Lesson 3 Objectives - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lesson 3 Objectives


Criticality curves - Typical configurations and materials ... The purposes of the International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lesson 3 Objectives

Lesson 3 Objectives
  • Finish up MAGICMERV
  • Transport theory overview for users
  • Comparison of Deterministic vs Stochastic
  • Discrete ordinates
  • Monte Carlo

  • Simple checklist of conditions that MIGHT result
    in an increase in k-eff.
  • Mass
  • Absorber loss
  • Geometry
  • Interaction
  • Concentration
  • Moderation
  • Enrichment
  • Reflection
  • Volume

  • Discrete ordinates overview

Neutron balance equation
  • Scalar flux/current balance
  • Used in shielding, reactor theory, crit. safety,
  • Problem No sourceNo solution !

K-effective eigenvalue
  • Changes n, the number of neutrons per fission
  • Advantages
  • Everybody uses it
  • Guaranteed real solution
  • Fairly intuitive (if you dont take it too
  • Good measure of distance from criticality for
  • Disadvantages
  • No physical basis
  • Not a good measure of distance from criticality
    for CS

Buckling eigenvalue
  • Adds extra leakage using Diffusion Theory
  • Advantages
  • Physical basis
  • Mildly intuitive (after you work with it awhile)
  • Good measure of distance from criticality for
  • Disadvantages
  • No guaranteed real solution
  • Not intuitive for CS (?)

Time (a) eigenvalue
  • Adds extra leakage using Diffusion Theory
  • Advantages
  • Physical basis
  • Mildly intuitive for kinetics work
  • Disadvantages
  • No guaranteed real solution
  • Not intuitive for CS (?)

Material search eigenvalue
  • Change atom density of some isotope(s) to achieve
  • Advantages
  • Ultimate physical basis
  • Great for design
  • Guaranteed real solution (fuel isotope)
  • Disadvantages
  • No guaranteed real solution (non-fuel isotope)
  • Only useful for answering particular questions

Neutron transport
  • Scalar vs. angular flux
  • Boltzmann transport equation
  • Neutron accounting balance
  • General terms of a balance in energy, angle,
  • Deterministic
  • Subdivide energy, angle, space and solve equation
  • Get k-effective and flux
  • Monte Carlo
  • Numerical simulation of transport
  • Get particular flux-related answers, not flux

Deterministic grid solution
  • Subdivide everything Energy, Space, Angle
  • Eulerian grid Fixed in space
  • Use balance condition to figure out each piece

Stochastic solution
  • Continuous in Energy, Space, Angle
  • Lagrangian grid Follows the particle
  • Sample (poll) by following typical neutrons

Particle track of two 10 MeV fission neutrons
Discrete ordinates
  • We will cover the mathematical details in 3 steps
  • Numerical methods to determine the neutron flux
    field from source
  • Numerical treatment of source
  • Putting it together into a solution strategy
  • Goal Give you just enough details for you to be
    an intelligent user
  • Cocktail party knowledge

Advantages and disadvantages of each
I. Numerical treatment
  • Subset of NE581
  • We will use the easiest form 1D slab
  • Discretization in all 3 dimensions space,
    energy, direction
  • Space Relatively smooth, but equation has
    spatial derivativesFinite difference method
  • Energy Extremely non-smooth (resonances), but no
    derivativesMultigroup treatment (complexity
  • Direction Smooth, no derivativesQuadrature
  • Named for the directional treatment

Directional treatment
  • Mathematical basis Quadrature integration
  • Lots of math research done in defining optimum
    (m,w) sets (quadratures)
  • Most commonGaussian quadratures
  • mn are roots of Pn(m)
  • wn are chosen to perfectly integrate the first n

Application to our problem
  • Solve for the flux only in particular directions
  • or
  • Scalar flux found with quadrature integration
  • Bottom line for us
  • More anglesmore accuracy
  • CSAS1X defaults to 8 directions (S8)
  • Available4, 8, 16, 32,

Energy treatment Multigroup
  • Mathematical basis Complexity reduction using
    assumed flux spectra
  • Define
  • Find equation for by integrating the
    continuous equation

Energy treatment, contd
  • Weight cross sections with an assumed flux
    spectrum shape
  • Cross sections are only as good as the assumed
  • Common assumption (Fission, 1/E, Maxwellian) for
    smooth cross sections spectrum from resonance
    treatments for resonance cross sections
  • Bottom Line for us
  • More groups are (theoretically) better
  • In practice it depends on the group structure and
    the assumed spectra within the groups
  • We choose the group structure by choosing from
    the choices given Hansen-Roach, 27 group, 44
    group, 238 group, etc.

Space treatment Cell centered finite difference
  • Mathematical basis Subdivide the space into
    homogeneous cells, integrate equation over each

Space treatment, contd
  • One equation, three unknowns
  • Incoming boundary flux (i.e., for
    mgt0, for mlt0) is known as the
    outgoing of neighbor
  • Eliminates one unknown
  • Still left with 1 equation, 2 unknowns, so we
    must assume another relationship among the three
  • Step
  • Guaranteed positive flux, but not very accurate
  • Diamond Difference
  • Surprisingly accurate, but requires a negative
    flux fixup

Space treatment, contd
  • Bottom Line for us
  • More cells are better
  • SCALE picks the spatial discretization
    automatically, but you can control it
  • (Something of a kludge)

II. Source treatment anisotropic scattering
  • Mathematical basis Approximation of functions
    with orthogonal basis functions
  • Usual fit Low, odd-ordered Legendre polynomials

Source treatment, contd
  • Bottom Line for us
  • Cross-sections libraries are built with a maximum
    Legendre scattering order prescribed
  • More is better, but more resource intensive
  • Generally, for criticality
  • is too small
  • is too large
  • (Need much higher to handle gamma ray transport)

III. Iterative solution strategy
  • Assume a scalar flux shape for each space
    cell and energy group
  • Compute the spatial fission distribution and,
    from it, the fission neutron source
  • For each energy group, g1,2,G (High energy to
  • Find down-scatter from fluxes already caculated
    in this loop
  • Find up-scatter (if any) from previous
    iterations fluxes
  • Use best available angular fluxes to get
    within-group scattering terms
  • For each angular direction, n
  • Sweep over cells (following flow of neutrons),
    calculating the cell average angular fluxes,
  • Contribute to the scalar flux in each cell,
  • Repeat C-E until the group scalar fluxes converge
    (inner iteration)
  • Repeat 2-4 until the fission spatial shape and
    k-effective eigenvalue converge

Iterative solution, contd
  • Bottom Line for us
  • Flux solution is an iterative, bootstrap method
    with 2 levels of iteration
  • Outer (or power iteration) consists of a sweep
    over all groups to get an improved spatial
    fission shape
  • Inner iteration occurs within each group and
    consists of a sweep over each direction and cell
    in the group to get an improved within-group
    scattering source
  • We get one k-effective eigenvalue per outer

  • Monte Carlo overview

Monte Carlo
  • We will cover the mathematical details in 3 steps
  • General overview of MC approach
  • Example walkthrough
  • Special considerations for criticality
  • Goal Give you just enough details for you to be
    an intelligent user

General Overview of MC
  • Monte Carlo Stochastic approach
  • Statistical simulation of individual particle
  • Keep score of quantities you care about
  • Most of mathematically interesting features come
    from variance reduction methods
  • Gives results PLUS standard deviation
    statistical measure of how reliable the answer is

Mathematical basis
  • Statistical simulation driven by random number
    generator 0ltxlt1, with a uniform distribution
  • p(x)dxprob. of picking x in (x, xdx)dx
  • Score keeping driven by statistical formula

Simple Walkthrough
  • Six types of decisions to be made
  • Where the particle is born
  • Initial particle energy
  • Initial particle direction
  • Distance to next collision
  • Type of collision
  • Outcome of scattering collision (E, direction)
  • How are these decisions made?

Decision 1 Where particle is born
  • 3 choices
  • Set of fixed points (first generation only)
  • User specifies how many chosen from each
  • Uniformly distributed (first generation only)
  • KENO picks point in geometry
  • Rejected if not in fuel
  • From previous collision sites
  • After first generation, previous generations
    sites used to start new fissions

Decision 2 Initial particle energy
  • From a fission neutron energy spectrum
  • Complicated algorithms based on advanced
    mathematical treatments
  • Rejection method based on bounding box idea

Decision 3 Initial particle direction
  • Easy one for us because all fission is isotropic
  • Must choose the longitude and latitude that
    the particle would cross a unit sphere centered
    on original location
  • Mathematical results
  • mcosine of angle from polar axis
  • Fazimuthal angle (longitude)

Decision 4 Distance to next collision
  • Let sdistance traveled in medium with St
  • Prob. of colliding in ds at distance s
  • (Prob. of surviving to s)x(Prob. of colliding in
    dssurvived to s)
  • (e- St s)x(Sts)
  • Using methods from NE582, this results in

Decision 5 Type of collision
  • Most straight-forward of all because straight
    from cross sections
  • Ss / St probability of scatter
  • Sa / St probability of absorption
  • Therefore, if xlt Ss / St , it is a scatter
  • Otherwise particle is absorbed (lost)
  • Weighting in lieu of absorptionfancy term for
    following the non-absorbing fraction of the

Decision 6 Outcome of scattering collision
  • In simplest case (isotropic scattering), a
    combination of Decisions 3 and 5
  • Decision 5-like choice of new energy group
  • Decision 3 gets new direction
  • In more complicated (normal) case, must deal with
    the energy/direction couplings from elastic and
    inelastic scattering physics

Special considerations for criticality safety
  • Must deal w/ generationsouter iteration
  • Fix a fission source spatial shape
  • Find new fission source shape and eigenvalue
  • User must specify of generations AND of
    histories per generation AND of generation to
  • Skipped generations allow the original lousy
    spatial fission distribution to improve before we
    really start keeping score
  • KENO defaults 103 generations of 300 histories
    per generation, skipping first 3
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