Title: Project at a Glance:
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2How Would You Rate Yourself?
Project at a Glance Alabama Best Practices
Centers Powerful Conversations Professional
Development in 21st Century Schools
Where are you on the developmental continuum for
21st Century teaching and learning- on a know
nothing to know everything scale? (Please take
one of the colored dots on the table and place it
on the needs assessment chart.) 1. Newbie A
newcomer to cyberspace, Web 2.0 and/or social
networking. 2. ExplorerWilling to try a few new
things, ask questions, and starting to gain an
awareness around using blogs, wikis, podcasts,
and vidcasts in instruction. You have possibly
joined a listserv and are sharing ideas with
other teachers. 3. Path FinderYou or your
students have created a blogs, wiki, or podcast.
Some of your teaching is delivered in a student
centered, inquiry-based format. You are reading
articles/books about how to use Web 2.0 tools
with your students. You understand the term
digital native. 4. Power UserYou blog and teach
others how to blog. You use flickr, RSS,
del.icio.us, and a wiki regularly. You can give
at least three traits of a netgener and confusion
and chaos do not bother you anymore. You
regularly use project/problem based teaching in
your classroom.
3Todays Agenda
Virtual Handouthttp//21stcenturylearning.wikispa
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8Selected 10 Fellows with a strong technology
interest and developed them into leaders in their
school, state, region, and nation. Enhanced
leadership capabilities of Fellows and school
team members which contributed to promotions,
recognitions and awards and selection on
important state task forces (Governors
Commission on Teaching Quality)
9ABPC 21st Century Teaching and Learning
introduce new content
Tapped In
Tapped In
Tapped In
Tapped In
time to process and apply it
10Spurred creation of blogs, wikis, podcasts,
vblogs and screencasts by every 21st Century
11PROJECT AT A GLANCE LINKS Delicious Bookmarks
ABPC Web 2.0 Projects http//del.icio.us/abpcjohn
Kindergarten Blog (Charlotte Wilson Vestavia
Hills EL East) http//wilsonwhiskers.blogspot.com/
High School Economics (Buckhorn
HS) http//www.seedwiki.org/wiki/economists_--_4th
rchresult252036 Principal's Blog (Edith Pickens
Challenger MS) http//www.challengernews.blogspo
t.com/ 21st Century School Project
Blog (Vestavia Hills EL East) http//www.forumfori
nnovativelearning.blogspot.com/ Elementary
Podcasting Field Trips Crestons Podcast
(George Hall Elementary) http//georgehall.wetpai
12PublishedWorking Toward Excellence Journal on
Educating the Digital Generation that was
distributed to every educator in Alabama (63,000
copies) and promoted through the ABPC Website.
13Featured in local, state, regional and national
publicity, including Edutopia
14Engaged national experts in our work including
Will Richardson, Darren Kuropatwa, Nancy Willard,
Gene Roche and Brady Barr (National Geographic
scientist). Elluminating Alabama Sipping the
Koolaid in Alabama One Liners Alabama
Buddies Brady Barr K12 Online Conference
15Built Partnerships
ARI ALSDE Districts IT Directors Global
16Conducted ongoing assessment for program
improvement through online surveys, written
evaluations, Fellows reports and
individualcontact (email, phone and
17Accelerated the acquisition of 21st Century
knowledge and skills among teachers on school
teams, and among our Fellows, who started as
learners and were transformed into mentors and
guides for colleagues and other school teams.
18Questions or Comments?
19In Small Groups-Please Discuss the Following
1. One exciting thing that your district or
school did with technology last year?2.
Something you personally would like to do with
technology in the coming year?3. Speculate on
where you think technology will take your
district and your students in the future.
20Jeanne Simpson
- 7th Grade Math Teacher
- Cedar Ridge Middle School in Decatur, Alabama
- Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative
- National Board Certified Teacher
How I became a Fellow All things I never knew
21April Chamberlain
- Elementary school teacher
- School technology specialist
- District Technology Integration Specialist
- Trussville City Schools- Trussville, Alabama
Professional impact Network of educators Break
down classroom walls Recognition for
school Professional Development Personal
Impact Learning new tools Relationships with
22Suzanne Culbreth
- Geometry teacher
- Oak Mountain High School- Birmingham, Alabama
- Miliken Award Winner
- National Board Certified Teacher
Relationship between IT department and
teachers Blogging with students Effect on
student learning The Ripple Effect
23In Small Groups-Please Discuss the Following
From what you have heard so far Please share in
pairs- One thing you liked One thing you
learned One thing you will use
24Are you Ready for 21st Century Teaching and
It isnt just coming it has arrived!
25What Do We Mean by 21st Century Learning?
Considering the results of this study How will
your schools need to be shaped for the future?
Share one exciting thing your school is doing
to ensure that your students will be prepared for
success in a global knowledge/information age.
16 Major Characteristics of Schools and School
Systems Capable of Preparing Students for a
Global -Knowledge/Information Age
SourceAASA Year Long StudyPreparing Schools
and School Systems for the 21st Century
26Source http//www.ncrel.org/engauge/skills/skill2
27Two Perspectives
Tom Carroll, NCTAF
Peter Vaill Antioch University
28Walk About and Mindstorming
5 Charts Groups of 10-12 Brainstorm quickly in
the group - call out bulleted points and have
someone record them on the chart. About 4-5
minutes at each chart Move clockwise 5 times
29Time Travel
Lewis Perelman, author of School's Out (1992).
Perelman argues that schools are out of sync with
technological change ...the technological gap
between the school environment and the "real
world" is growing so wide, so fast that the
classroom experience is on the way to becoming
not merely unproductive but increasingly
irrelevant to normal human existence (p.215).
Seymour Papert (1993) In the wake of the
startling growth of science and technology in our
recent past, some areas of human activity have
undergone megachange. Telecommunications,
entertainment and transportation, as well as
medicine, are among them. School is a notable
example of an area that has not(p.2).
30Born to be Wired!
Understanding the Net Generation
I Generation
31Who is the Net Generation?
Source Educating the Net Generation, Diana
Oblinger and James Oblinger (2005)
- Born in or after 1982
- Technology means MP3, PDA, Phones that do it all
- Daily communication involves- cell phones, text
messaging, IMing, Blogs, and Email - Academically diverse
- Consumed by extra curricular activites
- Thrive on group interactions
- Tinkerers
- Family Oriented
- Ethically and racially diverse
33Millennials Want to Learn
- With technology
- With one another
- Online
- In their own time
- In their own place
- Doing things that matter
34Share your own stories. How are Millennials
different? What examples can you give from your
students or loved ones?
35(No Transcript)
36 What is a Blog?
A blog (or weblog) is a website in which items
are posted on a regular basis and displayed with
the newest at the top. Like other media, blogs
often focus on a particular subject, such as
food, politics, or local news. Some blogs
function as online diaries. A typical blog
combines text, images, and links to other blogs,
web pages, and other media related to its topic.
Since its appearance in 1995, blogging has
emerged as a popular means of communication,
affecting public opinion and mass media around
the world. 1
Will Richardsons videohttp//campus.belmont.edu/
Source http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weblog
37RSS Making it Simple! There are many
introductions to RSS available on the Internet.
Blog Lines News GatorWhat does it look like?
A vlog is a weblog which uses video as its
primary presentation format. It is primarily a
medium for distributing video content. Vlog posts
are usually accompanied by text, image, and
additional meta data to provide a context or
overview for the video. Vlogs or videoblogs are
created by vloggers or videobloggers, while the
act itself is referred to as vlogging or
Do I need to have an iPod? Content to go The
three steps... 1 - record2 - edit(?)3 -
40Look at What We Can Build When We Work Together!
The term wiki is a shortened form of wiki wiki
which is from the native language of Hawaii where
it is commonly used as an adjective to denote
something "quick" or "fast"!
Lets brainstorm how we can use wikis.
41- http//www.mappr.com/
- http//flickr.com/photos/cogdog/265279980/
42Social Bookmarking
What concerns, questions, reactions do you have
so far about using these emerging technologies in
your classroom or organization?
44Its All about the Learning- Not the Technology
45Key Assumptions
What are some key assumptions about how students
need to learn that are stressed at your
school? Finish this statement.Students learn
best when
Source John Seely Brown
47Source John Seely Brown
48David Warlick says How can the tools
support project-based and inquiry-driven
approaches to learning and help students acquire
the 21st Century skills identified by national
education/business partnerships as vital to their
future success?
49Affinity Activity
- Lets take a closer look beyond the gadget or Web
application and ask yourself- how and why we
would use it in our instruction? - Brainstorm one idea per sticky on how to use
these tools in instruction. Ways you can retool
analog learning and leverage the potential of the
read write Web. - Chunk ideas with a partner- look for themes to
emerge - Share
Brainstorm one idea per sticky
50Erik Myers- Beginning School Wrights Mill-
Advanced School
Via Skype
51Questions or Comments?