Resonance Theory in Reactor Applications - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Resonance Theory in Reactor Applications


... Monte Carlo approach: via point-wise cross sections. ... Pre-computed point-wise cross section libraries for various ... Point-Wise Doppler-Broadening ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Resonance Theory in Reactor Applications

Resonance Theory in Reactor Applications
R. N. HwangNuclear Engineering Division Argonne
National Laboratory
  • Introduction
  • Fundamentals
  • Representations of Microscopic Cross Sections
  • Doppler-Broadening of Cross Sections
  • Applications in conjunction to multi-group
  • Homogeneous media
  • Heterogeneous media
  • Unresolved resonance treatment
  • Future challenges

Historical Notes
  • Resonance Structures in U238 Cross Sections
  • Observations of Resonance Absorption in U238
    Attributable to Self shielding
  • Reduction of absorption rate per atom of neutrons
    slowed-down in water/uranium mixture as
    concentration increased.
  • A substantial reduction of resonance absorption
    was possible if natural uranium was made into a
    lump surrounded by moderator, a discovery
    signaling the beginning of nuclear era.

  • Basic Issue
  • Application of microscopic cross sections in
    macroscopic reactor systems.
  • Two Quantities of Interest in Reactor Physics
  • Self-Shielding Factor
  • Can be construed as a measure of correlation
    between cross section and flux in energy and
    space at a a given temperature,

Background (contd.)
  • General Requirements
  • Explicit description of microscopic cross section
    as a function of energy
  • Concise representation of R-Matrix
    theory and approximations.
  • High quality resonance parameters.
  • Doppler-broadening of microscopic cross sections
    at 0K to form
  • Determination of neutron flux and reaction rates
    in reactor lattices
  • Multi group(/subgroup) methods via pre-computed
    multi group set
  • Continuous energy Monte Carlo approach via
    point-wise cross sections.
  • For high energy region where resonances are
    unresolved, the averages must be treated on the
    basis of statistical theory.

Evolution of Resonance Theory
  • Period of Earlier Thermal Reactor Development
  • Focused on a handful of low-lying resonances of
    few actinides.
  • Relied exclusively on the single level
    Breit-Wigner approximation.
  • Utilizing the resonance integral concept
  • Assumption of two-region cell along with rational
  • Emergence of Fast Reactor Program
  • General shift of interest to higher energy
  • Resonances of intermediate weight nuclides began
    to play an important role.
  • Focused on reactivity coefficients (Doppler,
    sodium void, etc.)
  • More important role for statistical treatment of
    unresolved resonances.
  • Emphasis on issues pertinent to analysis of
    experiments of critical assemblies.

Evolution of Resonance Theory(Contd.)
  • Formation of CSWEG in 1966
  • Provided the reference nuclear data base (ENDF/B
  • Motivated continuous improvement of evaluated
    resonance parameters.
  • Dramatic Improvement of Computational Tools
  • Made possible computation of many extremely
    complex problems.
  • More frequent use of the Monte Carlo Approach.

R-Matrix Representation
  • Channel matrix and Level matrix formulations
  • where

R-Matrix Representation (contd.)
  • Mathematical Properties
  • Collision matrix is symmetric and unitary.
  • Statistical Properties normally
    distributed ,
    Wigner/Dyson dist.
  • Except for the explicit energy dependence that
    appears in and/or only three quantities
    are (weakly) energy-dependent, namely,
  • - - a low order rational function of
  • - - Hard sphere phase shift is also a
    simple function of .
  • Collision matrix must be single-valued and
    meromorphic in k-plane.
  • Meromorphic in E-plane if and only if
    E-dependence of 3 factors is ignored.

R-Matrix Representation (contd.)
  • Four Practical Formalisms Currently in Use
  • ENDF/B specified SLBW, MLBW, Adler-Adler, and
  • Alternative Generalized Pole Representation.
  • Meromorphic nature leads to the following
  • where parameters are numerically deducible from
    any other representation.
  • Consequences
  • Exact Doppler-Broadening
  • Keep Resonance integral concept intact.

Doppler Broadening Based on Ideal Gas Model
  • Broadening Via Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution
  • Solbrigs Kernel
  • Let and
  • Approximate Gauss Kernel in Energy Domain (For
    relatively high energy)
  • Broadening Via Solution of Heat Equation
    (Semi-infinite cyl.)

Earlier Approach Single-Level Breit-Wigner
  • Microscopic Cross Section at 0 K (Lorentzian
  • Doppler-Broadened Line Shape (Approx. Gauss
  • where (complex
    probability integral) and .

Computation of w-FunctionTwo-Distinct Examples
  • Direct numerical approach (OShea and Thacher)
  • Region of small Taylors Expansion.
  • Intermediate region of Continued
  • Large Gauss-Hermite Quadrature.
  • Cauchy integral approach Turing Method (as
    proposed by Bhat Lee-Whiting also used by
  • Consider an integral involving a meromorphic
    function .
  • Contour integral via Cauchy integral theorem Let

Computation of w-FunctionTwo-Distinct Examples
  • Where

  • Connection to w(z)
  • Note that

Numerical Approaches to Doppler-Broadening
  • Kernel-Broadening Methods
  • Piece-wise integration over the kernel.
  • Where
  • Linearity approximation is
    linear between two mesh points.
  • Generalized Gauss-Hermite Quadrature Analytical
    weights and abscissae. 2-point quadrature can
    produce benchmark quality results.
  • Finite Difference Methods for Solving the Heat
  • Explicit Method
  • Implicit Method

Neutron Slowing-Down in Homogeneous Media
  • Slowing-Down Equation
  • Slowing-Down Density
  • Neutrons slowed down past a given energy E.
  • Differentiation with respect to and assuming
  • Resonance Integral Concept

Traditional Resonance Integral Approximations
  • Narrow Resonance Approximation (NR)
  • Extent of the res. .
  • Infinite Mass Approximation (NRIM or WR)
  • In the limit of ,
  • where is the moderator cross section
  • Intermediate Resonance Approximation (IR)
  • The conjecture is
  • where accounts for higher orders effects
    (NR) (WR).

Traditional J-Integral Approach for SLBW
  • Earlier Version
  • No Asymmetric Component
  • Later Version
  • With Asymmetric Component
  • Overlap Correction for Neighboring Resonances

Computation of Resonance Integral
  • Rational Transformation
  • Noting that . Let
  • Gauss-Jacobi (Chebyshev) Quadrature
  • Efficiency has been demonstrated in computations
    of resonance integral, cross section moments and
    analysis of self-indication measurements.

Example Integrand of First Order Moment
  • Set

Neutron Slowing-Down in Heterogeneous Media
  • Starting Point
  • Coupled Integral Equations (2-Regions Cell)
  • Reduction to Single Integral Equation
  • Reciprocity Relation
  • Reduced Integral Equation (assume
  • Further Simplifications
  • NR-, WR-, and IR- Approximations.

Brief Outline of Traditional Collision
Probability Approach
  • Integral Transport Theory Origin
  • Illustrative Example for Various Isolated Lumps

Evolution of Collision Probability Methods
  • Isolated Fuel Lumps
  • Analytical Approaches for Simple Geometries
    Slabs, cylinders, spheres, ect.
  • Mean-Chord Approximation
  • Wigners Rational Approximation
  • Closely-Packed/Repeated Cells
  • Rational approximation with Dancoff
    Correction/Bells factor.
  • Analytical approach for infinite slabs.
  • Cylindricised two region cells.
  • Interface current method
  • Most effective for cell with multiple annuli.

Evolution of Collision Probability Methods
  • Two-dimensional collision probability approach
  • Carlviks method not yet widely used in
    conjunction with resonance treatment.

Two Approximations of Historical Importance
  • Volume and Surface integral approach
  • Pioneered by Wigner et al
  • Equivalence relations resulting from rational
  • NR-example
  • where equivalent cross section,

Philosophies of Resonance Cross Section Processing
  • General
  • Types of cross section libraries
  • Pre-computed point-wise cross section libraries
    for various nuclides at a given T.
  • Composition-dependent multi-group constant
  • Nature of processing
  • Deterministic Multi-group constants preparation
    in the resolved energy region.
  • Probabilistic Unresolved resonance treatment
    sub-group constants.
  • Rigor of resonance treatment
  • How Doppler-broadening is treated
  • How slowing-down equation is treated
  • How integral transport equation is treated at
    unit cell level.

Philosophies of Resonance Cross Section
Processing (contd.)
  • Multi-group constants
  • Representation of composition-dependent group
  • Bondarenko Scheme
  • Pre-compute self-shielding factors in terms of
    at T.
  • Explicit composition-dependent processing.
  • Group structure/Spatial dependence
  • Energy structure
  • Ultra-fine, fine, and coarse groups.
  • Spatial dependence
  • Resonance related calculations at unit cell level
  • Approximate methods based on rational
  • Integral transport theory approach.
  • Region-dependent multi-group constants
  • Computation of global spectrum of the system
    using average cell cross sections
  • Collapsing to form desired multi-group constants.

Unresolved Resonance Treatment
  • Statistical theory fundamentals
  • Basic Rule
  • Statistically independent variables
  • Addition Theorem
  • Multiplication theorem (conditional

Unresolved Resonance Treatment (contd.)
  • Known averages and statistical information
  • ---- normal distribution with zero
    means and variance of unity
  • Or partial width
  • ---- Wigner
    distribution and long range correlation of
  • Expectation values of interest
  • and

Unresolved Resonance Treatment (contd.)
  • Two widely used approaches
  • Direct Integration (Riemann integral)
  • NR-approx. implicitly assumed.
  • Probability Table Method (Lebesgue integral)
  • Requires
  • These quantities are obtainable via (1) ladder
    method (2) Moment method (3) integral transform

Illustration of Potential Issues in Ladder Method
Future Challenges
  • Nuclear Data
  • Continuous efforts to improve resonance
    parameters and their representation
  • More utilization of self-indication ratio
    measurements as means of data verification.
  • Point-Wise Doppler-Broadening of Cross Sections
  • More studies on potential effects of crystalline
    binding on broadening
  • Optimization of point-wise cross section
    libraries at a given T.
  • Multi-Group Cross Section Processing
  • Improvement of current collision probability
    treatment at resonance level to accommodate more
    complex cells.
  • Improvement of means of computing global
    weighting spectrum for cross section collapsing
    in multi-group constant codes.

Future Challenges (contd.)
  • Improvement of Unresolved Resonance Treatment
  • Several new approaches under consideration are
  • Analytical approach for computing probability
    tables via integral transform techniques
  • Characteristic function approach for treating
    averages involving S-matrix (pioneered by
    Lukyanov et al)
  • Maximization of information entropy (pioneered by
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