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Includes certain s provided by authors of Skousen, Stice & Stice and Kieso, ... A pension plan that determines the amount of benefit to be provided ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Pensions

Pensions Other Post Employment Benefits after
SFAS No. 158
  • Includes certain slides provided by authors of
    Skousen, Stice Stice and Kieso, Weygandt
    Warfield Intermediate Accounting textbooks, as
    modified and adapted by Teresa Gordon

Types of plans
  • Contributory Plan
  • Non-Contributory Plan
  • Defined Contribution Plan
  • Defined Benefit Plan

Defined contribution plans
  • A plan that provides benefits based solely on
    what has been contributed and the earnings
    thereon lt 401(k) gt
  • Amounts to be funded are determined by the plan
  • No promise for specific future benefits.
  • Independent third party holds assets
  • Risk borne by employee
  • Accounting relatively straightforward

Defined benefit plans
  • A pension plan that determines the amount of
    benefit to be provided
  • Contributions based on estimated amounts needed
    to meet expected payments
  • Form versus substance of trust
  • Risk borne by employer
  • Accounting by employer is complicated

Defined Benefit Pension Plan
Current Employees
Pension Approaches
  • Before FASB 87 88
  • pay as you go or noncapitalization
  • FASB 87 88
  • Capitalization approach
  • Full obligation reported only in notes
  • FASB 158
  • Pension post-retirement benefit cost is same as
    FASB 87
  • Full obligation is now reported on balance sheet
  • Additional items now on statement of
    comprehensive income

Capitalization approach to pensions
  • Employer has full liability for benefits related
    to service already rendered by employee
  • Expense is recognized as employees work (service
    cost) and this increases the liability
  • Liability balance increases every year since
    present value of future benefits is larger (less
    time remains to cash outflow)
  • Liability is reduced through payments to retirees
  • Assets of the plan are considered pledged,
    collateral against a liability
  • Liability less designated assets reported on
    balance sheet (net presentation)

Measures of Pension Liability
Benefits for vested and nonvested employees at
future salaries
Benefits for vested and non- vested employees at
current salaries
Accumulated Benefit Obligation
Projected Benefit Obligation
Benefits for vested employees at current salaries
Vested Benefit Obligation
Interest/return rates
  • Discount rate
  • Rates on high-quality fixed-income investments
    with maturities consistent with expected payments
    to retirees
  • Generally equivalent to a portfolio of
    zero-coupon bonds with appropriate maturities
  • Expected rate of return
  • Based on long-term rate of return anticipated
    given investment of plan assets

What happens when
  • Interest rates increase?
  • Interest rates decrease?

A working paper for pensions
Accounts on Employers Books
  • Net Periodic Pension Cost (Expense)
  • Amount recognized by the employer on the income
  • Pension expense includes six basic elements (more
  • Other comprehensive income
  • Up to three amounts reported for changes in
    balance of AOCI amounts (see next slide)

Working Paper Pension Expense
A working paper for pensions
Accounts on Employers Books
  • On balance sheet Net funded position
  • When PBO gt Plan Assets, reported as noncurrent
    liability (with current liability if there are
    inadequate plan assets to cover current payments
    to retirees)
  • When Plan Assets gt PBO, reported as noncurrent

A working paper for pensions
Accounts on Employers Books
  • Accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI)
  • Account appears as part of owners equity section
    of balance sheet
  • Three pension related balances
  • Transition gain or loss
  • Prior service cost
  • Actuarial gains or losses

A working paper for pensions
Self-checking features
Funded status must equal PBO Plan Assets
Each blue row must add across to ZERO
Balance forwards
Net Periodic Pension Cost
  • Net periodic pension cost (the expense) consists
    of six basic elements
  • Service cost
  • Interest cost
  • Expected return on plan assets
  • Amortization (if any) of
  • Transition gain or loss
  • Prior service cost
  • Unrecognized gain or loss

Pension Definitions
  • Prior Service Cost (PSC)
  • Cost of benefits granted for service rendered
    prior to the inception of the plan
  • Increases PBO at date of amendment but cost is
    amortized to expense over future years
  • Reduces funded status since PBO is higher
  • Recognized as charge to OCI at date of plan
  • Amortization method recommended
  • Years of service method
  • Straight-line or other methods that amortize PSC
    faster are also acceptable

Actuarial Gains and Losses
  • Actuarial assumptions are subject to inaccuracies
    as time goes by and circumstances change
  • There is a materiality provision for determining
    when gains and losses are sufficiently large to
    require amortization (charge to expense)
  • 10 Corridor Rule

Kieso, Weygandt Warfield 11th ed. Illustration
20-14, page 1034
10 Corridor Amortization
  • Amortization is required only on the portion of
    unrecognized net gain or loss that exceeds 10 of
    the greater of
  • PBO at beginning ofyear, or
  • market-related value of plan assets at the
    beginning of the year.

Settlements Curtailments
  • Additional FASB standards govern major changes in
    pension plans
  • Settlements
  • No further obligations to some or all employees
  • Curtailments
  • Results in significant reduction in expected
    years, or
  • No further accrual of benefits
  • Handling will require further research (primarily
    FASB 88)

Pension Disclosures FAS 132(R)
  • Amount and types of assets held
  • Assumptions related to discount rate, rate of
    increase in compensation, expected return on plan
  • Alternative amortization policies
  • Past practice or history of regular benefit

Pension Disclosures FAS 132(R)
  • The details for net periodic pension cost
  • the service cost component.
  • the interest cost component.
  • the expected return on plan assets FAS 132
  • the amortization of PSC, transition amount and
    unrecognized gain/loss (separately)
  • Gain or loss from settlement or curtailment of

Pension DisclosuresReconciliations
  • The fair value of plan assets (changes between
    BOY and EOY)
  • PBO Obligation (changes between BOY and EOY)

Easily obtained from our work paper!
EoY end of yearBoY beginning of year
Pension Disclosures
  • Employers with multiple plans
  • Information can be combined but the computations
    are made for each individual plan
  • Net position for over-funded plans would be
    reported in noncurrent assets
  • Net position for under-funded plans would be
    reported in liabilities
  • Part may be reported as a current liability
  • See next slide

Current portion of liability
  • The current portion (determined on a plan-by-plan
    basis) is the amount by which the actuarial
    present value of benefits in PBO that are payable
    in the next 12 months exceeds the fair value of
    plan assets
  • As always, the operating cycle might be longer
    than 12 months in which case wed use the
    operating cycle

Other Postretirement Benefits
  • FASB 106 Appendix Material in KWW text
  • Also changed by FASB No. 158

Other Post-retirement Benefits
  • The accounting is similar to pension accounting
    EXCEPT that
  • the terminology is slightly different
  • EPBO
  • APBO

Kieso, Weygandt Warfield 11th ed. Illustration
20A-3, page 1056
  • Prior to the date on which an employee attains
    full eligibility for the benefits that employee
    is expected to earn
  • APBO lt EPBO
  • On and after the full eligibility date,
  • In other words
  • EPBO gt APBO until the employee has earned the
    right to full benefits
  • EPBO APBO after the employee has worked long
    enough to earn full eligibility

Kieso, Weygandt Warfield 11th ed. Illustration
20A-2, page 1056
  • Cost attributed to period from hire to
    eligibility (vesting)

Postretirement Benefit Worksheet
  • Would be the same as a pension worksheet with
    modified labels at the top
  • Pension Expense becomes Postretirement Benefit
  • PBO becomes APBO.

Working paper for FAS106
Net periodic postretirement benefit cost.
  • The expense basically includes the same elements
    as pension cost
  • Service cost -- the actuarial present value of
    benefits attributed to services rendered by
    employees during the period.
  • Interest cost -- the interest on the beginning
    balance of the accumulated postretirement benefit
  • Less expected return on plan assets.
  • Amortizations (transition, prior service cost and
    unrecognized gain or loss)

Comparing FASB 87 106
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