Title: European Global Ocean Observing System
1European Global Ocean Observing System
- Hans Dahlin (Director), Siân Petersson (Office
Manager) - EuroGOOS Office, SMHI, SE-601 76 Norrköping,
Sweden - Tel 46 11 495 8030 Fax 46 11 495 8001
- e-mail eurogoos_at_smhi.se
- Peter Ryder (Chair) peter.ryder600_at_ntlworld.com
2Structure of EuroGOOS
- EuroGOOS is an Association of Agencies, founded
in 1994, to further the goals of GOOS, and in
particular the development of Operational
Oceanography in the European Sea areas and
adjacent oceans. - EuroGOOS now has 33 Members in 17 European
countries. (Almost all operational institutes
partners through the subregional systems) The
Members pay a subscription to cover the costs of
the EuroGOOS Office in Sweden
3EuroGOOS Members
4Detailed structure of EuroGOOS
General Members Meeting
Elected Board
Working Groups
Task Teams
Data exchange
Executive Director
European Regional Systems
Black Sea GOOS
Arctic ROOS
- Promote Operational Oceanography
- Find ways to improve the members capability to
carry out their duties - Foster a sustained production of required
services at scales larger than national - Find the most efficient use of members available
resources - Promote the funding of research and development
- Foster co-operation
- Give advice and submit joint position papers
6Main achievements
Co-ordination Very early on, EuroGOOS chose a
user-driven bottom-up approach where the regional
scale was the most appropriate scale for
co-operation and co-production. EuroGOOS Regional
Task Teams have built and continue to build
Regional Operational Systems.
Main achievements
8Conferences and workshops
9What observations do we have ?
10Overview of existing continued stations and
11Details from Southern North Sea
12Real time data exchange
Global Centre
Specialised centre (ESEAS)
Global Centre
Global Centre
Regional centre
National dataprovider
National dataprovider
National dataprovider
National dataprovider
Regional centre
European Centre
National dataprovider
National dataprovider
National dataprovider
National dataprovider
Regional centre
National dataprovider
National dataprovider
National dataprovider
National dataprovider
National dataprovider
Regional centre
National dataprovider
National dataprovider
13Observation sites from where data are presently
exchanged hourly in real time (demonstration)
14Does it work?
15(No Transcript)
16European/Global scale from Coriolis (Daily
- Sustainability
- Ecosystem monitoring/nowcasting/forecasting
- Steering system (compare RA VI)
- Increased co-operation with private sector
18Challenges faced (problems to solve)
- National
- Responsibility for national oceanography often
divided between several agencies, institutes and
ministries - Oceanography often only a part of an organisation
- Difficult to co-operate at national level,
competing for money from the same source - Quasi-commercial arrangements between national
partners prohibits free access to data and
- Regional
- We want to stay with our own practices
- National policies
- Primitive commercial approaches
- Agency representatives with weak mandates and
mixed priorities - Eventual possibilities to get funding from
regional/European sources delays implementation
- Global
- Difficult to get long term commitments
- Slow implementation process due to annual cycle
of intergovernmental organisations - Scale of products of little interest for end
users, and the main funding mechanism - Different capabilities of GRAs
19EuroGOOS website
20- Thanks for your attention