Title: Wilderness Management Principles
1Wilderness Management Principles
are not absolute
course website
2Principle 1 Manage wilderness as the most
pristine extreme on the environmental
modification spectrum.
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4 spectrum or gradient
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6There ought to be a road. It just aint fair
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9Devel. Ave. Wild.
some other People
10Devel. Ave. Wild.
some other People
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12Principle 2 Manage wilderness comprehensively,
not as separate parts.
13Specialists tend to develop blinders
14What is a resource?
15Resource Something we have evaluated as serving
some human purpose.
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19Purpose may be utilitarian, or may be aesthetic
or emotional.
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21Principle 3 Manage wilderness, and sites within,
under a nondegradation concept.
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23Nondegratation ... but, Limits of Acceptable
Change (LAC) accepts that some change
inevitable. Priciples are guidelines.
24Principle 4 Manage human influences, a key to
wilderness protection.
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26- Wilderness, set aside to minimize human impacts
- direct
- less direct
27Principle 5 Manage wilderness biocentrically to
produce human values and benefits.
28Principle 6 Favor wilderness-dependent
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30Principle 7 Guide wilderness manage-ment using
written plans with specific objectives. People
move. Accountability.
31Plans planning provide mechanism for public
32- Objectives ..
- need to be measurable
- basis for management actions and monitoring
33- Principle 8 Set carrying capacities as necessary
to prevent unnatural damage. - Two issues
- physical/biological condition
- social/psychological condition
34If we lock people out, who will fight to protect
the wilderness? Ira Spring
35Principle 9 Focus management on threatened sites
and damaging activities.
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38Principle 10 Apply only the mini-mum tools,
regulations, or force to achieve wilderness-area
objectives. USFS - usually minimal rules NPS -
more restrictive (preservationist)
39Minimum tool ..
40Principle 11 Involve the pubic as a key to the
success of wilderness management.
41Facilitating volunteers
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46Principle 12 Monitor wilderness conditions and
experience opportun-ities to guide long-term
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49Planning What do we have? What do we want? How do
we get what we want? How close have we come?
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51Principle 13 Manage wilderness in relation to
management of adjacent lands. Things cross
wilderness boundaries in both directions.
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53- Ideal...
- have a total system that is balanced
- invasion, succession and displacement
- surveys will find happy campers
54Ideal ... a range of opportunities, with people
guided to areas suited to what they are seeking.