Title: Trends in Journalism
1Trends in Journalism
- with Tom Abate, Jen McClure Chris OBrien
2Proposed Session Agenda
- Introductions
- SNCR/Middleberg Survey Results
- Discoveries from The Next Newsroom Project
- Looking Forward Newspapers Back to the Future?
- Open Discussion
3Middleberg/SNCR Survey
- Quantitative study
- Survey questionnaire informed by SNCR Fellows who
are journalists - Online survey conducted in conjunction with TWI
- Survey launched in Fall 2008
- Nearly 200 respondents
- Primarily North America
- Primarily editors and reporters from online and
traditional news organizations
- Newspaper/Magazine 58
- Online Only 32
- Broadcast (TV/Radio) 8
5Key Findings
- Social media tools are going mainstream in the
newsroom - Online media gaining credibility in the eyes of
journalists - Millennials are pushing the envelope in terms of
adoption and a new attitude toward social media
and citizen journalism in the newsroom
6Value of Online Media Tools to Journalism
- To find sources
- Company websites 78
- Blogs 56
- Social networking site 44
7Value of Online Media Tools to Journalism
- To find story ideas
- Blogs 59
- Company websites 47
- Twitter 23
8Value of Online Media Tools to Journalism
- To participate in a conversation
- IM 38
- Blogs 34
- Twitter 20
9Value of Online Media Tools to Journalism
- To monitor online discussions/sentiment
- Blogs 63
- Social networking 32
- Twitter 20
10Value of Online Media Tools to Journalism
- As a means to disseminate news
- Blogs 48
- Online video 28
- Social networking 26
- Twitter 19
11Incorporating Citizen Journalism Into Reporting
- Quote bloggers
- 49 - Yes
- 49 - No
- 2 - No response
- Incorporate citizen-generated video
- 35 - Yes
- 63 - No
- 2 - No response
- Cite/quote podcasters
- 22 - Yes
- 70 - No
- 8 - No response
12Theres a new attitude in the newsroom
13Theres a new attitude in the newsroom
14Theres a new attitude in the newsroom
15Theres a new attitude in the newsroom
16Theres a new attitude in the newsroom
17Theres a new attitude in the newsroom
18The Credibility Factor
19Newspapers Back to the Future?
- Newspapers Back to the Future?
- Ye Olde Newspaper Had Attitude (from pamphlets to
broadsides) - Technology Made Newspapers a Mass Medium (The
Yellow Boy vs. Nickelodeons) - Walter Lippmann, Gatekeeper Snob
- Golden Age of Newspapers 1950 to 1990
- Giving News Away on the Web
- Social Media Challenges Mass Media
- The Future of Newspapers an iPod model?