Title: Table of Contents
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2Table of Contents
Slide Number
- Refining 4
- Marathon Supply 5
- Terminal,Transport Marine 6
- Marathon Pipe Line LLC 7
- Brand Marketing 8
- Sales Marketing 9
- Speedway SuperAmerica LLC 10
- Corporate Responsibility 11-13
- Glossary 14-31
Information current as of March, 2009
3- Based in Findlay, Ohio, Marathon Petroleum
Company LLC (Marathon) is the nations fifth
largest transportation fuels refiner with
1,016,000 barrels-per-day capacity in its
seven-refinery system. Marathons retail
marketing system comprises approximately 6,200
locations in 18 states, nearly three-quarters are
Marathon brand locations. Marathon serves the
Midwest, Upper Great Plains, Gulf Coast and
Southeast as a petroleum products marketer,
owning or operating 87 light product and asphalt
terminals. The Company owns, operates, leases or
has ownership interest in about 10,000 miles of
pipeline. Marathon is a limited liability company
owned 100 percent by Marathon Oil Corporation
(NYSEMRO). Marathon's roots reach into the early
years of the oil industry.
4Detroit102,000 BPCD
St. Paul Park74,000 BPCD
Canton 78,000 BPCD
Refining Total refining capacity 1,016,000
BPCD Approximately 6 of total U.S.
Capacity Crude throughput in 2008 944,000
BPCD Feedstock/Blendstock Inputs 207,000
BPCD Marketing in 2008 (1) Consolidated
Refined Product Sales 20.8 billion
gallons (2) Consolidated Refined Product
Purchases 2.90 billion gallons
Robinson204,000 BPCD
Catlettsburg 226,000 BPCD
Garyville 256,000 BPCD
Texas City76,000 BPCD
BPCD barrels per calendar day
(1) Total MPC sales (MPC SSA) minus sales to
SSA (2) MPC plus SSA 3rd party purchases
5Marathon Supply
Product Purchases
Crude Oil Supply
Feedstock Supply
?Ethanol Marathon has more than 15 years
history of blending with gasoline. In
2008, 57 MBPD of ethanol was blended into
gasoline. ?Has the capacity to blend E-10
across its entire gasoline distribution
network.. ?Has interest in two 110 (MMGPY)
ethanol facilities Clymers, Ind. (35)
and Greenville, Ohio (50). Biodiesel
Fuel Sell biodiesel in Minnesota, Illinois,
and Kentucky.
Canadian 5
Other 1
Canadian 14
Foreign 38 (Aruba, Mexico, Venezuela, Other)
Distillate 20
Foreign 36 (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Mexico, Basra)
Alternative Fuels 32
Fuel Oil 3
Domestic 50
Domestic 57
Gasoline 47
Thousand barrels per day million gallon per
6Terminal, Transport Marine 65 owned or
operated(1) and 57 leased light product terminals
(gasoline, diesel, kerosene, jet fuel) 1.4
MMBPCD(2) light product throughput 137 MBPCD(3)
light products delivered via MPC trucks 22 owned
or operated(1) and 11 leased heavy oil, coke and
asphalt (4) terminals 97.5 MBPD of asphalt
refining capacity 68 MBPCD asphalt terminal
throughput 144 owned transport trucks 268
transport loading racks 15 inland waterway tow
boats and 196 barges owned 418 MBPCD light
products, heavy oils, asphalt, feedstocks and
chemicals transported by Marine Approximately
2,500 owned or leased railcars
Light Product Terminals
MPC Owned
Part Owner
(1) Includes refinery-owned loading racks at
Canton, Ohio, and St. Paul Park, Minn. (2)
Million barrels per calendar day (3) Thousand
barrels per calendar day (4) Operated seasonally
Asphalt/Heavy Oil Terminals
MPC Owned
MPC Leased
Water Supplied Terminals
7 MPC Owned Operated MPC Interest Operated by
MPC MPC Interest Operated by Others Pipelines
Used by MPC
Marathon Pipe Line LLC Downstream owns, operates,
leases or has ownership interest in 72 pipeline
systems in 16 states and federal waters with
approximately 10,000 miles of pipeline including
interest in Capline, LOOP LLC, LOCAP LLC,
Explorer and Wolverine systems. Operates
Centennial Pipeline LLC, a joint venture that
stretches 800 miles from Texas to
Illinois. Controls movement/delivery of
approximately 116 million gallons per day of
crude oil and petroleum products.
Brand Marketing 2008 sales 3.7 billion
gallons 4,499 outlets Located in 19 states
Brand Jobber Dealer Locations
?To learn more about Marathon Brand Marketing,
please visit our website at www.marathonpetroleum
.com and for station locations, go to
9Sales 1,230 MBPCD
Marketing Group
Commodity Group
Special Products Feedstocks 6
Heavy Fuel Oil/Coke 3
Asphalt 6
Asphalt Heavy Fuel Oil 10
Special Products 6
Speedway 15
Distillate 28
Marathon Brand 18
Gasoline 57
Wholesale 51
These values are based on 2008 actual data.
MBPCD thousand barrels per calendar day.
?Excludes sales by MPCs Supply, Distribution and
Planning organization.
Marketing ?Retail Marathons retail marketing
system (Marathon Brand and Speedway
SuperAmerica), comprises
approximately 6,200 locations in 18
states. Wholesale One of the largest wholesale
suppliers of gasoline and distillate within its
market area. Asphalt, Heavy Oil and Coke
Averaging 117 MBPCD production. One of the
largest domestic asphalt producers. Special
Products Markets propane, propylene, off-gas,
cumene, benzene, toluene, xylene, dilute
naphthalene oil, molten sulfur, and
maleic anhydride.
Speedway SuperAmerica LLC 2008 annual sales
Approximately 3 billion gallons of
gasoline 262 million gallons of diesel
fuel 2.8 billion merchandise sales 2008
daily sales Serves more than 2 million
customers daily 8.1 million gallons of gasoline
daily Approximately 1,600 convenience stores
(as of October 2008)(1) Located in 9
?(1) SuperAmerica franchised stores.
?To learn more about Speedway SuperAmerica,
please visit our Web site at www.speedway.com
and for store locations, www.speedway.com/PrintSto
11Corporate Responsibility
- Environment
- Marathon Petroleum Company is committed to
environmental stewardship. As a company that is
dependent on natural resources, MPC recognizes
the value of protecting the environment. MPC
facilities are consistently recognized for their
efforts in this area. - Health/Safety
- Optimizing health and safety performance are
integral parts of MPCs vision and success. A
safe working environment makes employees more
productive, because they feel more comfortable at
work, knowing they will return home to their
family and friends in the same condition that
they left each day.
12Corporate Responsibility
- EEO/Diversity
- An equal opportunity employer, MPC recognizes its
strength is in its people. The company values
diversity and respects the individual. MPC
strives to attract, develop and retain a highly
talented and diverse work force and offers
competitive, challenging career opportunities. It
is the companys policy to comply with all
applicable laws and regulations concerning the
prohibition of discrimination in employment. - Community Involvement
- MPC is proud to be an active part of the
communities where it operates, supporting many
local charities and programs, including the
United Way. The company also contributes to
numerous universities and educational
institutions. MPCs culture is to give more than
monetary support, however. Employees volunteer
time, talents and hard work to help create a
better quality of life for everyone in MPC
13Corporate Responsibility
Ethics and Integrity Business integrity and
ethics have long been guiding principles of the
company. MPC is committed to high ethical
standards in all areas of business. MPC is
privileged to do business in many communities as
members of those communities, the company must
act with integrity and responsibility. As such,
MPC has joined with Marathon Oil Company to
establish a Business Integrity office that
oversees the Code of Business Conduct, promotes
business ethics awareness through education and
training, and operates an employee Helpline for
reporting suspected illegal conduct and to answer
employee questions and concerns.
14Glossary of Common Petroleum Terms
Alternative Fuel ?Any fuel other than
conventional petroleum-based fuel. Includes
ethanol, biodiesel, methanol, natural gas,
propane, hydrogen, biomass and electricity. Anoma
ly An irregularity in a pipe due to damage or a
defect in the pipe. Also used to describe unusual
supply and demand movements. API Gravity An
arbitrary scale defined as degrees API gravity
equals 141.5 divided by specific gravity minus
131.5. The API gravity of water is 10.0. Less
dense liquid fluids have API gravities greater
than 10.0. Backwardation A market situation in
which market prices are expected to be lower in
future months than today (opposite of contango).
15Glossary of Common Petroleum Terms
Barrel A volumetric unit of measure for crude oil
and petroleum products, derived by the original
use of spent whiskey barrels to hold oil in the
1800s. One barrel equals 42 U.S.
gallons. Barrel-Mile A unit of measurement of
pipeline shipment of product that signifies one
barrel moved one mile. Barrels Per Calendar Day
(BPCD) The amount of input that can be processed
under usual operating conditions. The amount is
expressed in terms of capacity during a 24-hour
period averaged over an entire year. It
incorporates typical rate reductions for planned
maintenance and other normal operating
activities. Barrels Per Stream Day (BPSD) The
average number of oil barrels of input processed
within a 24-hour period.
16Glossary of Common Petroleum Terms
Batch A shipment of a single product that is
handled through the pipeline without mixing with
preceding or following shipments. Biodiesel A
renewable fuel for diesel engines that is derived
from natural oils such as soybean oil and that
meets ASTM D 6751 standards. Butanes Low boiling
point hydrocarbons used for gasoline vapor
pressure control. Coking A refining process for
thermally converting and upgrading heavy residual
into lighter products and petroleum
coke. Contango A market situation in which
market prices are expected to be higher in future
months than today (the opposite of backwardation).
17Glossary of Common Petroleum Terms
Crack Spreads The dollar per barrel values of a
product or group of products versus the crude
cost, excluding transportation and manufacturing
costs. Crack spreads are used as a proxy to
estimate the gross margin for processing a barrel
of crude oil in a refinery. Cracking A refining
process under which heavy molecular weight
hydrocarbons are broken up into light hydrocarbon
molecules by the application of heat and
pressure, with or without the use of
catalysts. Dealer A generic term referring to a
retail service station or convenience store
operator usually affiliated with a brand identity
or program. A dealer typically leases the
facility from a refiner or jobber.
18Glossary of Common Petroleum Terms
Downstream The segment of the oil industry
involved in the refining, transportation and
marketing of products. Ethanol ?An alternative
fuel derived from soft starches such as corn or
from cellulose plant fiber. Ethanol-blended fuels
in excess of 10 percent ethanol can only be used
in Flex-Fuel vehicles. Exchange Contract A
contractual agreement with another product
supplier whereby we deliver a product at a given
point in a given quantity for a given period of
time and we receive a like product at a given
point in a reciprocal quantity for the same
period of time. At times the exchange is not
valued equally and one party owes the other money
as well. E-10 ?Fuel containing 10 ethanol and
90 conventional gasoline.
19Glossary of Common Petroleum Terms
E-85 ?Fuel containing 85 ethanol and 15
conventional gasoline. (May change slightly
during winter months.) Feedstock Inputs to
refining or gasoline blending, other than crude
oil, includes butanes, gas oil and natural
gasoline. Gasohol ?A blend of finished gasoline
that contains ethanol. Gas Oil Material heavier
than distillate and lighter than heavy fuel oil
or asphalt. Cracked into gasoline and
distillate-range products.
20Glossary of Common Petroleum Terms
Hydrotreater The purpose of this unit is to
reduces the sulfur and nitrogen contents of the
feedstock and to improve the combustion
characteristics of the transportation fuels. In
addition to sulfur and nitrogen removal,
hydrotreating reduces the amount of aromatic
hydrocarbons that can give jet kerosene a poor
smoke point and diesel fuel a poor cetane
number. Hypermarts A term referring to large
retail stores and/or supermarkets that have a
gasoline offering in their parking lots, perhaps
as a loss leader. Also referred to as big box
retailers. IMP Rule Integrity Management Plan
Rule. Nickname for a rule published by the Office
of Pipeline Safety entitled "Pipeline Integrity
Management in High Consequence Areas. The rule
requires that the integrity of pipeline systems
be managed through testing, maintenance and
evaluations of releases, third party damage and
other relevant data.
21Glossary of Common Petroleum Terms
Independent Marketer A retail petroleum seller
or wholesaler, who is not involved in the
refining of petroleum products and therefore must
purchase its supply of petroleum products from a
refiner or other supplier. Jobber
(Brand) Customers who enter into a Product Supply
Agreement with MPC in which MPC agrees to supply
and the customer agrees to purchase Marathon
Branded motor fuels at MPC terminals for use in
stations where MPC has given permission to use
its name and trademarks. The service stations may
be owned/operated directly by the jobber, leased
by the jobber to another operator, or
owned/operated by some 3rd party. These locations
are called jobber-dealers. The jobber
typically arranges his own scheduling and
transportation of product.
22Glossary of Common Petroleum Terms
Lessee Dealer (Brand) Individuals who lease one
of MPCs company owned service stations in Ohio,
Michigan, Indiana or Illinois. Each lessee dealer
is an independent businessman, making decisions
concerning the day-to-day operations of the
station, including street pricing. Light
Products The group of petroleum products with
lower boiling temperatures, including gasoline
and distillate fuels. Natural Gasoline Gasoline
boiling range material co-produced with natural
gas. Used for refinery feedstock and gasoline
blending. Octane Number A rating, which is the
average of the motor octane and research octane
of a fuel sample, used to indicate gasolines
anti-knock performance in motor vehicle engines.
The higher the octane number, the higher the
resistance to engine knock.
23Glossary of Common Petroleum Terms
Oxygenate Oxygen-containing blend stocks favored
for their octane and their clean burning quality.
Includes ethanol. PADD Petroleum Allocation for
Defense District. A group of five geographic
areas in the U.S. used in reference to petroleum
distribution, created in 1950 by the Petroleum
Administration for Defense. These districts were
originally defined during World War II for
purposes of administering oil allocation. Product
s Terminal A facility used primarily for the
storage and/or marketing of petroleum products
that would generally have a total bulk storage
capacity of 50,000 barrels or more. It typically
receives petroleum products by tanker, barge or
pipeline and serves as a loading facility for
trucks to transport products to stores, stations
and smaller bulk distribution plants.
24Glossary of Common Petroleum Terms
Proration (Also known as an allocation.) A
temporary limit on the amount of product
customers can purchase at the terminal, usually
based on contracts. Used to protect inventories
in time of shortage. Can also refer to a limit on
the amount of product that can be shipped on a
pipeline during a specific period of time by a
supplier. PSI Pounds per square inch. Common
measure of pressure. Pump Price The self-serve
price, including taxes, posted for either
gasoline or diesel fuel at a station or
store. RBOB RBOB is the acronym for Reformulated
Blendstocks for Oxygen Blending. RBOB combined
with ethanol makes what we call RFE (Reformulated
gasoline with ethanol).
25Glossary of Common Petroleum Terms
RVP Reid Vapor Pressure. This is the vapor
pressure of gasoline under a closed vessel at 100
degrees Fahrenheit. Summer months require a lower
RVP so gasoline does not evaporate before it can
combust in a gasoline engine. Winter months
require a higher RVP so gasoline does not vapor
lock before it can combust in a gasoline
engine. Rack Refers to the loading area or point
of sale from which trucks pick up products at a
terminal to transport to other destinations. Rack
Pricing Price to branded and unbranded customers
for purchases of petroleum products at the
terminal, typically with the customer arranging
and paying for transportation.
26Glossary of Common Petroleum Terms
Refiner's Margin Typically, the difference
between the spot price of a light product, such
as gasoline, and the price of crude
oil. Reformulated Gasoline Gasoline with a
different composition from conventional gasoline
that reduces air pollutants. Resale The
simultaneous purchase and sale of products or
crude oil to improve profitability by capturing
timing, location and/or grade differentials. Reta
il Margin ?The difference between the cost to
acquire product at wholesale (including
applicable taxes and the cost of secondary
transportation) and the selling price of the
product at street locations (store or station).
27Glossary of Common Petroleum Terms
Right-of-way A strip of land usually from 50 to
80 feet wide on which permission has been granted
by landowners for the construction/maintenance of
a pipeline. ROCE Return on capital employed is a
measure of how productively the company manages
its assets. ROCE is the ratio of after tax
profits generated to the amount of operating
capital invested. Sellers (Brand) Own their
single-site location, but use MPCs capital
investment dollars and the business consulting
services of its marketing representatives. Like
the Lessee Dealer, each Seller is an independent
businessman, making their own day-to-day
operating decisions. They operate in Ohio,
Michigan, Indiana or Illinois.
28Glossary of Common Petroleum Terms
Smart Pig An internal inspection tool used in the
pipeline industry to detect anomalies or
irregularities on the walls of a
pipeline. SMYS Specified Minimum Yield Strength.
Identifies the mill property of a pipe showing
its strength. Specific Gravity The ratio of a
liquids density compared to water. A liquid with
a specific gravity less than one is less dense
than water. Spot Price The price for a one-time
open market transaction for immediate delivery of
a specific quantity of product at a specific
location where the commodity is purchased "on the
spot" at current market rates.
29Glossary of Common Petroleum Terms
Sour/Sweet Crude Designation which describes the
degree of a given crudes sulfur content. Sour
refers to high-sulfur and sweet to
low-sulfur. Throughput A volumetric rate
measuring the flow of crude or products through a
system over time. Turnaround Period during which
equipment is shut down for mechanical inspection
and/or mechanical maintenance. Upstream The
segment of the oil industry involved in the
exploration and/or production of crude oil.
30Glossary of Common Petroleum Terms
VOC Volatile Organic Compounds. VOC is most
commonly used when describing the summer gasoline
season. This is the time of year when the Clean
Air Act of 1990 requires reduced VOC emissions in
gasoline in order to maintain air
quality. VRU Vapor Recovery Unit. A VRU captures
vapors from empty transport trucks that are
pushed out of the truck tank during the loading
process. Some units actually recover the vapors,
convert them to a liquid state through various
means and return the product to a tank within the
terminal tank farm. Other units, called vapor
combustors, burn the vapors in a flare. WTI West
Texas Intermediate crude oil. The WTI spot price
of crude is reported from Cushing, Oklahoma.
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