Title: Internet: Taking Learning Beyond the Classroom Walls
1Internet Taking Learning Beyond the Classroom
- Milpitas Christian School
- January 3, 2005
Gail Lovely www.GailLovely.com
2Overview of Session
- This workshop gives participants hands-on
guidance in locating Web sites for virtual tours
that enhance existing classroom lessons.
Participants will develop activities that take
their students on journeys to other landsand
- Explore a variety of Internet resources that
support the classroom curriculum. - Understand how to use Web site evaluation
skills/rubrics. - Gain an understanding of the variety of online
activities and projects. - Design a lesson using virtual tours on the
4Two Truths and a Dream
- http//www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/lesson/less
5Wishes, Hopes, Fears
- Every Workshop brings with it wishes, hopes and
fears (or concerns) - What are ours?
- Introductions and Overview
- Discussion of Strategies and Success Stories
- Examples of Virtual Field Trips
- Tools
- Filamentality
- TrackStar
- Word
- Rubistar
- Work Time
- Evaluation and Sharing
7Strategies and Successes
8Virtual Field Trips
- A definition A trip using the Internet which
utilizes real-world resources or other rich
resources to create experiences which are similar
in depth/impact to real field trips.
9NOT a replacementfor the Real Thing!
- Field trips of our past
- Successful?
- Issues?
- Problems?
- Lessons Learned?
- Use of Primary Sources
- Letters, first hand accounts, pottery shards,
diaries, THE places - Primary sources encourage students to make
inferences, hypothesize, and make comparisons. - No one else is deciding what is important
- Virtual primary sources can provide these as well
- Can create a more student-directed approach to
learning - Provide multiple points of view or entry points
to information and knowledge
12Types of Virtual Field Trips
- Fact Finding Missions
- Awareness Explorations
- Exposure to Primary Resources
- Multimedia Approach to Content
- Preparation for Actual Field Trips
- Follow-up to Actual Field Trips
- Way to Show What One Knows
13Fact Finding Missions
- Students visit a variety of online resources to
learn about a topic or concept. - Can be more like a scavenger hunt with guiding
questions but be careful not to create an
online worksheet. - One example http//teacher.scholastic.com/activit
14Awareness Explorations
- Students explore a land, culture, biome, career,
to gain basic understanding or as an introduction
to a topic. - This approach can lead to application of
knowledge or information later, or as a follow-up
to a unit of study. - Example (A compelling story)
- http//www.brookfieldzoo.org/pagegen/wok/index_f4.
html - http//www.greatestplaces.org/book_pages/top.html
15Exposure to Primary Resources
- A focused, first-hand experience MAY be the best,
but seeing things or hearing things you cant
hear or see or visit may be almost as good. - Look, listen, explore the artifact, article,
interview and come to your own conclusions, form
your own questions for further exploration or
validate your prior learning. - An Example
- http//4hgarden.msu.edu/kidstour/tour.html
- http//www.chimacum.wednet.edu/elementary/oregontr
16Multimedia Approach to Content
- Listening to the music of a time period, looking
at the art of a nation or culture, exploring
ideas, concepts and time periods through audio,
video, art, and more to enliven and enrich the
experience. - Examples
- http//www.thebeijingguide.com/great_wall_of_china
/index.html - http//www.discovery.com/guides/history/titanic/Ti
17Preparation for Actual Field Trips
- You can use or create a virtual field trip to
help focus your students during a REAL field
trip. - Remove some distractions or provide some
incentives for the physical trip. - Provide a taste of what to expect and what they
may want to explore more. - Provide tools to prompt thought while on the
trip. - An Example
- http//www.thinker.org/fam/education/publications/
18Follow-up to Actual Field Trips
- Compare a REAL trip with a virtual trip to the
same (or a different) place - Provides insight into how similar or different
things may be (Are all farms alike?) - Provides insight into how point-of-view may color
presentation of facts online - An Example
- http//www.msichicago.org/exhibit/farm/video.html
19Way to Show What One Knows
- Students can create their own virtual field trip
for others. - Students can explore on line and then compare and
contrast their experiences. - An Example
- http//trackstar.4teachers.org/trackstar/ts/viewTr
- While virtual field trips made with the Internet
have some great advantages, they also create
several challenges. - Getting more comfortable with a learning process
which is more controlled by the student and less
directed by the teacher. - Having enough computers for all the students to
take their virtual field trips. - Planning, planning, planning!
21Virtual Field Trips Planning Steps
- Curriculum needs to drive the trip
- What does it help you teach or your students
learn? - (Internet skills is not enough)
- (Being interesting or fun or cool is not enough)
- You can often repurpose a trip to work FOR YOU
- Reading in Content Areas or for Details
- Enrichment
- Culture to go with a story to be read
- Teacher is still central in the planning!
22Virtual Field Trips Planning Steps
- Think through your lesson planning steps like
normal! - Introduce
- Purpose
- Input
- Guided Practice
- Independent Practice
- Assessment and Evaluation
23Virtual Field Trips Planning Steps
- Extend the learning during
- Paper Guidebooks
- Passports
- Travel Buddies
- Peers
- Experienced travellers
- Adult helpers
- Sketchbooks
- Question sheets, scavenger hunts or other guided
24Virtual Field Trips Planning Steps
- And extend the learning after
- Create a Multimedia product
- Multimedia show, report or newscast
- Make a video review
- Create a Print product
- poster, travel brochure, report, newspaper
article, - Travel journal, diary, sketchbook
- Create a Performance
- Share a story or favorite place
- Act out a tour or visit
- Tell about it
25Virtual Field Trips Make them POWERFUL!
- Connections, connections, connections
- Guidance (but not spoonfed)
- Planning
- Have a sense of adventure!
26Lets See What WE can do!
27Everything is Online
- http//www.gaillovely.com/fieldtrips.htm