Title: The Physics of Rubber Bands
1The Physics of Rubber Bands
2What do rubber bands and springs have in common?
3What do rubber bands and springs have in common?
- Exert a restoring force proportional to the
displacement from equilibrium
4How are they different?
5How are they different?
6How are they different?
- Rubber breaks cleanly
- Spring-like nature not destroyed by overextension
7How are they different?
- Rubber breaks cleanly
- Spring-like nature not destroyed by overextension
- Temperature changes with extension/relaxation
8Why does rubber behave as it does?
9Why does rubber behave as it does?
10Why does rubber behave as it does?
11Other examples of random motion
12Other examples of random motion
- Scent expanding in air (gaseous mixture)
13Other examples of random motion
- Scent expanding in air (gaseous mixture)
- Food coloring expanding in water (aqueous mixture)
14Characteristics of random motion
15Characteristics of random motion
- Random motion will lead to the most probable state
16Characteristics of random motion
- Random motion will lead to the most probable
state - The rate of random motion is temperature dependent
17Why does rubber warm when stretched and cool when
18Why does rubber warm when stretched and cool when
- When rubber is relaxed it has lots of internal
19Why does rubber warm when stretched and cool when
- When rubber is stretched it has limited
internal freedom
20Why does rubber warm when stretched and cool when
- Stretching a rubber band restricts the random
21Why does rubber warm when stretched and cool when
- Stretching a rubber band restricts the random
rotations - The energy that was involved in the random
rotations gets converted into random vibrations
and the band heats up
22Why does rubber warm when stretched and cool when
- Conversely, it takes energy to start the random
rotations when a stretched band is released
23Why does rubber warm when stretched and cool when
- Conversely, it takes energy to start the random
rotations when a stretched band is released - The energy for the random rotations comes from
the vibrational energy of the band and the band
cools off
24Why does rubber warm when stretched and cool when
25How might this property be useful?
26How might this property be useful?