Title: Understanding the Library Catalog
1Understanding the Library Catalog
- The library catalog will help you find library
materials - if you know the title
- if you know the author
- if you know a subject about which you want
2The library catalog is similar to a telephone
book. Just as you use the telephone book to find
a person or a business, you can use the library
catalog to find library materials.
3Title Search If you know the name of the business
you need, you look it up in the business pages of
the telephone book. For example, if you want to
order from Pizza Hut, you look under P in the
telephone book.
4Author Search If you need a telephone number for
a person you know, you find the name in the
telephone book (remember to look under the last
name). For example, if you wanted to talk to Will
Hobbs, you could find his name in the telephone
book under H.
5Author Search If you wanted to read a book by
Will Hobbs, you would look in the library catalog
under H.
6Subject Search If you wanted to order a pizza,
but you dont know the specific name or the
telephone number, you look in the yellow pages
under P and find pizza.
7Subject Search In the library catalog, you could
type recipes. You wont get a delicious pizza
delivered, but you might find a book or video
about pizzas with delicious recipes you can make.