Design rules - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Design rules


... of time needed by the system to express state changes to the user ... Aim to promote consistency within and between applications on the same computer platform ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Design rules

Design rules
  • Dr. Yan Liu
  • Department of Biomedical, Industrial and Human
    Factors Engineering
  • Wright State University

  • Design Rules
  • Rules that a designer can follow in order to
    increase the usability of the eventual products
  • Can be supported by psychological, cognitive,
    ergonomic, sociological, economic or
    computational theories which may or may not have
    roots in empirical evidence
  • Authority
  • Whether the rule must be followed in design or it
    is only suggested
  • Generality
  • Whether the rule can be applied to many design
    situations or it is focused on a more limited
    application situation

  • Types of Design Rules
  • Principles
  • Derived from knowledge of the psychological,
    computational and sociological aspects of the
    problem domains
  • Largely independent of the technology and
    dependent to a much greater extent on a deeper
    understanding of the human element in the
  • Abstract design rules, with low authority and
    high generality
  • Guidelines
  • Less abstract than principles and often more
    technology oriented
  • Still general important for a designer to know
    what theoretical evidence there is to support
  • Relatively higher authority than principles
  • Standards
  • Specific design rules less important for a
    designer to know the underlying theory
  • High authority and limited application

  • Issues
  • Conflicts between design rules
  • The theory underlying the separate design rules
    can help the designer understand the trade-off
    for the design
  • The more general a design rule is, the greater
    the likelihood that it will conflict with other
    rules and the greater the need for the designer
    to understand the theory behind it
  • When to use design rules within the design
  • Design rules would be most effective if they
    could be adopted in the earliest stages of the
    life cycle
  • Requirement specification
  • Some specific design rules are applicable only at
    later stages of the design life cycle
  • e.g. Design rules on color vs. monochrome screens
    or two- versus three-button mouse depends on the
    particular hardware platform

Principles to Support Usability
  • Categories
  • Learnability
  • The ease with which new users can begin effective
    interaction and achieve maximal performance
  • Flexibility
  • The multiplicity of ways in which the user and
    system exchange information
  • Robustness
  • The level of support provided to the user in
    determining successful achievement and assessment
    of goals

  • Predictability
  • The degree to which users knowledge of the
    interaction history is sufficient to determine
    the result of his/her future interaction with it
  • Degrees to which predictability can be satisfied
  • The knowledge is restricted to the presently
    perceivable information, so that the user does
    not need to remember anything other than what is
    currently observable
  • The knowledge requirement is so high that the
    user is forced to remember what every previous
    keystroke was and what every previous screen
    display contained (and even the order of each) in
    order to determine the consequences of the next
    input action
  • Operation visibility
  • How the user is shown the availability of
    operations that can be performed next
  • If an operation can be performed, then there
    should be some perceivable indication of this to
    the user
  • The user should understand from the interface if
    an operation he/she might like to invoke cannot
    be performed
  • Supports the superiority in humans of recognition
    over recall

  • Synthesizability
  • The ability of the user to assess the effect of
    past operations on the current state
  • Honesty of the system
  • The ability of the user interface to provide an
    observable and informative account of any change
    in the internal state of the system
  • In the best circumstance, this notification
    should come immediately, requiring no further
    interaction by the user (immediate honesty)
  • e.g. In a Windows system, to move a file from one
    directory to another directory, the user drags
    the visual icon of the file from the original
    directory to the destination directory where it
    remains visible
  • At the very least, the notification should appear
    eventually, after explicit user directives to
    make the change observable (eventual honesty)
  • e.g. In a command language system, the user would
    have to remember the destination directory and
    ask to see the contents of the directory in order
    to verify that the file has been moved

  • Familiarity
  • The correlation between the users prior
    knowledge and the knowledge required for using
    the new system
  • e.g. When the word processor was originally
    introduced, the analogy between the word
    processor and a typewriter was intended to make
    the new technology more immediately accessible to
    those who had little experience with the former
    but a lot of experience with the latter
  • Affordance
  • The appearance of an object suggests how it can
    be manipulated
  • e.g. The shape of a door handle suggests how it
    should be manipulated to open a door a key on a
    keyboard suggests that it can be pushed
  • Effective use of the affordances that exist for
    interface objects can enhance the familiarity of
    the interactive system

  • Generalizability
  • The ability of the user to extend his/her
    specific interaction knowledge to situations that
    are similar but previously unencountered
  • Can occur within a single application or across a
    variety of applications
  • e.g. In a graphical drawing package that draws a
    circle as a constrained form of ellipse, the user
    can generalize that a square can be drawn as a
    constrained rectangle
  • One of main advantages of standards is that they
    increase generalizability across different
    applications within the same environment

  • Consistency
  • The likeness in behavior arising from similar
    situations or similar task objectives
  • Must be applied relative to something
  • e.g. consistency in command naming, consistency
    in icon layout
  • Many other principles can be considered as
    instances of consistency
  • Familiarity can be considered as consistency with
    respect to past experiences
  • Generalizability can be considered as consistency
    with respect to experience with similar
    applications on the same platform

  • Dialog Initiative
  • System pre-emptive
  • The system initiates all the dialogs and the user
    simply responds to requests for information
    allows little flexibility
  • e.g. The search dialog box at the WSU library
    website only allows users to input the search
    criteria in the form required by the system
  • Usually undesirable but may be required in some
  • e.g. For safety reasons, it may be necessary to
    prohibit the user from the freedom to do
    potentially serious damages
  • User pre-emptive
  • The user is entirely free to initiate any action
    towards the system allows the maximum
  • A completely user pre-emptive is not necessary a
    desirable situation, as it increases the
    likelihood that the user will lose track of the
    tasks that have been initiated and not yet

  • Multi-Modality
  • Provides the user with multiple modes of
    interfacing with a system beyond the traditional
    keyboard and mouse input/output
  • Types
  • A single input/output expression can be formed by
    separate alternative modalities
  • e.g. To open a new window, the user can choose to
    click the new window icon or say opening a new
  • A single expression can be formed by a mixing of
    different modalities
  • e.g. Error warnings usually contain a textual
    message accompanied by an audible beep

  • Task Migratability
  • The transfer of control for execution of tasks
    between system and user
  • It should be possible for the user or system to
    pass the control of a task over to the other or
    promote the task from a completely internalized
    one to a shared and cooperative venture
  • e.g. On the flight deck of an aircraft, there are
    so many control tasks that must be performed that
    a pilot would be overwhelmed if he had to perform
    them all. Therefore, mundane control of the
    aircrafts position within its flight envelope is
    greatly automated. However, in the event of an
    emergency, it must be possible to transfer flying
    controls easily and seamlessly from the system to
    the pilot

  • Substitutivity
  • Equivalent values can be substituted for each
  • e.g. Allow users to input margin for a letter in
    inches or centimeters
  • Representation multiplicity
  • e.g. The temperature of a physical object over a
    period of time can be presented as a digital
    thermometer if the actual numerical value is
    important or as a graph if it is only important
    to notice trends. It might even be desirable to
    make these representations simultaneously
    available to the user

  • Customizability
  • Modifiability of the user interface by the user
    or the system
  • Adaptability
  • The users ability to adjust the form of input
    and output
  • e.g. The user can adjust the position of the
    icons on the screen, change the font of texts,
  • Adaptivity
  • Automatic customization of the user interface by
    the system
  • Decision for adaptation can be based on user
    expertise or observed repetition of certain task
  • e.g. A system can be trained to recognize the
    behavior of an expert or novice and accordingly
    adjust its dialog control or help system
    automatically to match the needs of the current
  • The users role is more implicit in an adaptive
    interface than in an adaptable interface

  • Covers features that support the successful
    achievement and assessment of the goals
  • Observability
  • Allows the user to evaluate the internal state of
    the system by means of its perceivable
    representation at the interface
  • Browsability
  • Allows the user to explore the current internal
    state of the system via the limited view provided
    at the interface
  • e.g. Pressing Ctrl Alt Del keys brings
    up the Windows Task Manager window which shows
    the applications currently running in the
  • Availability of defaults
  • Assists the user by passive recall
  • e.g. Providing the user his login ID when he
    needs to access his account
  • Reduces the number of physical actions necessary
    for inputting

  • Observability (Cont.)
  • Reachability
  • The possibility of navigation through the
    observable system states
  • Reachability in an interactive system affects the
    recoverability of the system
  • Persistence
  • Deals with the duration of the effect of a
    communication act and the ability of the user to
    make use of that effect
  • The effect of vocal communication does not
    persist except in the memory of the receiver
  • e.g. If you are informed of a new email message
    by a beep at your terminal, you may know at that
    moment and for a short while later you have
    received a message. But if you do not attend to
    that message immediately, you may forget about it
  • Visual communication can remain as an object
    which the user can subsequently manipulate long
    after the act of presentation
  • e.g. If some persistent visual information (such
    as a flag going up on your email box) informs you
    of the incoming message, then that will serve as
    a reminder that an unread message remains long
    after its initial receipt

  • Recoverability
  • The ability to reach a desired goal after
    recognition of some error in a previous
  • Forward error recovery
  • Involves the acceptance of the current state and
    negotiation from that state towards the desired
  • May be the only possibility for recovery if the
    effects of interaction are not revocable
  • e.g. In a text editor, after you save the changes
    you have made on a text, you cannot undo the
    effect of saving
  • Backward error recovery
  • An attempt to undo the effects of previous
    interaction in order to return to a prior state
    before proceeding
  • e.g. In a text editor, a mistyped keystroke may
    wipe out a large section of text which you would
    want to retrieve by an equally simple undo button

  • Recoverability (Cont.)
  • Recoverability is linked to reachability
  • The user should be able to get to a desired state
    from some other undesired state
  • Commensurate effort
  • If it is difficult to undo a given effect on the
    state, then it should have been difficult to do
    in the first place easily undone actions should
    be easily doable
  • e.g. If it is difficult to recover files which
    have been deleted in an operating system, then it
    should at least require some effort to remove
    them in the first place

  • Responsiveness
  • Measures the rate of communication between the
    system and the user
  • Response time
  • The duration of time needed by the system to
    express state changes to the user
  • Short durations and instantaneous response time
    are usually desirable
  • In situations when an instantaneous response
    cannot be obtained, there must be some indication
    to the user that the system has received the
    request for action and is working on a response
  • Response time stability
  • The invariance of the duration for identical or
    similar computational resources
  • e.g. Pull-down menus are expected to pop up
    instantaneously as soon as a mouse button is
  • Variation in response time will impede the users
    anticipation of system response

  • More specific than Principles
  • The more abstract a guideline, the more it
    resembles a principle
  • The more specific a guideline, the more suited it
    is to detailed design
  • Published Guidelines for Interactive System
    Design (Guidelines for User Interface Design)
  • Guidelines for Designing User Interface Software
    (Smith Mosier, 1986 http//
  • A very comprehensive catalog of guidelines
  • Contains six basic categories data entry, data
    display, sequence control, user guidance, data
    transmission, and data protection

  • Published Guidelines for Interactive System
    Design (Cont.)
  • Principles and Guidelines in Software User
    Interface Design (Mayhew, 1997)
  • Another comprehensive catalog of general
  • One of the best sources for the experimental
    results which back the specific guidelines
  • Style guides for graphic user interface (GUI)
  • Suggestions on conventions for programming in
    that environment
  • Aim to promote consistency within and between
    applications on the same computer platform
  • e.g. Web Style Guide (2nd Edition, Lynch
    Horton, 2004), Graphical User Interface Style
    Guide for Mobile Communication (Abramovici
    Klubmann, 1994)

  • Purpose
  • Standards for interactive system design are
    usually set by national or international bodies
    to ensure compliance with a set of design rules
    by a large community
  • Compare Standards for Hardware and Software
  • Underlying theory
  • Standards for hardware are based on studies of
    physiology or ergonomics the results are
    relatively well known, stable and readily
    adaptable to design of the hardware
  • Standards for software are based on theories from
    psychology and cognitive science they are less
    well formed, still evolving and not very easy to
    interpret in the language of software design
  • Change pattern
  • Requirements changes for hardware are less
    frequent than those for software
  • Since standards are also relatively stable, they
    are more suitable for hardware than for software

  • ISO (International Organization for
    Standardization) Standards for HCI and Usability
    (see the article which can be downloaded on the
    course website)
  • The use of product
  • Effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a
    particular context of use
  • The user interface and interaction
  • The process used to develop the product
  • The capability of an organization to apply
    user-centered design

Golden Rules and Heuristics
  • Heuristics
  • Rules of thumb or educated guesses that reduce
    or limit the search for solutions in domains that
    are difficult and poorly understood
  • May not be applicable to every situation, but
    provide a useful checklist or summary of the
    essence of design advice
  • Any designer following these simple rules will
    produce a better system than one who ignores them
  • The most popular ones are Nielsens ten
    heuristics for usability evaluation,
    Shneidermans eight golden rules of interface
    design, and Normans seven principles for
    transforming difficult tasks into simple ones

Shneidermans Eight Golden Rules
  • Overview
  • Designing the User Interface (Shneiderman,2004)
  • Provide a convenient and succinct summary of the
    key principles of interface design
  • Rule 1 Strive for Consistency
  • Consistent sequences of actions should be
    required in similar situations identical
    terminology should be used in prompts, menus, and
    help screens and consistent commands should be
    employed throughout
  • Rule 2 Enable Frequent Users to Use Shortcuts to
    Perform Regular, Familiar Actions More Quickly
  • As the frequency of use increases, so do the
    user's desires to reduce the number of
    interactions and to increase the pace of
    interaction. Abbreviations, function keys, hidden
    commands, and macro facilities are very helpful
    to an expert user

Shneidermans Eight Golden Rules
  • Rule 3 Offer Informative Feedback
  • For every operator action, there should be some
    system feedback. For frequent and minor actions,
    the response can be modest, while for infrequent
    and major actions, the response should be more
  • Rule 4 Design Dialogs to Yield Closure
  • Sequences of actions should be organized into
    groups with a beginning, middle, and end. The
    informative feedback at the completion of a group
    of actions gives the operators the satisfaction
    of accomplishment, a sense of relief, the signal
    to drop contingency plans and options from their
    minds, and an indication that the way is clear to
    prepare for the next group of actions
  • Rule 5 Offer Simple Error Handling
  • As much as possible, design the system so the
    user cannot make a serious error. If an error is
    made, the system should be able to detect the
    error and offer simple, comprehensible mechanisms
    for handling the error

Shneidermans Eight Golden Rules
  • Rule 6 Permit Easy Reversal of Actions
  • This feature relieves anxiety, since the user
    knows that errors can be undone it thus
    encourages exploration of unfamiliar options. The
    units of reversibility may be a single action, a
    data entry, or a complete group of actions
  • Rule 7 Support Internal Locus of Control
  • Experienced operators strongly desire the sense
    that they are in charge of the system and that
    the system responds to their actions. Design the
    system to make users the initiators of actions
    rather than the responders
  • Rule 8 Reduce Short-Term Memory Load by Keeping
    Displays Simple, Consolidating Multiple Page
    Displays and Providing Time for Learning Action
  • The limitation of human information processing in
    short-term memory requires that displays be kept
    simple, multiple page displays be consolidated,
    window-motion frequency be reduced, and
    sufficient training time be allotted for codes,
    mnemonics, and sequences of actions

Normans Seven Principles
  • Overview
  • The Design of Everyday Things (Norman, 1998)
  • Provide a useful summary of Normans
    user-centered design philosophy
  • Principle 1 Use Both Knowledge in the World and
    Knowledge in the Head
  • Three conceptual models
  • Design model conceptualization that the designer
    has in mind
  • Users model what the user develops to explain
    the operations of the system
  • System image its physical appearance, its
    operation, the way it responds, and the manual
    and instructions that accompany it
  • Ideally, the users model and the design model
    are equivalent. However, the user and designer
    communicate only through the system itself. Thus
    the system image is critical the designer must
    ensure that everything about the product is
    consistent with and exemplifies the operation of
    the proper conceptual model

Normans Seven Principles
  • Principle 2 Simplify the Structure of Tasks
  • Provide mental aids to help the user keep track
    of stages in a more complex task
  • Use technology to make visible what would
    otherwise be invisible, thus providing feedback
    and the ability to keep control
  • Automate the task or part of it, as long as this
    does not detract from the users experience
  • Change the nature of the task so that is becomes
    something more simple
  • Principle 3 Make Things Visible Bridge the
    Gulfs of Execution and Evaluation
  • Make things visible on the execution side of an
    action so people know what is possible and how
    actions should be done make things visible on
    the evaluation side so that people can tell the
    effects of their actions

Normans Seven Principles
  • Principle 4 Get the Mappings Right
  • Exploit natural mappings, make sure the user can
    determine the relationships
  • Between intentions and possible actions
  • Between actions and their effect on the system
  • Between actual system state and what is
    perceivable by sight, sound or feel
  • Between the perceived system state and the needs,
    intentions, and expectations of the user
  • Principle 5 Exploit the Power of Constraints,
    Both Natural and Artificial
  • Use constraints so that the user feels there is
    only one possible thing to do (the right thing!)
  • Principle 6 Design for Errors
  • To err is human, so anticipate the errors the
    user could make and design recovery into the

Normans Seven Principles
  • Principle 7 When All Else Fails, Standardize
  • If there are no natural mappings then arbitrary
    mappings should be standardized so that users
    only have to learn them once
  • e.g. A number of aspects of car driving had to be
    standardized, such as side of the road to drive
    on, side of the car the driver sits on, positions
    of essential components such as steering wheel,
    clutch, brakes, accelerator, etc.
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