BMIS 289: Spring 2002 Gonzaga University - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BMIS 289: Spring 2002 Gonzaga University


... they provide efficient, convenient access to structured collections of data. ... Music collections. Wedding guest lists. Personal finances. BMIS 289: Spring 2002 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: BMIS 289: Spring 2002 Gonzaga University

BMIS 289 Spring 2002Gonzaga University
  • Class 09 Introduction to Databases ASP

  • Program 7
  • Database Basics
  • MS Data Access Model
  • Introduction To MS Access
  • ADO Object Model
  • Basic ADO ASP Example
  • Program 8 Overview

Program 7
  • This program was a text file processor
  • Individual dat files are used to input employee
  • Format of dat files
  • ltnamegt,ltjob titlegt,lthire dategt,ltsalarygt
  • User selects dat file by browsing from HTML file
  • NOTE in the case of this program we are assuming
    the user of this program is browsing off the
    server, otherwise the ASP code cannot read the
    dat files contents.

Program 7
  • Once we have a path to a dat file we can begin
    processing it.
  • We use the TextStream object to read the contents
    of the dat file
  • The ReadLine method of the TextStream object
    returns an individual line from a text file as a
  • We then need to parse out the individual data in
    each string.

Program 7
  • Parsing information out of a string
  • We know the format of the string (i.e., there are
    4 pieces of information in each line delimited by
  • The easiest way to get at each element of
    information is to use the Split function.
  • The Split function takes a string and delimiter
    as arguments.
  • It returns an array containing each individual
    element in the string, based on the delimiter.

Program 7
  • Computing number of days employee has been with
    the company
  • One of the pieces of information in the dat file
    records (individual lines of information) is the
    date the employee was hired.
  • A separate ASP file was provided to you that has
    one function in it DateDiffDays.
  • This ASP file must be included in program 7s
    processing page in order to access that function.

Program 7
  • The main processing loop will perform these
  • ReadLine from TextStream.
  • Parse information out of line using Split into an
  • Output employee information.
  • Calculate number of days employee has been with
    company using DateDiffDays.
  • Increment employee counter.

Intro To Databases
  • The database is a fundamental information
    management concept.
  • A database is nothing more than a collection of
    related information (like a table or a list).
  • Nearly every major program ever written uses a
    database of some form or another, it is that
  • Databases let us, as programmers, create, access,
    and manipulate large collections of information
    in a quick and efficient manner.

Intro To Databases Cont.
  • From the basic database concept the idea of a
    relational database was developed.
  • A relational database is set of
    formally-described tables from which data can be
    accessed or reassembled in many different ways
    without having to reorganize the database
  • The Structured Query Language (SQL) is used to
    access and manipulate relational databases.
  • One of the most popular relational database
    management systems out there is Microsoft Access,
    which we will use in this class.

Why Use Databases?
  • Quite simply, databases help us organize pieces
    of information.
  • Databases pull together extraneous bits of data
    and force humans to organize it into some
    meaningful relationship.
  • For programmers, they provide efficient,
    convenient access to structured collections of

Databases In Web Applications
  • E-Commerce
  • Products
  • Customers
  • Logins
  • Intranets
  • Time sheets
  • Expense reports
  • Sales information
  • Misc
  • Music collections
  • Wedding guest lists
  • Personal finances

Basic Database Elements
  • Tables
  • Records
  • Fields
  • Keys

  • A table is an individual collection of
    information within a database.
  • Each table should represent a single idea,
    object, or thing.
  • For example, a Employee table should not
    include information about the companys quarterly
  • A database is made up of one or more tables.

  • Think of a record as a single row in a table.
  • If you are a student at Gonzaga then you have one
    record in the Students table of the GU database.
  • Just as a table has many records, a record has
    many bits of information associated with it.
  • Those bits of record information are fields.

  • Each individual piece of information in a record
    is one field.
  • If a record is considered a row, then a field is
    a column, or, in each instance of a record, a
  • Every record contains one instance of each field.
  • A field is defined by its name and its data type.
  • For example, a user name field might be called
    Uname and have a string data type.
  • In code, Fields are synonymous with variables.

Pulling It All Together
  • One problem we have with databases is how can we
    differentiate between records?
  • For example, there may be more than one employee
    in a given company named John Smith.
  • The answer is to use Keys.
  • A key is some sort of identification
    number/string that is unique to a particular
  • A key that uniquely identifies a record is called
    a primary key.
  • No two records may have the same primary key
    within a given table.

Foreign Keys
  • In some cases, primary keys of one table can be
    used in other tables to link data between records
    (a.k.a., create relationships among data).
  • For example, an e-commerce web site may have a
    Customer and Purchase table.
  • Customers and Purchases are uniquely identified
    via primary keys called CustID and PurchID
  • The Purchase table would contain a CustID field
    that would only accept values from the Customer
  • Thus the field Purchase.CustID would allow us to
    trace an individual purchase back to a particular

Illustrating Foreign Keys
Link with a Product table
Microsoft Data Access Model
  • Microsoft is a proponent of a technology it calls
    Universal Data Access (UDA)
  • UDA is a common way of accessing data stored in
    various formats, like Microsoft Access, Oracle,
    and even Microsoft Word.
  • Microsoft calls these heterogeneous data sources
    data stores.
  • The nice thing about the UDA concept is it allows
    us to access a wide array of data stores using a
    single programming interface.
  • So the code to fetch a record from Oracle
    residing on Unix is (for the most part) the same
    as it is for Microsoft Access running on Windows

Microsoft Data Access Model
  • ODBC
  • Open Database Connectivity
  • An earlier Microsoft attempt at UDA, it worked on
    many different database packages but that was it.

Microsoft Data Access Model
  • OLE-DB
  • Microsofts next attempt at UDA.
  • It is a lower level interface that provides
    access to more than just databases (i.e., data
  • It is faster and more efficient than ODBC.

Microsoft Data Access Model
  • Data Provider vs. Data Consumer
  • Microsoft thinks of data access in terms of
    providers and consumers.
  • Data Provider
  • Something that provides data
  • For example, OLE-DB
  • And in OLE-DB there are various providers for
    specific data store systems.
  • Data Consumer
  • Something that uses data
  • For example, ASP pages

Microsoft Data Access Model
  • ADO
  • ActiveX Data Objects
  • ADO is an application programming interface
    between a data consumer and OLE-DB (the provider)
  • It has a set of objects which encapsulate several
    common actions we can take on databases.
  • ASP ADO are not the same
  • Many people tend to think of ASP ADO as one and
    the same.
  • They are not.
  • ADO is a separate technology that can be used in
  • It can also be used in Visual Basic or a C
    windows application, to name a few.

Microsoft Data Access Model
  • MDAC
  • Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)
  • ADO is part of the MDAC, which is Microsofts
    free suite of data access components for use by
  • You can obtain the latest versions at (and our class web site)
  • NOTE the most current version (as of this class)
    of MDAC is 2.7. At the time of your books writing
    it was 2.5.

Database Software
  • As we have mentioned, there are various software
    packages available that provide relational
    database functionality.
  • There are four major database packages we will
    briefly examine
  • Microsoft Access
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • MySQL

Microsoft Access
  • Access is what is known as a desktop database.
  • It is designed to be user friendly and run on
    individual client machines, rather than act as a
    backend on a server.
  • It has many features for making the creation of
    custom queries, reports, and even applications
    based upon its data very easy.
  • Access can act like a backend database but it
    really was not designed to be one.

Microsoft SQL Server
  • A powerful database system that is designed to
    run as a backend database on a server.
  • SQL server can hold a lot of data and has
    numerous features that make it more faster,
    robust, and secure than Microsoft Access.
  • It is more expensive than Microsoft Access and
    not as easy to use or maintain.
  • For very large applications that have many users
    SQL Server is more appropriate than Access.

  • Oracle was one of the first enterprise strength
    relational databases.
  • It competes with large relational database
    packages like SQL Server and MySQL.
  • Oracle is extremely powerful with the ability to
    handle very large volumes of data at a fast rate.
  • Generally considered to be more complex and less
    user friendly than SQL Server.

  • MySQL is an enterprise relational database like
    Oracle and SQL Server that runs primarily on the
    Linux platform.
  • Though it can run on Windows NT.
  • MySQL is open source and free for public use.
  • There are commercial licensed versions that can
    be purchased.
  • MySQL is powerful but can be difficult to use.

MSDE vs. Access
  • In the book (starting on pg. 472) the authors
    discuss the option of using MSDE over Access.
  • MSDE is a light-weight version of Microsofts
    industrial strength database product SQL Server.
  • We will use Access for all our database projects
    in this class.
  • If you are interested in exploring more about
    MSDE and SQL Server, however, you may follow some
    of the examples in the book.

Access 2000 Tutorial
  • Creating a new Database
  • Creating Tables
  • Defining Fields
  • Entering Data

Creating A New Database
  • Start Access. A wizard screen will appear. Select
    Blank Access Database and click OK.
  • Enter a name for thedatabase file.

Creating A New Table
  • With Tables selected in the database window
    double-click Create Table In Design View

Database Window
Creating A Table
  • The window that appears is a sheet for defining
    fields within the table. This view is known as
    the design view.
  • Enter the field name, select its data type and
    set any special properties for the field.

Field Properties
Creating A Table Field Types
  • A field can have several data types in Access.
    Here are the more common ones
  • Autonumber used primarily for record ids.
    Numeric values automatically generated by Access.
    For example the first records would have a value
    of 1, the next 2, the next 3 and so on.
  • Text used for textual data. Has a max size limit
    of 255.
  • Number numeric values.
  • Yes/No a boolean field (the only possible values
    are true/false).
  • Date/Time used to hold dates and/or times.

Create A Table Field Type Properties
  • The different field data types have properties
    associated with them that extend their meaning.
    Here are the more common ones for some
  • Number
  • Field Size the type of number this field can
    hold (ex long, integer, double)
  • Decimal Places the amount of precision on the
    number (usually left at auto, which lets
    FieldSize determine the precision).
  • Text
  • Field Size the maximum number of characters
    allowed. Can be no more than 255.

Create A Table Field Type Common Properties
  • Many field data types have common properties
  • Required A yes/no value. If yes, Access
    generates an error if either a user or ADO
    attempts to create a record without providing
    data for this field.
  • Default Value the value a new record has when it
    is initially created.
  • Indexed a yes/no value. If yes, Access indexes
    all the values in this field, making performance
    faster but increasing database size.

Create A Table Primary Keys
  • To define the primary key for a table follow
    these steps
  • In Design View select the field that will be the
    tables primary key.
  • Right-click on the field and select Primary Key

Create A Table Save It
  • When you are done defining a new tables fields
    click the Save icon on the main toolbar.
  • When prompted, enter a name for the table.

Create A Table Define A Foreign Key
  • Follow these steps to create a foreign key
    reference in a table.
  • Remember, two tables with their own primary keys
    are required to create a foreign key in one of
    the tables, so ensure you have two tables.
  • In the table that will have the foreign key type
    in the fields name.
  • For the fields data type select Lookup Wizard.

Create A Table Define A Foreign Key (cont)
  • A wizard starts that lets you define the foreign
  • Select I want the lookup column to lookup the
    values in a table or query.
  • Click Next.
  • Select the name of the table that this table will
    link to on the next screen.
  • Click Next.

Create A Table Define A Foreign Key (cont)
  • In the left hand column select the field that
    will be the foreign key in this table.
  • Click ? to move the field name to the right hand
  • Click Next.

Create A Table Define A Foreign Key (cont)
  • In the next screen click Finish (there is no need
    to continue on with the Wizard at this point) and
    Access will create the foreign key relationship.
  • When Access gives you this prompt say Yes

Entering Data
  • To manually enter data double click the table
    name from the database window.
  • A data sheet appears showing all the tables
  • The last row in the data sheet represents a new
    record. Click inside any blank field to begin
    entering data.
  • When you have finished entering data click
    outside of the row and Access will attempt to
    create the new record.
  • If there are any errors Access will tell you
    about them before permanently writing the record
    to the database.

Create A Table Add Records
  • The pencil icon in the extreme left edge of a
    record means it is being edited
  • When the focus moves from that record any changes
    to the record are written to the database

Record is being edited
Record is not being edited
ADO Object Model
  • Primary ADO Objects
  • Connection the actual link between the web page
    and a database.
  • Command allows you to run commands against a
  • Recordset contains all the records returned from
    a specific action on a database.

A Simple ASP Page w/Database
  • Based upon example starting on page 475 in the
  • Download class 9 sample code from class web site.
  • DisplayAllMovies.asp

A Simple ASP Page w/Database
  • The DisplayAllMovies.asp example has three basic
    steps for displaying all the titles out of the
    Movies table
  • Connect to the database
  • Display the data
  • Close the connection

Breaking It Down Connection String
  • strConnect is a variable that will hold the
    connection string.
  • The connection string is the information about
    how to connect to the database and where it is
    located on the server.

'--- create the connection string strConnect
"ProviderMicrosoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" _
"Data SourceC\datastores\Movie2000.mdb" _
"Persist Security InfoFalse"
Where the Access database is located
Breaking It Down Recordset Open Arguments
  • These variables will be passed in as arguments to
    the function that opens the recordset and puts
    data into it
  • For now dont worry about what they do, just copy
    them into your code and pass them as we will see
    illustrated later.

'--- variables to hold argument values
adOpenForwardOnly 0 adLockReadOnly 1
adCmdTable 2
Breaking It Down Create ADO Objects
  • This section of code creates two objects a
    connection object and a recordset object
  • The connection object is what will actually
    establish the link between the ASP page and the
  • The recordset object will, later, get filled with
    data from the connection (database).

'--- create the connection and recordset
objects Set objConn Server.CreateObject("ADODB
.Connection") Set objRS Server.CreateObject("A
Breaking It Down Open The Connection
  • This line of code opens the actual connection to
    the database
  • The method Open takes a valid connection string
    as an argument.
  • Remember, strConnect holds the actual
    instructions for connecting. Without it, the
    connection object doesnt know what database to
    point to.

'--- open the connection to the database
objConn.Open strConnect
Breaking It Down Open The Recordset
  • This line of code opens the table called Movies
    and fills the recordset with all records from
    that table
  • The Open method for the recordset takes five
  • The first is the name of the table to open
  • The second is the connection where the table is
    located at (database).
  • The last three are the variables we defined
    earlier. Just leave them as is for now.

objRS.Open "Movies", objConn, adOpenForwardOnly,
adLockReadOnly, adCmdTable
Breaking It Down Outputting
  • The following code loops through the recordset
    and outputs the Title of each record

While Not objRS.EOF Response.Write
objRS("Title") "ltBRgt" objRS.MoveNext Wend
Breaking It Down Outputting
  • A recordset is a lot like an array.
  • In arrays we use indexes to keep track of where
    we are in the array.
  • Recordsets use something called cursors that
    point at a particular record in the recordset.
  • There are properties and methods built into the
    recordset object for manipulating this cursor and
    seeing where it is currently pointed.

Breaking It Down - Outputting
  • The EOF property of a recordset is a boolean
  • If true it means we are at the end of the
    recordset and there are no more records left.
  • If false it means the cursor is still pointing at
    a valid record.
  • The MoveNext method makes the cursor in the
    recordset point to the very next record.
  • MoveNext is like incrementing the index counter
    when processing an array with a loop.
  • When MoveNext points to nothing then EOF becomes

Breaking It Down - Outputting
  • To access fields in a recordset we simply pass
    the name of the field we want to read from to the
  • For example, the code to access the field called
    Title would look like this
  • objRS(Title)
  • Think of objRS(Title) as a variable. You can
    output it, process it, or change it.
  • For now we are just concerned with reading it.

Close The Connection
objRS.Close objConn.Close Set objRS Nothing Set
objConn Nothing
  • Here we are closing both the recordset and
    connection objects, and then releasing them from

What Is A Connection?
  • A connection is what links the ADO objects to the
    data store (database).
  • It is nothing more than a text string that
    contains information for connecting to a
    particular database
  • Some types of information provided in this
    connection string are
  • The type of OLE-DB provider used
  • Name of the database file and its location
  • Any username or password the database requires

Methods of Connecting
  • There are three methods for establishing a
    database connection in ADO
  • connection string
  • data link files,
  • data source names (DSN)

Connection Strings
  • This is the method used in the example on page
  • A character string that lists all of the
    information needed to connect.
  • Difficult, at first, to use but very powerful and
  • This is the method we will use in our programs to
    perform connections.

Using Connection Strings SSI
  • It is most convenient to write your connection
    string in a separate ASP file and then include
    that in a page youre making a database
    connection on.
  • In the included file you would write a function
    that returns a valid connection string.
  • In your ASP code you would then call that
    function in order to get the connection string
    used to open the connection object.

Connection String Example
  • The sample file DisplayAllMoviesSSI.asp is a
    modification of the previous example
  • The include file datastore.asp contains a
    function called GetDBConnectionString() which
    returns a valid connection string.
  • In the code that includes datastore.asp you
    simply call this function to get the connection

Data Link Files
  • These are not used for actual connections very
    often anymore.
  • They are useful for generating a connection
    string you then code into your ASP programs
  • Create a blank text document and rename it
  • Right click on temp.udl and select properties
  • Click the Provider tab, select Microsoft Jet 4.0
    OLE-DB Provider, and then click Next.
  • Select the Access database you want to connect to
    and click OK.
  • Open the temp.udl file in Notepad. Copy all the
    line starting with Provider into your ASP code.
    That is your connection string.

Data Source Names
  • Also known as DSNs
  • Very similar to data link files except they are
    easier to create and all you have to remember is
    the name of the DSN (you dont even have to know
    the path to the DSN).
  • Avoid using these because they can be too easily
    changed by another user.

Program 8
  • Just like program 7, but now we are reading from
    a database file.
  • You must create an Access database that contains
    the four employee fields
  • Name
  • Job Title
  • Hire Date
  • Salary
  • Make sure you dont forget to calculate the
    number of days the employee has been with the
  • Also, be sure to place the database file in a
    directory called datastores on your c\ drive

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