Title: Finishing Norman
1Finishing Norman
- http//www.infosci.cornell.edu/courses/info345/200
7sp/ - http//commune.cit.cornell.edu/wikis/COMM345/
2Last time
- Reflection on critical design
- Design lifecycles iteration evaluation
- Group assignments, and deliverable 1
- Finishing Norman
- Normans high-level design principles
- With some HCI-specific bits
- Interface Hall of Fame/Shame
- The central role of error
- Next a bit of cognitive science
4High level design values
- Affordances (a reminder)
- Mappings
- Visibility
- Feedback
- Remember, principles are like opinions
- DIS textbook
- Bruce Tognazzini http//www.asktog.com/basics/firs
5Affordances are constraints
- Signs are warnings of design weakness!
6Affordances in HCI
- Affordances are physical
- How to leverage the idea in virtual contexts?
- Greyed out boxes
- Cultural affordances?
- Coding Horror native vs. cross-platform GUI
- The world looked like Yahoo
7Tradeoffs and mappings
8Mappings and HCI
- Start with the numbers 1, 2, 3, ..., 9
- Alternate turns, take one number at a time
- A player wins with any 3 numbers that sum to 15
- e.g., 1, 3, 9, 5 wins because 195 equals 15
- If numbers are all used with no winner, the game
is a draw
9OK, now try it another way
10Mappings in HCI
- Good mappings give value
- Indirect action requires good representations
- So does working with information
- How do we do mappings in HCI?
- Labels
- Metaphor
- Links
12(No Transcript)
13Metaphors are imperfect
14which can give them power
15Links (information scent")
- A simple principle make people aware
17Visibility (aha, things overlap)
18Icons visibility meets mappings
- Icons make lots of commands visible
- But is this a good thing?
- Recognition vs. recall
- Tool tips knowledge in the world
19Issues with icons
- Small size is a big constraint
- People different words, same thing
- Icons are small targets (Fitts law)
- Some solutions
- Consistency
- Mobility
- Customizability
- Good art (sorry, cant help you here!)
20Why doesnt enter work?
21Feedback in HCI
- People who feel no pain
- Designs that fail to provide feedback
- Did I save?
- Markup vs. WYSIWYG
- How to provide feedback?
22Interface hall of f(sh)ame
- Our goal become attuned
- Find examples of good and bad design
- Artifacts are fine remember, design has many
universal aspects - Software and websites perhaps better
- Explain why, in terms of some set of desirable
attributes or principles - Suggest how to fix it.
23Visibility and the alarm clock
24What if its dark or Im ½ blind?
25Suggestion improve visibility
And lets not get started on time setting
controls see Normans brutal critique of the
digital watch
26Now, you do it
- Find an example
- Critique it
- Suggest improvements
- Use a little more text than I did, because people
will view these on the wiki - Anyone want to do them in class?
27Text editing in the bad old days
28Seven stages of action
Evaluation of the interpretations
Intention to act
Interpreting the perception
Sequence of actions
Execution of the action sequence
Perceiving the state of the world
The World
29Gulfs of Execution Evaluation
Evaluation of the interpretations
Intention to act
Interpreting the perception
Sequence of actions
Execution of the action sequence
Perceiving the state of the world
The World
30The Gulf of Execution
- Does the system provide actions that correspond
to the users intentions? - The difference between intentions and allowable
actions is the Gulf of Execution
31The Gulf of Evaluation
- Does the system provide a representation that can
be readily perceived and interpreted in terms of
the users intentions and expectations? - The Gulf of Evaluation reflects the amount of
effort that the person must exert to interpret
the system state and determine how well the
intentions have been met.
32Seven Stages as Design Aids
Determine the function of the system?
- Think about how affordances, feedback,
visibility, and mappings fit in here
Tell if the system is in the desired state?
Tell what actions are possible?
Determine a mapping from system state to
Determine a mapping from intention to physical
Perform the action?
Tell what state the system is in?
33When errors do happen
34Main ideas from these notes
- Normans principles of good product design do
(mostly) translate to HCI - Think like a designer! The Hall of Fame and Shame
are everywhere in your life - Use the force, or at least the principles
- To err is human, so we must plan ahead