Title: Prime and Relatively Prime Numbers
1Prime and Relatively Prime Numbers
- Divisors We say that b ? 0 divides a if a mb
for some m, where a, b and m are integers. - b divides a if there is no remainder on division.
- The notation ba is commonly used to mean that b
divides a. - If ba, we say that b is a divisor of a.
2Prime and Relatively Prime Numbers (contd)
- If a1, then a ? 1.
- If ab and ba, then a ? b.
- Any b ? 0 divides 0.
- If bg and bh, then b(mg nh) for arbitrary
integers m and n.
3Prime and Relatively Prime Numbers (contd)
4Prime and Relatively Prime Numbers (contd)
Table 7.1 Primes under 2000
5Prime and Relatively Prime Numbers (contd)
- The above statement is referred to as the prime
number theorem, which was proven in 1896 by
Hadaward and Poussin.
6Prime and Relatively Prime Numbers (contd)
7Prime and Relatively Prime Numbers (contd)
- Whether there exists a simple formula to generate
prime numbers? - An ancient Chinese mathematician conjectured that
if n divides 2n - 2 then n is prime. For n 3, 3
divides 6 and n is prime. However, For n 341
11 ? 31, n dives 2341 - 2. - Mersenne suggested that if p is prime then Mp
2p - 1 is prime. This type of primes are referred
to as Mersenne primes. Unfortunately, for p 11,
M11 211 -1 2047 23 ? 89.
8Prime and Relatively Prime Numbers (contd)
- Fermat conjectured that if Fn 22n 1, where n
is a non-negative integer, then Fn is prime. When
n is less than or equal to 4, F0 3, F1 5, F2
17, F3 257 and F4 65537 are all primes.
However, F5 4294967297 641 ? 6700417 is not a
prime bumber. - n2 - 79n 1601 is valid only for n lt 80.
- There are an infinite number of primes of the
form 4n 1 or 4n 3. - There is no simple way so far to gererate prime
9Prime and Relatively Prime Numbers (contd)
- Factorization of an integer as a product of prime
numbers - Example 91 7 ? 13 11011 7 ? 112 ? 13.
- Useful for checking divisibility and relative
primality to be discussed later. - Factorization is in gereral difficult.
10Prime and Relatively Prime Numbers (contd)
- Define notation gcd(a,b) to mean the greatest
common divisor of a and b. - The positive integer c is said to be the gcd of a
and b if - ca and cb
- any divisor of a and b is a dividor of c.
- Equivalently, gcd(a,b) maxk, such that ka and
kb - gcd(a,b) gcd(-a,b) gcd(a,-b) gcd(-a,-b)
11Prime and Relatively Prime Numbers (contd)
- gcd(a,0) a.
- Factorization is one possible but in general
inefficient way to calculate gcd. Whereas,
Euclids algorithm (to be discussed later) is
more efficient. - Relative primality
- the integers a and b are relatively prime if they
have no prime factors in common - or equivalently, their only common factor is 1
- or equivalently, gcd(a,b) 1
12Modular Arithmetic
13Modular Arithmetic (contd)
- Examples
- a 11 n 7 11 1 ? 7 4 r 4.
- a -11 n 7 -11 (-2) ? 7 3 r 3.
- If a is an integer and n is a positive integer,
define a mod n to be the remainder when a is
divided by n. - Then, a ?a/n? ? n (a mod n)
- Example 11 mod 7 4 -11 mod 7 3.
14Modular Arithmetic (contd)
15Modular Arithmetic (contd)
- Properties of modular arithmetic operations
- Proof of Property 1
- Define (a mod n) ra and (b mod n) rb. Then a
ra jn and b rb kn for some integers j and
k. Then, - (ab) mod n (ra jn rb kn) mod n
- (ra rb (j k)n)
mod n - (ra rb) mod n
- (a mod n) (b mod n)
mod n
16Modular Arithmetic (contd)
? Examples for the above three properties
17Modular Arithmetic (contd)
- Properties of modular arithmetic
- Let Zn 0,1,2,,(n-1) be the set of residues
modulo n.
18Modular Arithmetic (contd)
- Properties of modular arithmetic (contd)
- if (a b) ? (a c) mod n, then b ? c mod n (due
to the existence of an additive inverse) - if (a ? b) ? (a ? c) mod n, then b ? c mod n
(only if a is relatively prime to n due to the
possible absence of a multiplicative inverse) - e.g. 6 ? 3 18 ? 2 mod 8 and
- 6 ? 7 42 ? 2 mod 8 but
- 3 ? 7 mod 8 (6 is not relatively prime
to 8) - If n is prime then the property of multiplicative
inverse holds (from a ring to a field).
19Modular Arithmetic (contd)
- Properties of modular arithmetic (contd)
20Fermats and Eulers Theorems
21Fermats and Eulers Theorems (contd)
- Fermats theorem (contd)
- alternative form
- if p is prime and a is any positive integer,
then - ap ? a mod p
- example p 5, a 3, 35 243 ? 3 mod 5
22Fermats and Eulers Theorems (contd)
23Fermats and Eulers Theorems (contd)
24Fermats and Eulers Theorems (contd)
- Eulers totient function (contd)
- if n is the product of two primes p and q
- f(n) pq (q 1)(p 1) 1
- pq (p q) 1
- (p 1) ? (q 1)
- f (p) ? f (q)
25Fermats and Eulers Theorems (contd)
26Fermats and Eulers Theorems (contd)
- Eulers totient function (contd)
27Testing for Primality
- If p is an odd prime, then the equation
- x2 ? 1 (mod p) has only two solutions, 1 and
28Testing for Primality (contd)
29Testing for Primality (contd)
- Probabilistic primality test
30Euclids Algorithm
31Euclids Algorithm (contd)
32Euclids Algorithm (contd)
33Euclids Algorithm (contd)
34Extended Euclids Algorithm
35Chinese Remainder Theorem
36Chinese Remainder Theorem (contd)
37Discrete Logarithms
38Discrete Logarithms (contd)