Title: Educational Data Warehouse
1Educational Data Warehouse
Reporting Solutions
2Data Confidentiality
Florida Statutes, Chapter 1002.22, and the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) limits
and makes confidential student related records
and information. All applicable laws, rules, and
regulations and codes of ethics govern the use of
this data. Special Note F/R Lunch information
is limited to staff members with a legitimate
educational interest.
3EDW Awareness
Currently - Principals / Assistant
Principals August Principals / Assistant
Principals, LTFs, and District Department
Personnel September Guidance
Counselors October School Teams
Must Attend Awareness Session for Access, Must
have Security Access Approved Prior to Session,
Must know Network Sign-on.
4Report Descriptions
- Student Listings
- Graphs
- Summary Reports
5Quick Picks and Hot Picks
Quick Picks Prefiltered reports (Future
Feature) Hot Picks Monthly reports of
6Requests for Future Reports
The Superintendents EDW Steering Committee will
set priorities for report requests/
7Recently Captured Data
Student Listings
- FY06 DSS Reading Gains by
- FY06 Teacher/Course/Section
- FY06 DSS Math Gains by
- FY06 Teacher/Course/Section
- FY06 Science Profile by
- FY06 Teacher/Course/Section
- FY06 SRI by
- FY06 Teacher/Course/Section
- (All Assessments)
8FY06 Reading DS Gains by FY06 Teacher/Course/Secti
9FY06 Math DS Gains by FY06 Teacher/Course/Section
10FY06 Science Profile by FY06 Teacher/Course/Sectio
11FY06 SRI Report FY06 Teacher/Course/Section
12FY06 SRI Report FY06 Teacher/Course/Section (Page
13After logging in to EDW, click NEW TO THE EDW
14Click Link below
Note that only District Users will see this link.
15- User will be redirected to the following
directory listing - The following actions are possible
- Click browser Back button - Return to EDW Home
Page - Click To Parent Directory - Return to EDW Home
Page - Click School Number View list of reports for
that school - Click browser X button - Exit EDW
16- On selecting a school, the user sees the list of
prerun reports for that school. - The following actions are possible
- Click browser Back button - Return to listing
of Schools as shown in previous slide - Click To Parent Directory - Return to listing
of Schools as shown in previous slide - Click Report Name to open PDF report
- Click browser X button - Exit EDW
17- After opening a report, the user has the
following options - Browse through pages of report, print report,
save report to disk, etc - Click browser Back button - Return to listing of
Reports as shown in previous slide - Click browser X button - Exit EDW
18- Notes
- Most School folders contain 4 reports
- Some contain 3 reports This occurs when there
was no data found for the Science Profile report
for that school. - Some contain more than 4 reports- This occurs
when a school contains Elementary and Secondary
grade levels- - Elementary School FCAT reports are run for
schools that have any grade levels between 3 and
6. These are only run for schools with the
following types AL, CH, DJ, ES, EL. - Elementary School SRI reports are run for
schools that have any grade levels between 2 and
5 - Secondary School FCAT reports are run for
schools that have any grade levels between 6 and
12. - Secondary School SRI reports are run for schools
that have any grade levels between 6 and 10 - E.g.
19SAI Priority List Current Students
20Low Accountable Students
- Will be adding feature to select the Low of
Accountability Students. - This will be an approximation of the State
calculation which will be refreshed on a weekly
basis beginning with Survey 2 (October).
21Export of data to Excel
These buttons will allow you to save your report,
change the format to PDF, and export to Excel in
single sheet, 2000 format, and 2002 format.
22Troubleshooting Excel Exports
- Excel 2000 Single Sheet
- Excel 2000
- Excel 2002
- The above Excel Buttons have been unhidden,
however, Cognos does not support this function in
SSL (https). If someone gets an error while
trying to open or download using these buttons,
they need to do the following to their Internet
Explorer settings
23Troubleshooting Excel Exports
- Excel 2000 Single Sheet
- Excel 2000
- Excel 2002
- The above Excel Buttons have been unhidden,
however, Cognos does not support this function in
SSL (https). If someone gets an error while
trying to open or download using these buttons,
they need to do the following to their Internet
Explorer settings - Within Internet Explorer, go to Tools-gt Internet
Options - Go to the Advanced tab
- Look for the "Do not save encrypted pages to
disk" under the Security sub-section. - If it's checked, uncheck it and try to load an
Excel file again. -
- Within Internet Explorer, go to Tools-gt Internet
Options - Go to the Advanced tab
- Look for the "Do not save encrypted pages to
disk" under the Security sub-section. - If it's checked, uncheck it and try to load an
Excel file again.
24Frequently Asked Questions Technical
Assistance Link on EDW
25EDW Support
Navigation Paula Douglas, South Area
Specialist, PX 22061 or 241-2061 JeTawn Shannon,
Central Area Specialist, PX 83259 or
804-3259 Janet Hope, North Area Specialist, PX
50060 or 494-0060 Sherry Norwitch, West Area
Specialist, PX 50453 or 651-0453 Sandra Raymond
Roberts, Manager PX 47649 or 357-7649 Michael
Via, Manager, PX 48297 or 434-8297 Diane L.
Conley, PX86391 or 432-6391 Diane Lobato,
Secretary PX 48469 or 434-8469 Technical Help
Desk PX 48940 or 434-8940
26Navigation Paula Douglas, South Area
Specialist, PX 22061 or 241-2061 JeTawn Shannon,
Central Area Specialist, PX 83259 or
804-3259 Janet Hope, North Area Specialist, PX
50060 or 494-0060 Sherry Norwitch, West Area
Specialist, PX 50453 or 651-0453 Sandra Raymond
Roberts, Manager PX 47649 or 357-7649 Michael
Via, Manager, PX 48297 or 434-8297 Diane L.
Conley, Director, PX 86391 or 432-6391 Diane
Lobato, Secretary PX 48469 or 434-8469 Technical
Help Desk PX 48940 or 434-8940
27Thank You !
28Q As