Applying Reach in Direct Manipulation User Interfaces - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Applying Reach in Direct Manipulation User Interfaces


Highest usage will observed in the area of bimanual reach (SRB) Lowest usage occurred in areas reachable only by one hand (SR -SRB) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Applying Reach in Direct Manipulation User Interfaces

Applying Reach in Direct Manipulation User
  • Aaron Toney, Bruce H. Thomas
  • School of Computer Information Science
  • University of South Australia

Common Sense and Math
  • If you can not convert your common sense into a
    quantifiably testable hypothesis then at best you
    dont understand what you are talking about.
  • In order to be useful for use for human authored
    code design rules, principals, and practices need
    to be expressible in qualitative terms.
  • The paper uses set notation to encode and test
    what are otherwise common sense relationships.
    This formal notation was used as it allows
    programmers not only gain intuition about their
    users environment but immediate insight into how
    to implement the software algorithms behind
    applications dynamically based on user reach.

What we show in the paper
  • For individuals, depth of reach predicts the
    segmentation of the working plane into working
    and storage areas.
  • For collaborating users regions of overlapping
    reach enable prediction the formation, size, and
    shape of shared group spaces.
  • Applied models of reach predicts the rough impact
    of such variables as working surface size,
    height, shape, and number of users on the working
    surfaces utilization.

The Reach Envelope
  • Direct manipulation user interfaces are
    constrained to areas reachable by the user.
  • The On Table Reach Envelope (OTRE) represents the
    boundary of the set of all reachable points (SR)

An Individuals Reachable Space
  • Reachable space (SR) is the total space reachable
    by either hand (AL U AR)
  • Bimanual reach (SRB) is (AL n AR)
  • For individuals working space (SW) is equivalent
    to SRB and the storage space (SS) is the
    relative complement of the total reachable space
    and the working space (SR - SRB).

A Groups Reachable Space
  • Under the hypothesize that group spaces are
    formed in preference to personal spaces group
  • Group space (SRG) can be described as the
    intersection of all users reachable spaces (nSR)
  • Co-located working space (SW) can then be
    described as the reachable area that is not a
    group space (SRB - nSR ) or (SRB - SG). These
    definitions agree with both the observations in
    the literature and the results of the user study
    presented in this paper.

Converting Common-Sense about Reach into
testable Hypothesis
  • Working space (SW) is primarily contained within
    the most easily reachable areas.
  • Highest usage will occur in the area of bimanual
    reach (SRB), while lowest usage will occur in
    areas reachable only by one hand (SR -SRB).
  • In general group spaces will form in preference
    to personal spaces.
  • For each user and task there is an ideal working
    distance (RIDEAL), where reach working surface
    usage probability is attenuated for distances
    other than RIDEAL.

What do Simulations Tell us about user Reach?
  • (All simulated subjects are anthropometrically
    representative of the 50 females seated 17.5 cm
    from the working surface)

Simulated reach at 80, 90, and 100cm square
Workspace utilization is sensitively dependent
on table size An Increase in table size of only
10cm on a side is predicted to loose the
comfortable communal reach region
Predicted on table reach probability for
adjacently seated users
  • (90 and 120 centimetre tables shown)

Impact of Inter Subject Angle
(45 and 90 degree tables shown)
  • Decrease in inter subject angle causes
  • Overall decrease in both private and working
  • Increase in available group space on the table

What we learned from initial user studies
  • (Sixteen subjects performing a LEGO sort and
    assembly task. Subjects given 997 LEGO pieces
    mixed in with 150 model pieces. There was a
  • 45 minute time limit and Hand position tracked
    with Polhemus sensor. Results presented in
    thresholded spatial histogram.)

Study Observations
  • In general results confirmed the authors working
  • Working space (SW) can be seen as the reachable
    area that is not a group space (SRB - nSR ) or
    (SRB - SG).
  • Highest usage will observed in the area of
    bimanual reach (SRB)
  • Lowest usage occurred in areas reachable only by
    one hand (SR -SRB).
  • Group spaces tended to formed in preference to
    personal spaces.
  • Regions of overlapping reach were shown to help
    explain territoriality and the size and shape of
    collaborative areas observed in Scotts (2003,
    2005) example from that work shown right.

Applying Reach
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