Physical Layer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Physical Layer


By varying some sort of physical property such as voltage or current. COMP361 by M. Hamdi ... amount is dependent on physical properties of the medium. COMP361 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Physical Layer

Physical Layer
  • Fundamentals
  • Transmissions factors
  • Transmissions Media

Physical Layer
  • The physical layer deals with transporting bits
    between two machines.
  • How do we communicate 0's and 1's across a
  • By varying some sort of physical property such as
    voltage or current.

Physical Layer
  • Our goal is to understand what happens to a
    signal as it travels across some physical media.
  • That is, will the receiver see the exact same
    signal generated by the sender? Why or why not?

Theoretical Basis for Data Communication
  • Fourier AnalysisFourier showed that a periodic
    function g(t) can be represented mathematically
    as an infinite series of sines and cosines
  • f is the function's fundamental
  •  T1/f      is the function's period
  •  an  and bn are the amplitudes of the nth

Theoretical Basis for Data Communication
  • The series representation of g(t) is called its
    Fourier series expansion.
  • In communications, we can always represent a data
    signal using a Fourier series by imagining that
    the signal repeats the same pattern forever.

Theoretical Basis for Data Communication
  • We can compute the coefficients  an and bn
  • Suppose we use voltages (on/off) to represent
    1''s and 0''s, and we transmit the bit string
    011000010'. The signal would look as follows

Theoretical Basis for Data Communication
Theoretical Basis for Data Communication
  • Points to note about the Fourier expansion
  • The more terms in the expansion, the more exact
    our representation becomes.
  • The expression represents the
    amplitude or energy of the signal (e.g., the
    harmonics contribution to the wave).

Theoretical Basis for Data Communication
  • In our example, the amplitude continually gets
  • The first harmonics are the most important ones
  • So what does this have to do with data
  • The following facts are important

Theoretical Basis for Data Communication
  • Signals attenuate (strength of signal falls off
    with distance) during transmission. How much
    attenuation occurs? The exact amount is dependent
    on physical properties of the medium.

Theoretical Basis for Data Communication
  • Distortion results because attenuation is
    non-uniform across the frequency spectrum some
    frequencies distort more than others. That is,
    the signal doesn't distort uniformly.
  • If every component decreased by the same amount,
    the signal would be weaker, but not distorted,
    and amplifying the signal would restore it.
  • Because the received signal is distorted,
    however, amplification simply magnifies the
    distortion and probably won't help.

Theoretical Basis for Data Communication
  • A transmission medium carries signals lying
    within a spectrum or range of frequencies the
    absolute width of the spectrum is called the
    bandwidth of the channel.
  • Most channels completely attenuate (e.g. chop
    off) frequencies beyond some threshold value.
  • What does this mean in terms of Fourier
    harmonics? In terms of fundamental frequencies of
    a Fourier representation, higher harmonics get
    completely chopped off during transmission and
    are not received at the receiving end!

Theoretical Basis for Data Communication
  • Conclusion it's essentially impossible to
    receive the exact signal that was sent. The key
    is to receive enough of the signal so that the
    receiver can figure out what the original signal
  • Note bandwidth'' is an overloaded term.
    Engineers tend to use bandwidth to refer to the
    spectrum of signals a channel carries. In
    contrast, the term bandwidth'' is often also
    used to refer to the data rate of the channel, in

Nyquist Theorem
  • Noise-free channel
  • Limiting factor on transmission is channel BW
  • If bandwidth is B, highest signal rate is 2B
  • Multi-level signaling
  • C 2B log2 M where
  • C is the data rate
  • B is the bandwidth
  • M is the number of levels
  • For example, a noiseless 3-kHz channel cannot
    transmit binary signals at a rate exceeding 6000

Shannons Theorem
  • If random noise is present, the situation
    deteriorates rapidly. The amount of noise present
    is measured by the ratio of the signal power to
    the noise power, called the signal-to-noise ratio
  • Usually, the ratio itself is not quoted instead,
    the quantity 10 log10S/N is given. These units
    are called decibels (dB).
  • Maximum number of bits/secHlog2(1S/N)
  • For telephone line 3000log2(130dB)?30000bps.

Transmission Media
  • The purpose of the physical layer is to transport
    a raw bit stream from one machine to another.
  • Various physical media can be used for the actual
  • Each one has its own niche in terms of bandwidth,
    delay, cost, and ease of installation and
  • Media are roughly grouped into guided media, such
    as copper wire and fiber optics, and unguided
    media such as radio and lasers through air.

Transmission Media Magnetic Tape
  • One of the most common ways to transport data
    from one computer to another is to write them
    onto magnetic tape or floppy disks, physically
    transport the tape or disks to the destination
    machine, and read them back again.
  • This type of data transportation uses magnetic
  • In this type transportation the feasibility of
    the transport depends on bandwidth of the
    transportation or cost per bit transported

Transmission Media Magnetic Tape
  • Example 8-mm video tape can hold 7 GB
  • A box 50x50x50 cm can hold about 1000 8-mm video
  • That is totaly 7000 GB. (in USA)
    in 24 hours this box can be trasported to
  • ?the effective bandwidth of this transmission is

Transmission Media Magnetic Tape
  • 56000 GB/86400 seconds -gt 648 Gbps. Which is 1000
    times better than an high speed version of ATM
    (622 Mbps). But if the destination is very near
    then then bandwidth of the transmission increases
  • The cost of this transmission is roughly 700
    for 7000 GB. That is about 10 cent per GB!!!
    There is no network carrier on earth can compete
    with that. But the possible delays is the
    weakness of this type of tranmission

Transmission Media Twisted Pair
  • Twisted Pair
  • For MOST applications an on-line connection is
  • For this, the oldest and still very common
    transmission medium is twisted pair.
  • A twisted pair consists of two insulated copper
    wires, about 1 mm thick. The wires are twisted
    together in a helical form.
  • .

Transmission Media Twisted Pair
  • What is the purpose of twisting the wires? To
    reduce electrical interference from similar pairs
    close by
  • The most common application of twisted pair is
    the telephone system. Twisted pairs can run
    several kileometers without amplification, but
    for longer distances the repaters are needed.
  • They can be used for either analog or digital
    transmission. The bandwidth depends on the
    thickness of the wire and the distance traveled.
  • Data rates of several Mbps common.
  • Spans distances of several kilometers.
  • Good, low-cost communication

Transmission Media Coaxial Cable
  • Another common trasmission medium is the coaxial
    cable (baseband) (known as coax).
  • It can be used for longer distances at higher
    speeds - for either digital or analog
  • Data rate depends on physical properties of
    cable, but 10 Mbps is typical.

Transmission Media Coaxial Cable
  • Broadband Coaxial Cable
  • The other kind of coaxial cable system uses
    analog transmission on standard television
    cabling and it is called broadband.
  • TV, audio, and data can be mixed on one cable.
  • Typically bandwidth of 300 MHz, total data rate
    of about 150 Mbps.
  • Operates at distances up to 100 km (metropolitan
  • Technology used in cable television - it is
    already available at sites such as universities
    that may have TV classes.

Transmission Media
  • Broadband vs Baseband Coaxial Cable
  • Which is better, broadband or baseband?
  • There is rarely a simple answer to such
    questions. Baseband is simple to install,
    interfaces are inexpensive, but doesn't have the
    same range.
  • Broadband is more complicated, more expensive,
    and requires regular adjustment by a trained
    technician, but offers more services (e.g., it
    carries audio and video too).

Transmission Media Fiber Optics
  • Fiber Optics
  • An optical trasmission system has three
    components the light source, the transmission
    medium and the detector.
  • A pulse of light indicates a 1 bit and the
    absence of a light indicates a 0 bit.
  • The trasmission medium is an ultra-thin fiber of
    glass. The detector generates an electrical pulse
    when light falls on it.
  • By attaching a light source to one end of an
    optical fiber and a detector to the other, we
    have a unidirectional data trasmission system
    that accepts an electrical signal, converts and
    trasmits it by light pulses, and then reconverts
    the output to an electrical signal by the
    receiving end.

Transmission Media Optical Fiber
Single mode fiber
Multimode fiber
Transmission Media Optical Fiber
  • Fiber Optics
  • Advantages
  • Tremendously high data rate, low error rate. gt
    1000 Mbps (1 Gbps) over distances of kilometers
    common. Error rates are so low they are almost
  • Difficult to tap, which makes it hard for
    unauthorized taps as well
  • can have multiwavelength transmission

Transmission Media Optical Fiber
  • Much thinner (per logical phone line) than
    existing copper circuits.
  • Because of its thinness, phone companies can
    replace thick copper wiring with fibers having
    much more capacity for same volume. This means
    that aggregate phone capacity can be upgraded
    without the need for finding more physical space
    to hire the new cables.
  • Not susceptible to electrical interference
    (lightning) or corrosion (rust).
  • Greater repeater distance than coax.

Transmission Media Optical Fiber
  • Fiber Optics
  • Disadvantages
  • Difficult to tap. It really is point-to-point
    technology. In contrast, tapping into coax is
    trivial. No special training or expensive tools
    or parts are required.
  • One way channel. Two fibers needed to get full
    duplex (both ways) communication.
  • Optical Switching/routing is not trivial

Transmission MediaWireless Transmission
  • Radio omnidirectional, AM, FM Radio, TV, ALOHA
    data network
  • Microwave directional
  • Terrestrial Microwave, long-haul common carrier,
    government communications.
  • Satellite Microwave
  • A communication satellite is a microwave relay

Transmission MediaWireless Transmission
  • Infrared does not penetrate walls, for indoor
    wireless LANs.
  • To prevent total chaos, there are national and
    international agreements about who gets to use
    which frequencies. Since everyone wants a higher
    data rate, everyone wants more spectrum.
  • Therefore, we have to share.
  • FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access
  • TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
  • CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
  • (using spread spectrum technique)

Transmission Media-Wireless Transmission
Transmission Media-Wireless Transmission
  • Difficulties
  • Weather interferes with signals. For instance,
    clouds, rain, lightning, etc. may adversely
    affect communication.
  • Radio transmissions easy to tap. A big concern
    for companies worried about competitors stealing
  • Signals bouncing off of structures may lead to
    out-of-phase signals that the receiver must
    filter out.
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