Title: Session Number: 5
1Internet Supply Chain Management ECT 581
Winter 2003
Session Number 5
- Session Date February 4, 2003
- Session Outline
- Administrative Items
- Session Topics XML (continued)
- XML Defined
- XML as a Content Development Tool
2Session Number 5
- Session Date February 5, 2002
- Session Topics
- XML (continued)
- Session Outline
- Administrative Items
- Session Material
3Administrative Items
- Web Site Updates
- Initial Exam Homework Results
- Project Information
- Homework Assignment 2
4XML Development - The Basics
- Include an XML declaration as the first
statement in an XML document. - One tag (the root element) contains all of the
other tags. - Every element must have a start and an end tag.
- Empty elements must end in /gt
- (Empty elements do not hold content between the
start and end tags) - Nesting of tags follow the LIFO rule last tag
defined is the first tag closed. - All attribute values are closed in quotes.
- Tags and entities always begin the same way.
- Tags begin with less than (lt) sign.
- Entities begin with an ampersand () sign.
5XML Essentials DTD Composition
- DTDs consist of the following
- XML declaration tells the processor which
version of XML to use. - Document type declaration Tell the processor
where the DTD is located. - Element type declaration Defines the element
type. - Attribute list declaration defines the name,
data type, and default value (if any) of each
attribute associated with an element. - Entity declaration defines a set of
information that can be called by using its
entity name. - Notation declaration associates a notation
name with information that can help find an
interpreter of the notation.
6XML Entities (continued) Parameter Entity
lt!- Segment from sample Order Form DTD -gt lt!-
Document Structure -gt lt!ELEMENT order (addresses,
lineitems, payment)gt . . lt!- Payment Structure
-gt lt!ELEMENT payment (card PO)gt . .lt!- Card
Structure -gt lt!ELEMENT card (cardholder, number,
expiration)gt lt!ELEMENT cardholder
expiration (PCDATA)gt . . lt!- Attribute Rules
-gt lt!ATTLIST card CARDTYPE (VISA Mastercard
CARDTYPE might show up later in the document as
follows . . ltpaymentgt ltcard
CARDTYPEVISAgt ltcardholdergtJoe
Blowlt/cardholdergt ltnumbergt41280000000000lt/
numbergt ltexpirationgt01/03lt/expirationgt
lt/cardgt lt/paymentgt . . lt/ordergt
7XML Entities
- In general, an entity is used like an
abbreviation. - Entities are primarily structural elements.
- Whereas elements attributes enable
specification of logical meaning. - Associates an entity name with a content
fragment. - Four types
- Internal parsed allows definition of an alias
for text fragment. - External parsed enables inclusion of an entire
file as part of a document. - Unparsed enables insertion of arbitrary data
into a document. - Parameter enables creation of reusable and
extensible design elements in a DTD.
8XML An Example (reprise)
- Using the recipe example, we can create the
foundation of a DTD.
lt!DOCTYPE recipe lt!ELEMENT recipe (title,
ingredients, directions, body)gt lt!ELEMENT Title
(PCCHAR) lt!ELEMENT ingredients (ingred_amt,
ingred)gt lt!ELEMENT ingred_amt
(PCDATA)gt lt!ELEMENT ingred
(PCDATA)gt lt!ELEMENT directions (mix_instr,
cook_instr, method)gt lt!ELEMENT mix_instr
(PCDATA)gt lt!ELEMENT cook_instr
(PCDATA)gt lt!ELEMENT method
(PCDATA)gt lt!ENTITY wig Wow! Its good so easy
to make!gt gt ltrecipegt lttitlegtDoughlt/titlegt
ltingredientsgt ltingred_amt
gt1 cuplt/ingred_amtgt ltingredgtflourlt/ingredgt
tsp.lt/ingred_amtgt ltingredgtsaltlt/ingredgt .
(etc.) lt/recipegt
9XML Options for Displaying XML
10Displaying an XML Document Cascading Style
Sheets (CSS)
- Basic Steps for creating CSS
- Create the style sheet.
- Link the style sheet to the XML document.
- If you want to use style sheets, you have to
tell the browser where to find the stylesheet
with a statement looking something like this - lt?xml-stylesheet hrefa_stylesheet.css"
type"text/css" ?gt -
11CSS Example Create the CSS
- Create a file in a text editor (i.e., Notepad,
WordPad, MS Word, or some other editor) - For example
- / File Name Memo.css /
- TITLE displayblock margin-top12pt
font-size10pt - SUBJECT font-styleitalic
- TO font-weightbold
- FROM font-weightbold
- This initial CSS can be applied to the initial
XML Memo Document.
12CSS Example Updated XML Memo Document
lt?xml version"1.0"?gt lt!-- File Name Memo01.xml
--gt lt?xml-stylesheet type"text/css"
href"Memo01.css"?gt lt!DOCTYPE MEMO lt!ELEMENT
(PCDATA)gt lt!ENTITY to "To "gt lt!ENTITY fm "From
"gt lt!ENTITY sub "Subject "gt lt!ENTITY cls
"Sincerely, "gt gt
ltMEMOgt ltTITLEgtClass Memorandumlt/TITLEgt ltTOgtto
ECT 581 Studentslt/TOgt ltFROMgtfm Ellis
Conferlt/FROMgt ltSUBJECTgtsub My
Errorlt/SUBJECTgt ltBODYgt Somehow, I accidentally
deleted the TITLE element from the DTD example
tags from the original version of this XML
example. It is fixed now. Now we can proceed
with the rest of the lesson. lt/BODYgt ltCLOSINGgtcls
lt/CLOSINGgt ltSIGNATUREgtEllis Conferlt/SIGNATUREgt lt/
13CSS Example Create the CSS (continued)
- Lets look at a more advanced CSS applied to the
updated XML Memo document. - / File Name Memo01.css /
- color white font-size 14pt
font-family "Times New Roman" background
maroon right display block margin-top 12pt - SUBJECT
- font 18pt "Times New Roman" display
block margin-top 12pt - TO
- font-weight bold display
blockmargin-top 12pt - FROM
- font-weightbold display block
- BODY font 12pt "Times New Roman" display
block margin-top 12pt - CLOSING font 12pt "Times New Roman" display
block margin-top 12pt - SIGNATURE font 12pt "Times New Roman"
display block margin-top 24pt
14XSL (Extensible Style Language)
- XSL is a language for expressing XML display
formatting stylesheets. -
- It consists of two parts
- 1. a language for transforming XML documents (XSL
Transformation or XSLT), and - 2. an XML vocabulary for specifying formatting
semantics. - XSLT is a language for transforming XML documents
into other XML documents. - An XSL stylesheet specifies the presentation of a
class of XML documents by describing how an
instance of the class is transformed into an XML
document that uses the formatting vocabulary.
15XSL (continued) Components of XSL Language
- The full XSL language logically consists of three
component languages - XPath XML Path Language--a language for
referencing specific parts of an XML document. - XSLT XSL Transformations--a language for
describing how to transform one XML document
(represented as a tree) into another. - XSL Extensible Stylesheet Language--XSLT plus a
description of a set of Formatting Objects and
Formatting Properties. - described in three W3C (World Wide Web
Consortium) Recommendations
16XSL (continued) Basically, what does a
Stylesheet do?
- A stylesheet specifies the presentation of XML
information using two basic categories of
techniques - An optional transformation of the input document
into another structure. - A description of how to present the transformed
information (i.e., a specification of what
properties to associate to each of the various
parts of the transformed information).
17XSL (continued) - Basically, what makes up a
- An XSL stylesheet basically consists of a set of
templates - Each template "matches" some set of elements in
the source tree and then describes the
contribution that the matched element makes to
the result tree. - Generally, elements in a stylesheet in the "xsl"
namespace are part of the XSL transformation
(XSLT) language, and non-xsl elements within a
template are what get put into the result tree.
18XSL (continued) Description of Info in an XML
- Description of how to present the (possibly
transformed) data includes three levels of
formatting information - Specification of the general screen or page (or
even audio) layout. - Note, XSL is usable with different display
technologies (i.e., HTML, PDF, Postscript). - Assignment of the transformed content into basic
"content container types" (e.g., lists,
paragraphs, inline text) - Specification of formatting properties (spacing,
margins, alignment, fonts, etc.) for each
resulting "container"
19XSL (continued) Transformation Capabilities
- Transformation capabilities include
- generation of constant text
- suppression of content
- moving text (e.g., exchanging the order of the
first and last name) - duplicating text (e.g., copying titles to make a
table of contents) - Sorting
- more complex transformations that "compute" new
information in terms of the existing information
20What is XSLT?
- XSLT, a subset of XSL, transforms an XML
document in one format to an XML document in
another format. - Responds to the issue of info exchange between
different organizational entities. - Manifests as an XSLT transformation document
which is also an XML document. - Transformation document resolves differences
between DTDs.
21What is XSLT? (continued)
An XSLT "stylesheet" transforms the input
(source) document's tree into a structure called
a result tree consisting of result objects.
22What is XSLT? (continued)
Example where two different organizations show
parts of order documents in 2 different formats.
XSLT code will perform the transformation.
Document 2 Order currency models currency info
as a child element of the order element ltorder
currencygt ltcurrencygtUSDlt/currencygt ... lt/ordergt
Document 1 Order currency shown as an attribute
on the order element ltorder
currencyUSDgt lt/ordergt
ltxsltemplate match/gt ltxslfor-each
selectordergt ltordergt ltcurrencygt
lt/currencygt lt/ordergt ltxslfor-eachgt lt/xslte
XSLT transformation document designed to resolve
differences between docs 12.
23XSLT Example Document as Stylesheet
Simple stylesheet transforms source ltparagt and
ltemphasisgt elements into HTML
STYLESHEET lt?xml version'1.0'?gt ltxslstylesheet
version"1.0"gt ltxsltemplate match"para"gt
ltpgtltxslapply-templates/gtlt/pgt lt/xsltemplategt
ltxsltemplate match"emphasis"gt
ltigtltxslapply-templates/gtlt/igt lt/xsltemplategt
With STYLESHEET, the following XML
document lt?xml version'1.0'?gt ltparagtThis is a
ltemphasisgttestlt/emphasisgt.lt/paragt Would be
transformed into lt?xml version"1.0"
encoding"utf-8"?gt ltpgtThis is a ltigttestlt/igt.lt/pgt
24XSL (continued)
- XSL stylesheets consist of 5 major components
- construction rules - these locate elements in the
document with defined patterns and results or
actions. - style rules - these assign characteristics to
elements in the source document. - named styles - these define a name for a
collection of characteristics. - macros -these define an object with clear
parameters. - scripts - these calculate results for use in a
style attachment.
25XSL (continued) Using XSL
- Basic Steps for using an XSL stylesheet
- Create the XSL style sheet file.
- Link the XSL style sheet file to the XML
document. - If you want to use XSL style sheets, you have to
tell the browser where to find the stylesheet
with a statement looking something like this - lt?xml-stylesheet typetext/xsl
hrefXSLFilePath?gt - where XSLFilePath is a quoted URL
indicating the location of the style sheet
file. - Note the style sheet file will typically be
stored in the folder where the xml document
resides or in one of its subfolders.
26XSL Example Document as Stylesheet
lthtml xmlnsxsl"http//www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Trans
form"gt ltheadgt lttitlegtSilly Examplelt/titlegt
lt/headgt ltbodygt lth1gtSilly Examplelt/h1gt ltpgtYou'd
probably use extension elements, or something
more interesting in real life 34 is
ltxslvalue-of select"34"/gt. lt/pgt lt/bodygt
27XSL Example Order Form
lt?xml version1.0gt ltDOCTYPE order SYSTEM
MUSICORDER.DTDgt lt!--Example Order Form for EC
Music Madness--gt lt?xml-stylesheet typetext/xsl
hrefxsldemo.xsl?gt ltorder SOURCEweb
ltaddressesgt ltaddress ADDTYPEbillshipgt ltfirst
namegtJohnlt/firstnamegt ltlastnamegtSmithlt/lastnamegt
ltstreet ORDER1gt123 Lumpkin
Lanelt/streetgt ltstreet ORDER2gtApt
1Blt/streetgt ltcitygtJohnson Citylt/citygt ltstategtP
Alt/stategt . lt/addressesgt ltlineitemsgt
. . lt/lineitemsgt . . ltpayment
. lt/paymentgt ltordergt
Example of an abbreviated XML-based order form.
28XSL Example Order Form (continued)
ltxsltemplate matchaddressgt ltfoblock
fofont-sizelarge fofont-weightbold
fofont-familyTimes New Roman
foline-height2 ltxslapply-template/gt lt/fo
blockgt lt/xsltemplategt ltxsltemplate
matchaddress_at_ADDTYPEshipgtgt ltfoblock
fofont-sizesmall fofont-weightnormal
fofont-familyTimes foline-height1
ltxslapply-template/gt lt/foblockgt lt/xsltemplategt
. . .
xsldemo stylesheet (abbreviated version) can be
applied to affect the display of specific
Note fo refers to formatting object. For more
info please refer to the following
link http//www.w3.org/TR/xsl/slice6.htmlfo-sect
29XML Namespaces
- XML namespaces are designed to provide
universally unique names for elements and
attributes. This allows people to do a number of
things, such as - Combine portions from different documents and,
thereby, avoid any naming conflicts. - Write code modules that can be invoked for
specific elements and attributes. - Define elements and attributes that can be
reused in other schemas or instance documents
without fear of name collisions. - The XML namespaces defines a way to distinguish
between duplicate element type and attribute
30XML Namespaces (continued)
- Example accounting fulfillment application
both want to use status as a keyword. - Attaching namespace to an element or attribute
name links it with namespace. - Namespace names for department can be declared
- ltacctcustomer xmlnsaccthttp///www.blahcompany.
com/names/acct-deptstdsgt - ltacctnamegtFriendly Corplt/acctnamegt
- ltacctaddresseegtltAccounts Payable-Friendly
Corplt/acctaddresseegt - ltacctorder acctreference2222-1001gt
- ltacctstatusgtinvoicelt/acctstatusgt
- lt /acctordergt
- lt/acctcustomergt
- ltfulcustomer xmlnsfulhttp///www.blahcompany.co
m/names/ful-deptstdsgt - ltfulnamegtFriendly Corplt/fulnamegt
- ltfuladdresseegtltLoading Docklt/fuladdresseegt
- ltacctorder acctreference2222-1001gt
- ltfulstatusgtshippedlt/fulstatusgt
- lt /fulordergt
- lt/fulcustomergt
31XML Namespaces Five Bullets
- The XML namespaces recommendation defines a way
to distinguish between duplicate element type and
attribute names. Such duplication might occur,
for example, in an XSLT stylesheet or in a
document that contains element types and
attributes from two different DTDs. - An XML namespace is a collection of element type
and attribute names. The namespace is identified
by a unique name, which is a URI. Thus, any
element type or attribute name in an XML
namespace can be uniquely identified by a
two-part name the name of its XML namespace and
its local name. This two-part naming system is
the only thing defined by the XML namespaces
recommendation. - XML namespaces are declared with an xmlns
attribute, which can associate a prefix with the
namespace. The declaration is in scope for the
element containing the attribute and all its
descendants. For example - lt!-- Declares two XML namespaces. Their scope is
the A and B elements. --gt ltA xmlnsfoo"http//www
.foo.org/" xmlns"http//www.bar.org/"gt
ltBgtabcdlt/Bgt lt/Agt
32XML Namespaces Five Bullets (continued)
- If an XML namespace declaration contains a
prefix, you refer to element type and attribute
names in that namespace with the prefix. For
example - lt!-- A and B are in the http//www.foo.org/
namespace, which is associated with the foo
prefix. --gt ltfooA xmlnsfoo"http//www.foo.org/"
gt ltfooBgtabcdlt/fooBgt lt/fooAgt - If an XML namespace declaration does not
contain a prefix, the namespace is the default
XML namespace and you refer to element type names
in that namespace without a prefix. For example - lt!-- This is equivalent to the previous example
but uses a default namespace instead of the foo
prefix. --gt ltA xmlns"http//www.foo.org/"gt
ltBgtabcdltBgt lt/Agt
33Next Session Highlights
- XML (continued)
- Next Session Reading Assignment
- Review chapter 2 of Fitzgerald text
- Skim chapters 6-9 of Fitzgerald text
- Read chapter 10 of Fitzgerald text
- Web sites (linked thru the class notes web site)
- CSS Tutorial (recommended)