Title: HR Introduction to Civil Service pensions
1HR Introduction to Civil Service pensions
2Purpose of todays presentation
- To provide you with an overview of the Civil
Service pension (CSP) arrangements - Help you in your HR pensions role when dealing
with staff - To introduce you to sources of pensions guidance
- By the end of this presentation you will
- Understand your roles and responsibilities in
delivering the CSP arrangements to staff - Know where to go for support and what guidance is
available to you - Have a better understanding of the Civil Service
pension arrangements
4A few facts and figures
- The Civil Service pension Scheme
- - Has 1.5 million members, including
- Active
- Deferred, and
- Pensioners
- - Pays out 3bn a year in pensions
- - Pays pensioners who now live in 130 different
countries - - Has over 1000 pensioners aged over 90, and 300
aged over 100!
5Civil Service Pensions who is involved?
Minister for the Civil Service Scheme Sponsor
St Ives Printers and distributors
Cabinet Office Scheme Management Board and
MyCSP Pension Service Centres
Capita Pensioner Payroll
Scheme Medical Advisor Capita Health Solutions
Civil Service Employers
Scheme members
6Cabinet Office Permanent Secretary
Scheme Management Board
Scheme Management Executive
Participation Agreement
Scheme Members
St Ives
Capita Hartshead
7Cabinet Office, SME what does it do?
Employer Support
Manages the Scheme via contract with MyCSP
Cabinet Office SME
Civil Superannuation
8Where do I fit?
Payroll Provider
Cabinet Office Scheme Management Executive
9Overview of main pension schemes
- nuvos
- premium (closed)
- classic (closed)
- classic plus (closed)
- partnership pension account
- NB some exceptions to access to classic and
10Other schemes
- Civil Service Compensation Scheme (CSCS)
- Civil Service Additional Voluntary Contributions
Scheme (CSAVCS) - The Civil Service Injury Benefit Scheme (CSIBS)
- The partnership pension account death benefit
scheme (PPADBS) - The partnership pension account ill health
benefit scheme (PPAIHBS) - Designated stakeholder scheme
11What does MyCSP do?
- What does your MyCSP Pension Service Centre do?
- Applies the rules of the pension scheme
- Maintains members records on PenServer
- Deals with applications for boosting pensions
- Provides and issues pension booklets and leaflets
- Processes leavers and retirements and notifies
Capita to pay pensions - Issues Annual Benefit Statements
- Operates a help line for member queries
- Your relationship with MyCSP
12What does your payroll do?
- What does your payroll do?
- Sets up deductions of contributions
- Pays member contributions to Cabinet Office
- Pays Accruing Superannuation Liability Charges
(ASLCs) - Pays partnership contributions to providers
- Sends member data via an interface to MyCSP
- What is your relationship with your payroll?
- Communicating changes on policy and processes
- Ensuring correct pension contributions are paid
- Ensuring accuracy of member data
13Who is the pensioner payroll provider?
- What do they do?
- Pay lump sums, pensions and death benefits
- Refund contributions to members who have less
than 2 years service - Calculate and apply abatement for re-employed
pensioners - Deal with all correspondence and enquiries
relating to pensioners and deferred pensioners - Operate a call centre for pensioners
14Who are St Ives?
- Printers for Starter Packs, leaflets and booklets
- Distributors for Starter Packs, leaflets and
booklets - Orders for Starter Packs should be made using
Despatch Request Form 2 (DRF2)
15Who pays for a members pension?
- Significant part of the total reward package
- Member makes a contribution
- Employers pay a significant amount towards
members pensions - Based on a percentage of the members salary
16Communication with members
- Key responsibilities
- Pension Starter Packs
- Provide Pension Scheme Information
- Annual Benefit Statements
- Office Notices
17Your roles and responsibilities
- Working patterns
- Change of circumstances
- Opting in and out
- Switching
- Member transfers
- Topping up a pension
- Complaints
- Injury at work
- Retirement
- Partial retirement
- Leaving before pension age
- Death in Service
- Re-employment
18Changes to working patterns
- Working patterns
- Part-time, term-time and seasonal
- Flexible and shift working
- Partial retirement
- Different kinds of breaks
- Career breaks
- Special leave, maternity, paternity, adoption
leave, parental leave and time off for
dependants - See factsheets on www.civilservice.gov.uk
19Change to personal circumstances
- Marriage
- Divorce
- Civil partnership
- Gender Recognition Certificate
20Opting in and out of the CSP arrangements
- For information on opting in and out
- Direct member to the information on the CSP
website - Direct member to MyCSP
- Opting out
- Stop paying over member and employer
contributions - 3 month rule
- Opt in
- One option to rejoin
- Not treated as new entrants
- MyCSP will deal with requests
- Pay over contributions
21Members wishing to switch between schemes
- Can only switch between partnership and premium
and partnership and nuvos - Once each way
- 1 April or 1 October
- Pension switch form
- 3 months notice
22Member transfers
- Members who transfer between employers covered by
CSP arrangements can remain in the same scheme
providing - no break in service (28 days or less)
- Employers must complete
- Form E18(08) to new employer
23Topping up a pension
- Added pension
- Civil Service Additional Voluntary Contributions
Scheme (CSAVCS) - Stakeholder pensions
24What happens when a member complains?
- Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR)
- The Pensions Advisory Service (TPAS)
- Complaints Leafleton CSP website
- Pensions Ombudsman
25When staff are injured at work
- Civil Service Injury Benefit Scheme (CSIBS)
- All employeesare covered
- MyCSP PSC decides who qualifies
26Staff approaching retirement
- Scheme pension age
- 45 years service
- Pre-retirement course
- Give My CSP PSC plenty of notice
27What is Partial Retirement?
- Gradual transition from work to retirement
- Members can draw some or all of their pension
(and lump sum) - Must reshape job
- Earnings reduced by at least 20
- Impact on final pension and income
- To be agreed by employer
28Partial Retirement checklist
- Direct member to use the calculator on the
website, read Partial retirement booklet and
complete CSP15 form - Earnings to reduce by at least 20
- Set timescales with employee
- Employer must sign CSP15 and CSP16 form
- Employers do not need to complete CSP 13 form
29Staff who leave before pension age
- Staff who leave before pension age
- Resignation or dismissal
- Early retirement and severance including
ill-health retirement - Resignation
- More than 2 years service
- Less than 2 years service
- Dismissal
30Staff who leave before pension age
- Early retirement and early severance
- Approved early retirement
- Voluntary exit
- Voluntary redundancy
- Compulsory redundancy
- Ill-health retirement
31Death in Service
- Contact MyCSP and payroll immediately
- Next of kin details or personal representative
- MyCSP will advise information required
- Capita will pay death benefits
- Family and dependent benefits may also be paid
32Pensioners and abatement
- Re-employed pensioner
- Pension Questionnaire and Rejoiner Calculator
- Abatement
- CSP 13 (Estimate)
- CSP 13
33What support is there for me?
- MyCSP Pension Service Centre
- CSP websiteat www.civilservice.gov.uk
34Further support
- Employers Pension Guide (EPG)
- Employer Pensions Notice (EPN) and Pension News
- Training
35Any Questions?