Title: Children
1Children Holy Communion
2Biblical perspectives on children...
- Whoever welcomes one such child in my name
welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not
me but the one who sent me. - Mark 9.37
3Biblical perspectives on children...
- If any of you put a stumbling
- block before one of these little
- ones who believe in me, it would be better if a
great millstone were hung around your neck and
you were thrown into the sea. - Mark 9.42
4Biblical perspectives on children...
- Let the little children come to
- me do not stop them for it is
- to such as these that the
- kingdom of God belongs.
- whoever does not receive the
- kingdom of God as a little child
- will never enter it.
- Mark 10.14,15
5Biblical perspectives on the eucharist...
6Biblical perspectives on the eucharist...
- Do this in remembrance of me.
- Luke 22.19
7Biblical perspectives on belonging...
- Baptism is the
- sole rite of
- entry into
- the church.
8Biblical perspectives on worthiness...
- Whoever... eats the bread or drinks the cup in
an unworthy manner will be answerable... - ... Examine yourselves, and only then eat... and
drink... - 1 Corinthians 11.27 - 28
9Children Holy Communion
10History - 3rd Century
- Cyprian describes infants receiving bread and
wine from birth.
11History 4th - 5th Centuries
- St Augustine of Hippo and original sin
- John 6.53
12History 4th - 5th Centuries
- Growing size of
- Dioceses
- Baptisms
- performed by
- local priests
13History 11th Century
- Eastern practice
- Priest performed full baptismal rite, including
infant Communion.
14History 11th Century
- Western practice
- Baptism was performed locally but anointing and
imposition of hands was delayed until a visit
from the Bishop.
15History the Middle Ages
- Baptism Communion Confirmation
- Growing theology
- of the
- real presence
16History 13th Century
- recommended age for Confirmation varied from 1
7 years - 1281 regulation that those not confirmed should
be barred from Holy Communion.
17History 16th Century
- communicating unconfirmed adults and children was
finally abolished - (Council
- of Trent
- 1547)
18History 17th Century
1662 Prayer Book there shall none be admitted to
the Holy Communion until such time as he be
confirmed' or ready and desirous to be confirmed
19History 19th Century
- Confirmation seen as the completion of baptism -
and therefore the gateway to Communion
20Just last century
- The Parish Eucharist Movement
21Just last century
1988 1991 1993
1994 1996 1997
22Into the third millennium
- 2005 how was it going?
- 2006 June 15th
- The Guidelines become Regulations under paragraph
1(c) of Canon B15A
23Children Holy Communion
24Theological issues
- The priority of grace
- Baptism as the
- complete
- sacramental
- initiation
- into Christ
25Theological issues
- Children as fully a part of the covenant people
the family of God the Church.
26Theological issues
- Understanding or faith?
- Gift or reward?
27Children Holy Communion
28Liturgical issues
- Communion before confirmation means children
attending communion. - The need to make
- sense of their place
- in the service
- as a whole.
29Liturgical issues
- Eucharistic prayers for use with children present
- Continued teaching about the Eucharist
30Children Holy Communion
31Pastoral issues
- Parental support
- Sunday group involvement
- Teaching on
- the meaning of
- communion
32Pastoral issues
- Regular parochial opportunities for the renewal
of baptismal vows - Engagement
- with local
- church schools
33Pastoral issues
- Making room for differing views
- Developing an
- overall culture
- which enables
- children to be
- worshippers
34Pastoral issues
- Inter-parochial mobility
- A minimum
- age
- The place
- of confirmation
35Children Holy Communion