Title: Electromagnetic Radiation
1Electromagnetic Radiation
- Frequency (?, Greek nu) Number of peaks that
pass a given point per unit time. - Wavelength (?, Greek lambda) Distance from one
wave peak to the next. - Amplitude Height measured from the center of the
wave. The square of the amplitude gives intensity.
2Electromagnetic Radiation
3Electromagnetic Radiation
- Speed of a wave is the wavelength (in meters)
multiplied by its frequency in reciprocal
seconds. - Wavelength x Frequency Speed
- ? (m) x ? (s1) c (m/s1)
4Electromagnetic Radiation
- The red light in a laser pointer comes from a
diode laser that has a wavelength of about 630
nm. What is the frequency of the light? - c 2.9979 x 108 m/s1
5- Radiation refers to any form of energy that
travels in all directions from a single source. - Radiation is NOT associated with nuclear decay.
This form of radiation is only a very small
segment of the spectrum. - Wave frequencies Frequency of a radio wave.
6Figure 7.4
Different behaviors of waves and particles.
7The diffraction pattern caused by light passing
through two adjacent slits.
Figure 7.5
8Electromagnetic Radiation
9Figure 7.7
The line spectra of several elements.
10Atomic Spectra
- Atomic spectra Result from excited atoms
emitting light. - Line spectra Result from electron transitions
between specific energy levels.
11Atomic Spectra 01
12Atomic Spectra 02
- Blackbody radiation is the visible glow that
solid objects emit when heated. - Max Planck (18581947) proposed the energy is
only emitted in discrete packets called quanta. - The amount of energy depends on the frequency
13Atomic Spectra 03
- Albert Einstein (18791955)
- Used the idea of quanta to explain the
photoelectric effect. - He proposed that light behaves as a stream of
particles called photons.
14Atomic Spectra 05
- For red light with a wavelength of about 630 nm,
what is the energy of a single photon and one
mole of photons?
15WaveParticle Duality 01
- Louis de Broglie (18921987) Suggested waves
can behave as particles and particles can behave
as waves. This is called waveparticle duality.
16WaveParticle Duality 02
- How fast must an electron be moving if it has a
de Broglie wavelength of 550 nm? - How fast must an electron be moving if it has a
de Broglie wavelength of 630 nm? - me 9.109 x 1031 kg
17Quantum Mechanics 01
- Niels Bohr (18851962) Described atom as
electrons circling around a nucleus and concluded
that electrons have specific energy levels. - Worked only for the H atom
- Idea that electrons are found in quantized energy
agreed with the data for the line spectra of
other atoms.
18Quantum Mechanics 03
- Werner Heisenberg (19011976) Showed that it is
impossible to know (or measure) precisely both
the position and velocity (or the momentum) at
the same time. - The simple act of seeing an electron would
change its energy and therefore its position.
19Quantum Mechanics 04
- If an electron has been located to within 0.10 Å,
what will be the uncertainty in the velocity? - 1 Å 100 pm 0.10 nm me 9.11 x 1031 kg
20Quantum Mechanics 05
- Erwin Schrödinger (18871961) Developed a
compromise which calculates both the energy of an
electron and the probability of finding an
electron at any point in the molecule. - This is accomplished by solving the Schrödinger
equation, resulting in the wave function, ?.
21Quantum Numbers 01
- Wave functions describe the behavior of
electrons. - Each wave function contains three variables
called quantum numbers - Principal Quantum Number (n)
- Angular-Momentum Quantum Number (l)
- Magnetic Quantum Number (ml)
22Quantum Numbers 02
- Principal Quantum Number (n) Defines the size
and energy level of the orbital. n 1, 2, 3,
??? - As n increases, the electrons get farther from
the nucleus. - As n increases, the electrons energy increases.
- Each value of n is generally called a shell.
23(No Transcript)
24Quantum Numbers 03
- Angular-Momentum Quantum Number (l) Defines the
three-dimensional shape of the orbital. - For an orbital of principal quantum number n, the
value of l can have an integer value from 0 to n
1. - This gives the subshell notation l 0 s
orbital l 1 p orbital l 2 d orbital
l 3 f orbital l 4 g orbital
25Quantum Numbers 04
- Magnetic Quantum Number (ml) Defines the spatial
orientation of the orbital. - For orbital of angular-momentum quantum number,
l, the value of ml has integer values from l to
l. - This gives a spatial orientation ofl 0 giving
ml 0 l 1 giving ml 1, 0, 1l 2 giving
ml 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, and so on...
26Quantum Numbers 11
- Spin Quantum Number
- The Pauli Exclusion Principle states that no two
electrons can have the same four quantum numbers.
27Quantum Numbers 05
28Quantum Numbers 06
- Why cant an electron have the following quantum
numbers? - (a) n 2, l 2, ml 1 (b) n 3, l 0, ml
3 - (c) n 5, l 2, ml 1
- Give orbital notations for electrons with the
following quantum numbers - (a) n 2, l 1, ml 1 (b) n 4, l 3, ml
2 - (c) n 3, l 2, ml 1
29Electron Radial Distribution 01
30Electron Radial Distribution 02
31Electron Radial Distribution 03
32Electron Radial Distribution 04
33Effective Nuclear Charge 01
- Electron shielding leads to energy differences
among orbitals within a shell. - Net nuclear charge felt by an electron is called
the effective nuclear charge (Zeff).
34Effective Nuclear Charge 02
- Zeff is lower than actual nuclear charge.
- Zeff increases toward nucleus ns gt np gt nd gt
nf - This explains certain periodic changes observed.
35Effective Nuclear Charge 03
36Electron Configuration of Atoms 01
- Pauli Exclusion Principle No two electrons in an
atom can have the same quantum numbers (n, l, ml,
ms). - Hunds Rule When filling orbitals in the same
subshell, maximize the number of parallel spins.
37Electron Configuration of Atoms 01
- Rules of Aufbau Principle
- Lower n orbitals fill first.
- Each orbital holds two electrons each with
different ms. - Half-fill degenerate orbitals before
38Electron Configuration of Atoms 01
39Electron Configuration of Atoms 03
- Li ?? ? 1s2 2s1
- 1s 2s
- Be ?? ?? 1s2 2s2
- 1s 2s
- B ?? ?? ? 1s2 2s2 2p1
- 1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz
- C ?? ?? ? ? 1s2 2s2 2p2
- 1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz
40Electron Configuration of Atoms 04
- N ?? ?? ? ? ? 1s2 2s2 2p3
- 1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz
- O ?? ?? ?? ? ? 1s2 2s2 2p4
- 1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz
- Ne ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 1s2 2s2 2p5
- 1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz
- S Ne ?? ?? ? ? Ne 3s2 3p4
- 3s 3px 3py 3pz
41Electron Configuration of Atoms 05
- Give the ground-state electron configurations
for - Ne (Z 10) Mn (Z 25) Zn (Z 30)
- Eu (Z 63) W (Z 74)
- Identify elements with ground-state
configurations - 1s2 2s2 2p4 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p6 5s2
4d6 - 1s2 2s2 2p6 Ar 4s2 3d1 Xe 6s2 4f14 5d10 6p5
42Electron Configuration of Atoms 06
43Electron Configuration of Atoms 07
44Electron Configuration of Atoms 08
- Anomalous Electron Configurations Result from
unusual stability of half-filled full-filled
subshells. - Chromium should be Ar 4s2 3d4, but is Ar 4s1
3d5 - Copper should be Ar 4s2 3d9, but is Ar 4s1
3d10 - In the second transition series this is even more
pronounced, with Nb, Mo, Ru, Rh, Pd, and Ag
having anomalous configurations (Figure 5.20).