warm, ventilated
    surface ocean and a cold purely advective deep
    ocean the boundary is the thermocline
  • Two other significant layered structures
  • The photic zone is the depth to which light
    penetrates and where photosynthesis is possible
  • The mixed layer is a wind-stirred region in the
    top 100 m where stratification is absent

Physical properties of seawater
  • The important variables are salinity and
    temperature, which together determine the most
    important parameter, density

On this plot, st is density in kg/m3 relative to
pure water at 0C DS,T is specific volume in
cm3/(100 kg) relative to water at 35 psu and 0C
Note seawater, at about 35 salinity, has
monotonically increasing density on an adiabat
and is stably stratified. Freshwater has a
density inversion at 4C and so lakes overturn
completely as surface waters cool down
approaching winter.
Note also, temperature is the dominant source of
density variations in the modern ocean, but as
overall temperatures decline the thermal
expansion nearly disappears, and in glacial
period salinity becomes a more important
dynamical variable.
Physical properties of seawater
  • Salinity, originally defined as weight fraction
    of total solids obtained by drying seawater, is
    now always measured by conductivity (which
    relates to concentration of dissolved ions, of
    course) and given in practical salinity units,
    psu, scaled so that standard seawater at 35 psu
    has 35 total dissolved solids
  • Temperature is best given as potential
    temperature, q, the temperature water would have
    if adiabatically expanded to 1 bar pressure
    (although difference between in situ T and q is
  • Both salinity and potential temperature are
    conservative properties of seawaterthey are set
    almost completely by ventilation of water at the
    surface of the ocean
  • Diffusion of heat and mass is nearly negligible
    at large scale in the ocean, compared to
    advection, so water masses in the deep ocean
    carry these properties around with little mixing
    or modification
  • Because seawater is stably stratified (below the
    mixed layer), flow is almost entirely along
    isopycnal surfaces and water masses are only
    ventilated where isopycnals outcrop at the surface

Physical properties of seawater
  • Away from river inputs, salinity is set at the
    sea surface by the balance between evaporation
    and precipitation
  • But temperature is the dominant variable in
    surface ocean density
  • Warm low latitude surface waters have high
    evaporation rates
  • Hence they have high salinity
  • But not high enough to overcome the thermal
  • So the low-latitude surface waters float on
    denser waters below that came from high latitude

dT dst, except here
Ocean dynamics in a very small nutshell
  • The ocean obeys the laws of fluid dynamics in a
    rotating reference frame with some important
  • The dynamics of the shallow ocean are forced by
    winds the dynamics of the deep ocean are forced
    by density variations
  • Flows are slow enough that momentum is
    negligible therefore the systems obeys
    instantaneous force balance or the geostrophic
    equation in a rotating reference frame
  • The Coriolis force is an essential part of the
  • Where the wind generates a clockwise surface
    circulation in the northern hemisphere, it drives
    water downwards
  • Where the wind generates an anticlockwise surface
    circulation in the northern hemisphere, it pulls
    water upwards
  • The resulting dynamic pressure variations can be
    read by satellites that measure sea-surface
    height relative to the geoid

Ocean dynamics in a very small nutshell
  • Ekman pumpingwater moves at right angles to the
    wind stress!
  • So a curl in the wind field leads to a divergence
    in sea-surface height, which provides pressure
    gradients to drive vertical flow

Ocean dynamics in a very small nutshell
  • Ekman pumpingwater moves at right angles to the
    wind stress!
  • Also, longshore transport can drive coastal
    upwelling or downwelling

You want to go fishing here.
Not here.
Ocean dynamics in a very small nutshell
Upwelling at high latitudes where the wind stress
is divergent and at eastern edges of oceans where
longshore winds drive offshore shallow water flow
at right angles.
Ocean dynamics in a very small nutshell
  • Deep water circulation very slow driven by deep
    water formation and isopycnal flow all
    southwards in Atlantic Ocean, northwards in
    Indian and Pacific Oceans steered to western
    boundary of each ocean must be compensated by
    return flow in shallow ocean but this is small
    compared to wind-driven motions above
    thermocline. Stommels version

Ocean dynamics thermohaline circulation
  • Broekers version the conveyor belt

Ocean dynamics thermohaline circulation
  • The thermohaline circulation transports large
    amounts of warm water into the North Atlantic and
    keeps Northern Europe warmer than it would
    otherwise be. Here is a forecast of temperature
    changes 30 years after a total shutdown of the

Ocean dynamics El Niño
  • A notable example of coupled ocean-atmosphere
    dynamics is the El Niño Southern Oscillation
    (ENSO). It is hard to say which is driving the
  • In normal (La Niña) years, the surface winds blow
    strongly from the East. This drives ocean
    upwelling off South America, tilts the
    thermocline towards the West, and piles up a warm
    water pool near Indonesia, with strong convection
    and rainfall above it.

Ocean dynamics El Niño
  • A notable example of coupled ocean-atmosphere
    dynamics is the El Niño Southern Oscillation
  • The other mode of the oscillation (El Niño) is
    associated with weak trade winds, less tilting of
    thermocline, reversal of upwelling/downwelling
    patterns, displacement of warm water pool to
    central Pacific, drought in Asia, torrential
    rains in America, and failure of Peruvian
    fisheries, among other things.

Age of water masses
  • Oceanographers use age of water masses to refer
    to the time since the water was ventilated at the
    surface of the ocean. This can be traced, e.g.
    with 14C

This plot shows that mixing of deep water in the
Atlantic takes 200 years Generally speaking,
Atlantic deep water is young, Pacific deep water
is very old (no sites of deep water formation in
Pacific, supplied by deep flow from Atlantic)
Age of water masses
  • Problem and opportunity contamination of 14C by
    20th century atmospheric nuclear tests
  • Provides tracers of circulation
  • Can be corrected out

Diffusion across thermocline
North Atlantic Deep Water formation
3H in N. Atlantic
Age of water masses
N. Pacific 2200 years old
Chemistry of seawater
  • The chemistry of seawater depends on inputs
    (mostly from rivers) and outputs (mostly to
    sediment) as well as biological pumping within
    the ocean
  • The inputs are
  • Rivers, Atmospheric deposition, Hydrothermal
  • The outputs are
  • Sedimentation, Evaporation, Hydrothermal
  • Remember at steady state the residence time of an
    element is the mass in the ocean divided by the
    mass flux into the ocean
  • For water, t 1.37 x 1021 l / 3.6 x 1016 l/yr
    38000 yr
  • For K, 10 mM in seawater and 34 mM in rivers, t
    1.1 x 107 yr
  • For Pb, 10 pM in seawater and 5 nM in rivers, t
    80 yr

Chemistry of seawater
  • The composition and relative importance of inputs
    varies with time, so seawater composition can
    vary somewhat also.
  • Example history of 87Sr/86Sr of seawater
  • Controlled by balance between hydrothermal input
    (mantle isotope ratios .702) and continental
    weathering (radiogenic isotope ratios .710)

Chemistry of seawater
  • Elements are divided into categories based on how
    they behave in the ocean
  • Conservative elements vary exactly like salinity,
    i.e. only by dilution and concentration. In
    principle there are no sinks. In principle the
    residence time is infinite.
  • Nutrient elements are essential for life and are
    stripped efficiently out of shallow waters where
    productivity is high, then regenerated at depth
    by respiration or decay of falling organic
    matter. The residence time in the shallow ocean
    is very short but in the whole ocean is long.
  • Scavenged elements are supplied at the surface
    but are readily adsorbed onto particles and
    removed by sedimentation. The residence time is

Nutrients and Biomineralization
  • Both plants and animals make mineral hard parts,
    either of silica or CaCO3 (a) Coccolithophorids
    (plants, CaCO3), (b) Foraminifera (animals,
    CaCO3), (c) Diatoms (plants, SiO2), (d)
    Radiolaria (animals, SiO2)

Exceptions Acantharia, a class of protozoans,
make SrSO4 shells vertebrates make Ca5(PO4)3(OH)
Nutrient Elements
  • Nitrate, Phosphate, Silica, and Iron are
    essential nutrients and are almost totally
    consumed in surface waters by photosynthesis of
    organic matter. As falling organic matter is
    respired (or remineralized), the nutrients are
  • Oxygen has the opposite behavior. Cartoon
    photosynthesis/respiration reaction
  • CO2 H2O CH2O O2

Oxygen, the anti-nutrient element
  • Oxygen increases with depth below the oxygen
    minimum because it is supplied by relatively
    young ventilated water below.
  • However, when productivity is very high or where
    supply from below is cut off, deep waters may
    become anoxic
  • The Black Sea is permanently anoxic
  • The Gulf of Mexico has a seasonal dead zone
    caused by fertilizer-rich Mississippi River
  • Occasional global anoxic events associated with
    mass extinction events leave widespread black
    shale deposits full of unoxidized organic matter

Nutrient Elements
  • Oceanic organic matter contains the element C, N,
    and P in nearly constant ratios, the Redfield
    Ratios C106N16P1
  • Seawater contains N and P in exactly the same
    ratio! This implies two seemingly contradictory
  • All P and N in the shallow ocean comes from
    remineralization of organic matter at depth, so
    it is supplied to the cycle with the Redfield
  • Life has evolved to optimally utilize available
    nutrients, leaving neither in significant excess
  • Very slight excess in PO4 (which comes only from
    weathering input) implies NO3 is limiting, but N2
    can be fixed to NO3 if Fe is available, hence
    ideas about Fe fertilization of ocean and CO2

(with Fe)
Nutrient Elements
  • So PO4 concentrations, e.g., indicate where
    upwelling is providing nutrients and hence where
    primary productivity (i.e. photosynthesis) occurs
    in the ocean
  • These are also the locations where diatoms are
    making SiO2 shells that rain out to form
    siliceous sediments

Dynamics, Nutrients, Productivity, Silicate
  • We have completed one logic chain Wind stresses
    via the Coriolis force drive upwelling of deep
    waters at high latitudes and west coasts, which
    brings remineralized nutrients into the photic
    zone, which allows plankton to mineralize opal,
    which falls onto the seafloor and accumulates at
    such locations

Carbonate Chemistry
  • Another critical aspect of ocean chemistry is the
    coupled behaviors of CO2, HCO3, and CO32-
  • These buffer the pH of seawater, provide the
    carbon to be reduced by photosynthesis and the
    carbonate to make shells, and constitute one of
    the Earths principal reservoirs of Carbon (60x
    more than the atmosphere!).
  • The key reactions are
  • CO2 H2O HCO3 H
  • HCO3 CO32 H
  • Given total CO3 and pH these speciation
    equilibria are determined at the pH of seawater
    bicarbonate is the dominant ion
  • Note high sensitivity of CO32 concentration to
    pH at neutral pH

Carbonate Chemistry Chicken and egg
  • So primary production increases seawater pH
  • HCO3 H -gt CO2 H2O -gt CH2O O2 , consumes
  • This drives up CO3 concentrations in surface
    waters, although biomineralization of CaCO3
    moderates this effect a little
  • Ca2 HCO3 CaCO3 H , produces H
  • These mechanisms keep shallow ocean
    supersaturated with respect to calcite

But carbonate solubility increases with pressure,
and there is a crossover at the Carbonate
Compensation Depth
Water depth, Solubility, Calcareous sediment
  • The shallow oceans are supersaturated with
    respect to calcite, the deep ocean is
    undersaturated. Hence Calcareous sediment only
    accumulates (either by reef building or rain of
    planktonic shells) in water shallower than the
    CCD, and these locations are restricted to young
    seafloor, continental margins, and oceanic

Areas with gt70 CaCO3 sediment
Oceanic sediment patterns, explained
  • So we have explained the areas of the seafloor
    dominated by calcareous (shallow spots) and
    siliceous (high productivity spots) biofossil
    ooze. The remaining deep seafloor accumulates
    (very slowly) only pelagic clay. Finally, areas
    near continents may be dominated by terrigenous
    or periglacial clastic sediments.

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