BMIS 289: Spring 2002 Gonzaga University - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BMIS 289: Spring 2002 Gonzaga University


... the last minute. ... can't deal with 10 huge problems that flood in at the last minute. ... One last consideration we need to make is how the names of the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: BMIS 289: Spring 2002 Gonzaga University

BMIS 289 Spring 2002Gonzaga University
  • Class 13
  • GetCMD, Misc ASP Topics

Tonights Agenda
  • Final Projects
  • Final Exam
  • Program 10
  • GetCMD
  • A structured, centralized method for handling
    stored procedures.
  • Misc. ASP Topics

Final Project Milestone Dates
  • April 24th Second version of your code done.
    Final testing to verify correctness and locate
    any last bugs. Begin working on presentation.
  • May 1st Final project presentations.
  • If you feel you would like an extra week to
    prepare for we can postpone presentations until
    May 8th at 8pm.
  • If we do that, however, we will have to postpone
    all presentations until that date.
  • In addition, the final exam will still be due
    back by May 8th.

Final Project - Presentation
  • Target for about 15-20 minutes.
  • You may take longer if needed
  • Be sure to cover these points
  • Purpose of your web application
  • Design of the overall application and its
  • Your code
  • Challenges, issues you faced when writing this
  • Be organized, polished, and professional
  • Visual aides are always nice (e.g., Power Point)
  • Be ready for questions.

Final Project What is turned in
  • A one page summary of your final web application.
  • What is its purpose?
  • What functionality does it have?
  • How did you construct it?
  • What challenges did you face when constructing
  • Copies of your code, databases, and any
    additional files that make up your web
  • Please be sure to retain directory structures on
    the items you hand in.
  • Include a readme file if there are any special
    installation instructions.
  • If everything is too big to fit on one floppy
    then you may email me the files (zip them up).
  • Or you could burn a CD.

Final Project Getting Help
  • Standard warning
  • Dont wait until the last minute. Have everything
    lined up and ready to go so you can have a
    polished presentation.
  • If you need assistance with anything you can call
    or email me.
  • But please keep in mind that my time can be
    limited so I cant deal with 10 huge problems
    that flood in at the last minute.
  • Its your responsibility to keep on the ball.

Final Exam
  • You will be emailed a Word document that contains
    the final exam by next Wednesday.
  • Format will be the same as the midterm. Questions
    will cover the entire course contents.
  • You may enter your answers into the Word document
    and email it back to me.
  • You may also print out the final, fill in the
    answers, and turn the final into the Business
    School secretaries (have them put it in my
  • Either way you must get the final back to me by
    May 8.

Program 10
  • Requirements
  • Create a database with two tables
  • Employees
  • Jobs
  • Generate reports from SQL statements
  • Search by employee first and last name.
  • List of all employees sorted by job title.
  • Listing of all employees within a certain salary
  • Insert, Update, and Delete employee record.

Program 10 Company database
  • Created in Microsoft Access
  • The Employees and Jobs table are linked with each
    other via the JobID field.
  • JobID is the primary key for the Jobs table, and
    is also a foreign key in the Employees table.
  • In other words, JobID is a foreign key of the
    Employees table.

Program 10
  • How I organized the program
  • Main.asp the main program interface.
  • Search.asp performs all record lookups.
  • AddEmployee.asp adds a new employee record.
  • UpdateDeleteEmp.asp table for updating/deleting
    employee records.
  • UpdateEmp.asp Performs update on an employee
  • DeleteEmp.asp Performs deletion of an employee

Program 10 Main.asp
  • This page is just a series of HTML forms and
    links to activate the other pages in the
  • In a professional application we would want to
    scale down this page as much as possible.
  • Each page should be limited to one or two logical
  • Ideally a menu bar would run across the top of
    every page.

Program 10 Search.asp
  • This page performs one of three separate record
    lookups based on the value of a querystring
    variable called id.
  • All searches are performed by dynamically
    building a SQL statement and then executing it
    and fetching the records it returns.
  • Tip if youre unsure of how a particular SQL
    statement should be formed use Access to build it
    and then look at the SQL it generated.

Program 10 AddEmployee.asp
  • This page actually has two sections, but only one
    section will execute at a given time
  • The new employee input form.
  • The ASP code to write the new record to the
  • We know which section of code to execute by
    checking to see if a form has been posted to this
  • If a form has been posted then execute the code
    to retrieve the form values and create new
  • Otherwise show the form for adding a new employee

Program 10 UpdateDeleteEmp.asp
  • This page generates a table of all the Employee
    records in the database.
  • On each row there are hotlinks to delete or
    update that particular record.
  • Those hotlinks call either the delete or update
    employee record ASP pages. They also have that
    records employee id appended as a querystring.
  • By passing the records employee id (primary key)
    we will know which particular record we want to
    delete or update.

Program 10 DeleteEmp.asp
  • The first thing this page does is grab the
    employee id from the querystring.
  • It then checks to see if a value was indeed
    obtained from the querystring
  • If the value was obtained then it attempts to
    delete that record by building a delete SQL
    statement and executing it against a database
  • If the value was not obtained then an error
    message is outputted.

Program 10 UpdateEmp.asp
  • Gets the employee id from the querystring (if
    its not there redirect back to
  • Next, check to see if an Update command was
    issued via the querystring.
  • If it was then we assume a form has also been
    posted to this page with new values to update the
    record with.
  • If not we assume the user wants to update the
    record so we call a custom sub that outputs an
    HTML form for updating an employee record, with
    the fields pre-filled with the records current

Stored Procedure Recap
  • Stored Procedures allow us to store our SQL
    queries inside the actual database, rather than
    hard coding directly into ASP pages.
  • This saves on long messy SQL statements and
    executes faster (because SQL is compiled in the

Stored Procedure Recap
  • To call a stored procedure from an ASP page
  • Create parameter objects for each parameter in
    the stored procedure.
  • Attach the parameter object(s) to the command
  • Execute the command object and fetch the records
    it returns.
  • In our previous class we had an example that
    pulled employees with salaries gt a certain

Structuring Commands
  • Using stored procedures and command objects leads
    to many very powerful benefits (speed being the
    most obvious) but this can lead to a lot of code.
  • Almost as messy as hard coding SQL statements
    directly into an ASP page.
  • To combat this we can encapsulate all the
    commands our ASP pages use into a single function
    called GetCmd which is stored in our
    DataStore.asp include file.

  • GetCmd is a function that returns an ADO Command
    object that is set to a specific stored
    procedure, has its active connection set, and is
    preloaded with parameter values.
  • The command object we get back from GetCmd should
    be ready to execute and fetch records.
  • Think of GetCmd as a function for building
    command objects.

  • GetCmd has three arguments
  • SP_Name the name of the stored procedure we want
    to build a command object for.
  • Param_Array an array that contains all the
    values specific to a certain stored procedure
    (ie the one indicated by SP_Name).
  • Conn an ADO Connection object that points to the
    database where the stored procedure in SP_Name is

Implementing GetCmd
  • Based on the function arguments you probably have
    an idea about how this function might be
  • The main body of the code is a big SELECT CASE
    statement whose driving value is the SP_Name
  • When a match is made the the command object is
    initialized with the necessary data for that
    particular stored procedure.

Implementing GetCmd
  • Initializing the command object consists of two
    primary steps
  • Set the CommandText property to the stored
    procedure name (ie the name you matched in the
    case statement previously SP_Name).
  • Create and set the parameters for this stored
    procedure and append to the command object.
  • Problem This function needs to be capable of
    handling any stored procedure our program
    requires. It is likely that our stored procedures
    will have varying numbers of parameters (0..N).
    How do we pass an unknown number of values into
    this function?

Implementing GetCmd
  • This problem is solved by passing in all
    parameter values within an array.
  • Using an array we can pass in as many values as
    we need to.
  • The key is that the code passing in the array
    must place the array (parameter) values in the
    correct order.
  • There is really no way to programmatically ensure
    this so there should be adequate documentation
    available to the programmer for each stored
  • With proper documentation the programmer will
    know how to correctly set that parameter array.

Implementing GetCmd
  • After the parameters have been set the SELECT
    CASE statement ends.
  • Before returning the command object its
    ActiveConnection property should be set to the
    connection objection that was passed into the
    GetCmd function.

Implementing GetCmd
  • One last consideration we need to make is how the
    names of the stored procedures should be
  • It is best to code the stored procedure names as
    constants within the datastore.asp include
  • These constants can then be referenced by GetCmd
    and any other ASP code that includes this file.

Implementing GetCmd
  • I recommend following a naming convention for
    your stored procedure name constants
  • SP_DB_SPName
  • SP stored procedure
  • DB a shorthand code for the database the stored
    procedure is located in.
  • SPName a shorthand code for a particular stored

Misc. ASP Topics
  • What follows is a few bread and butter ASP
    tricks and techniques that professional ASP
    developers use on the job.
  • They make ASP development quicker, more powerful,
    and a lot easier.

Debugging SQL Statements
  • Write out any SQL that is giving you problems to
    the browser before its executed
  • SQL Response.Write SQLResponse.Endcmd.Execut
  • Check your field names
  • Make sure you dont use reserved words by your
    DBMS software to name fields (e.g., use
    HireDate instead of Date)
  • Enclose field/table names with spaces in
  • SELECT Emp ID FROM Employee Table
  • Common syntax errors
  • Not enclosing strings with single-quotes, dates
    with s, and enclosing number fields with

Getting Records With GetRows
  • The ADO Recordset object has a method called
  • Getrows reads a recordsets contents into a
    two-dimensional array.
  • RecordArray(COL, ROW)
  • This is a more efficient way of reading records
    because it is faster and uses less memory.
  • However we cannot update the contents in the
    array and expect the contents of the database to
    be updated.
  • Example getrows.asp

Counting the number of records in a table.
  • The quickest and most efficient way to count the
    number of records in a given table is to do it
    through SQL.
  • For example
  • SELECT count() FROM publishers
  • You can use the WHERE clause to qualify which
    records you want to count
  • SELECT count() FROM publishers WHERE state'NY'
  • Handy for outputting the number of records
    returned by a search.

ASP Shopping Carts
  • We dont have time to go over an entire shopping
    cart system (they can get fairly complex) but we
    can discuss one simple method
  • Most shopping carts are enabled via cookies.
  • So when the user adds an item to their shopping
    cart they are really writing a product id to a
    cookie (along with any other information, like
  • The checkout page then collects all the record
    ids from the cookie and reads the database to
    pull the product information out.

Paging Records
  • Frequently, database searches yield a large
    number of results hundreds, thousands,
  • Since thousands of records shouldnt be outputted
    all at once many sites break them up into small
    chunks say 10 or 20 per page.
  • This is known as database paging.
  • Example dbpage_input.htm, dbpage.asp

Determining Browser
  • In a perfect world all web browsers would produce
    the exact same output for a given block of HTML
    (which is suppose to be an international
  • Unfortunately, this is seldom the case.
  • Often, ASP developers have to resort to writing
    custom code that outputs specific HTML for one
    browser and a different set for another.
  • One easy way to determine what kind of browser a
    visitor is using is to use the Browser
    Capabilities component.

Determining Browser Cont.
  • The browser capabilities component is a built- in
    ASP object that determines what kind of browser a
    person is using.
  • It is fairly easy to use in code, but to keep up
    with new browsers a separate .ini configuration
    file must be maintained on the server.
  • Example browsecap.asp, browscap.ini
  • Browser Capabilities cannot tell if certain
    features are turned on or not (in everything up
    to IIS 5.0)

Sending Email From ASP
  • To be able to send email from an ASP page you
    need to have a component installed on your server
    that supports it.
  • There are several out there (both for free and
    pay), but if you have NT Server 4 or higher then
    you probably already have CDONTS installed, which
    supports email through ASP
  • Example codemail.asp (note this does not work on
    NT Workstation,Win 98, XP Pro, or 2000 Pro)

Retrieving ID of new record
  • Frequently, we have the need to retrieve the
    record id of a record we just created in order to
    perform further processing.
  • In Access 2000 and SQL Server there is a reserved
    SQL word (_at__at_Identity) that we can use to retrieve
    a new records primary key.
  • The trick when using Access 2000 is that we must
    remember to use OLE-DB in our connection string,
    otherwise _at__at_Identity wont work.
  • Example newrecid.asp

Server Variables
  • Server variables are individual bits of
    information that are passed by HTTP packets when
    a browser and server communicate with each other.
  • Some server variables may not be available on
    particular server software/browser combinations.
  • Example servervar.asp

Dynamic Includes
  • One common mistake most new ASP programmers make
    is trying to do things like this
  • lt IF PageNum1 THEN gt lt!-- include
    file1.htm --gtltElSEIF PageNum2 THENgt lt!--
    include file2.htm --gtltEND IFgt
  • The problem with this is that the includes are
    processed BEFORE the ASP so it is not possible to
    use conditional logic to process them.
  • On Windows 2000 (IIS 5.0) there are methods
    called Server.Execute and Server.Transfer that
    let us get around this.

ASP Alternatives
  • JSP
  • Java Server Pages
  • An extension of the Java programming language,
    written by SUN.
  • PHP
  • Pre-HTML Processor
  • A free, open-source dynamic web language. Similar
    to Java.
  • Runs on multiple platforms.
  • CGI
  • The very first technology available to
    dynamically generate web pages. Often used with
    the PERL programming language.
  • A lot of web sites still use CGI to this day.

Advanced ASP Topics
  • SQL Server
  • An enterprise strength RDBMS.
  • Site Server
  • Used on Intranets
  • Commerce Server
  • Used to more rapidly build ecommerce sites.
  • Microsoft has about a million more XYZ Server
    products aimed at specific web applications.
  • Custom ASP Components

  • Next generation of ASP
  • In the future you will likely encounter this
    version of ASP with any company/client you work
  • The ASP we are learning now will be known as
    classic ASP.
  • If you understand basic programming concepts and
    ASP then moving to ASP.Net is not that difficult.
  • The first version of ASP.Net (1.0) is already

ASP.Net Cont.
  • ASP.Net is part of a larger Microsoft initiative
    called .Net (DotNet).
  • DotNet is a new development framework that is
    centered (partly) around the idea of Web
  • The idea being that all programs should be easily
    and readily available via the Internet.
  • In many respects, ASP.Net is completely different
    than classic ASP.

ASP.Net Cont.
  • There are many new benefits that go along with
  • True, compiled, object-oriented programming
    languages (VisualBasic.Net, C, etc.)
  • You can actually use any programming language
    that DotNet supports to code your ASP pages.
  • I once saw an example that had a COBOL ASP page.
  • Event-driven programming model
  • Significant performance enhancements
  • ADO.Net
  • Extensive library of functions (full access to
    Windows API).
  • Enterprise applications like can now
    be written by a relatively few number of
    programmers and with minimal code (well see how
    true this turns out to be)

ASP Resources
  • Good for finding small, concise lessons.
  • ASP 101
  • Many beginner and advanced topics here. Articles
    are larger than LearnASP
  • Ask ASP
  • Tons of ASP questions answered here.
  • MSDN
  • Microsoft programming resources.

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