Title: Musculoskeletal Surgeries Outcome by Surgical Setting and Expedited Status
1Musculoskeletal Surgeries Outcome by Surgical
Setting and Expedited Status 21st Annual
Occupational and Environmental Health Conference,
Semiahmoo, January 8-9, 2009 Chris McLeod, Eric
Lorenz, Jonathan Fan, Ronita Nath, Mieke Koehoorn
2Research Opportunity
- WorkSafeBC is able to expedite diagnostic
surgical procedures through private clinics - Starting in 1996 for private clinics, 2001 for
expedited procedures - Never been evaluated criticized by Auditor
General of BC - Comparison of surgical population in private vs.
public setting and expedited vs. non expedited
3Time off work matters!
- The longer a worker is off work, the less likely
they are to return to work - At 6 months, 50 fail to RTW
- At 12 months, 80 fail to RTW
- At 24 months, 90 fail to RTW
4Research Question
- Do surgical setting and expedited
- status matter?
5Methods Summary
- Study Population
- - Retrospective cohort design
- - Individuals in WorkSafeBC database coded
for either a knee meniscectomy or knee meniscal
repair between Jan. 2001 and Dec. 2005 - - Working age population (age 15 to 64)
- - Individuals are claim/injury free for at
least one year prior to start of follow-up - - Individuals have a time loss claim
- - Individuals underwent a day surgery procedure
6Defining wait times and outcomes
7Methods Summary
- Analyses
- Descriptive statistics
- Compared baseline characteristics of the three
study groups (private expedited, public
expedited, and public non-expedited) - Quantile (median) regression models
- Examined association of covariates and outcomes
(wait times and time to return-to-work) - Focus is on median days
- Estimates also provided for 25th, 75th
percentiles - Age, gender, and wage retained in multivariate
- Study population
- N 1474 individuals
9Meniscal surgeries by surgical setting and
expedited status
10Patient characteristics by surgical setting and
expedited status, with 95 confidence intervals
11Patient characteristics by surgical setting and
expedited status, with 95 confidence intervals
- Specialist Consult Wait Time
- Referral Date ? (Last) Specialist Consult Date
- Median Days (with 25th and 75th percentiles)
- Surgery Wait Time
- (Last) Specialist Consult Date ? Surgery Date
- Median Days (with 25th and 75th percentiles)
- Time to Return to Work
- Surgery Date ? Return to Work Date
- Median Days (with 25th and 75th percentiles)
16Patient characteristics by health authority
region, with 95 confidence intervals
17Patient characteristics by health authority
region, with 95 confidence intervals
- Adjusted median days by health authority region
- Adjusted median days by health authority region
- Adjusted median days by health authority region
- Specialist Consult Wait Time (Referral Date ?
(Last) Specialist Consult Date) - Quantile regression coefficients (days, with 95
confidence intervals) - Variables included in model (coefficients not
shown) gender, age, wage, and health authority
- Surgical Wait Time ((Last) Specialist Consult
Date ? Surgery Date) - Quantile regression coefficients (days, with 95
confidence intervals) - Variables included in model (coefficients not
shown) gender, age, wage, and health authority
- Time to Return-to-Work (Surgery Date ? Return to
Work Date) - Quantile regression coefficients (days, with 95
confidence intervals) - Variables included in model (coefficients not
shown) gender, age, wage, osteoarthritis, ACL
diagnosis, previous surgery, and health authority
- Specialist Consult Wait Time (Referral Date ?
(Last) Specialist Consult Date) - Quantile regression coefficients (median days,
with 95 confidence intervals) - Variables included in model (coefficients not
shown) surgical setting/expedited status,
gender, age, and wage
- Surgical Wait Time ((Last) Specialist Consult
Date ? Surgery Date) - Quantile regression coefficients (days, with 95
confidence intervals) - Variables included in model (coefficients not
shown) surgical setting/expedited status,
gender, age, and wage
- Time to Return-to-Work (Surgery Date ? Return to
Work Date) - Quantile regression coefficients (median days,
with 95 confidence intervals) - Variables included in model (not all coefficients
shown) surgical setting/expedited status,
gender, age, wage, osteoarthritis, ACL diagnosis,
previous surgery, and health authority
- Time to Return-to-Work (Surgery Date ? Return to
Work Date) - Quantile regression coefficients (days, with 95
confidence intervals) - Variables included in model (coefficients not
shown) surgical setting/expedited status,
gender, age, wage, osteoarthritis, ACL diagnosis,
and previous injury
28Thank you!
- WorkSafeBC
- Partnership
- Roberta Ellis
- Terry Bogyo
- Ed McCloskey
- Penny Lowe
- VSC staff
- Diana McKay
- Joey Hofmeister
- Andrew Montgomery
- Clinical Management
- Gord van der Eerden
- Dr. Don Graham
- Co-Investigators
- Mieke Koehoorn
- Morris Barer
- Kim McGrail
- Chris McLeod
- Toronto Western Hospital
- Pierre Côté
- Institute for Work Health
- Sheilah Hogg-Johnson
- Research Staff
- Rahul Chhokar, Eric Lorenz, Lillian Tamburic, Fan
Xu, Jonathan Fan, Ronita Nath
29More Information
- On the Web
- www.chspr.ubc.ca/research/worksafebcWorkSafeBC
resquery_at_worksafebc.comThe University of
British ColumbiaChris McLeodMieke Koehoorn