Title: Discovering Americas Symbols
1Discovering Americas Symbols
- Karen Weaver
- Little Chico Creek Elementary
- Chico, California
2Discovering Americas Symbols
Karen Weaver Web site Email kweaver_at_cusd.chico.k
This History / Social Studies lesson was designed
to help third grade students learn about the
symbols, landmarks, holidays, and important
national documents that give our nation its
identity. Standard 3.5
3Discovering Americas Symbols
- To learn how to put a web page together
- Create a lesson my third graders could use in our
class - Learn Power Point
4Discovering Americas Symbols
- Web page design using Netscape
- Linking pages
- Down loading and up loading????
- Adding graphics to my web pages
- Creating a HTML worksheet
- Powerpoint
Discovering Americas Symbols
- Motivational for students
- Useful at a variety of grade levels
- Incorporates a variety of standards
- Students learn appropriate web search techniques
- Students are reading material and collecting
facts and information - I want to do more!!!!!
Discovering Americas Symbols
- Not enough time
- Too many sites to visit
- Too many facts to collect
- Wanted a student worksheet with boxes for
students to draw their sketches - Need a cleaner web design, easier for students to
move through -
Discovering Americas Symbols
- Until I actually run through this activity with
my students I can only assume it is
Discovering Americas Symbols
- This project has helped me realize just how
little I know and how much more I want to learn.
I know my students will love this project,
especially learning how to do an Internet search.
I am looking forward to finally implementing the
project and finding the bumps!!
9Discovering Americas Symbols
That's All Folks!