WGU Classroom Tip of The Month

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WGU Classroom Tip of The Month


Touch a piece of paper ONCE. File it, record it, hang it up or throw it out, but ... Internet to find great deals on bookshelves or filing cabinets to hold your ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: WGU Classroom Tip of The Month

WGU Classroom Tip of The Month
  • Novembers Tip
  • Organization for the Classroom Teacher

General Organizational Tips for Teachers
General Tips
  • Touch a piece of paper ONCE. File it, record it,
    hang it up or throw it out, but dont move it
    from place to place.
  • At the beginning of the year, have students fill
    out index cards with their basic information and
    class schedule. Often times, parents do not
    update school records in the guidance office and
    the student information in your computer may not
    be accurate.
  • If possible, go back to school shopping for your
    classroom. Stock up on basic supplies when the
    stores are offering back-to-school sales. You
    will save money in the long run.

General Tips (cont.)
  • When you get your student roster, take the time
    to make a folder for each child in your e-mail
    inbox. This allows you to drag and drop any
    correspondence from the parent, guidance office,
    school office or administrator. You will still
    have a record of the e-mail without having it
    clog your inbox.
  • If you dont have e-mail at your school, make a
    file folder for each student and keep them
    alphabetized in your filing cabinet. You can do
    the same thing as above, but the old fashioned
    way. Quick tip At the end of the year, turn
    all the file folders inside out and re-use them
    for your students next year to save money!

General Tips (cont.)
  • Order a rubber stamp of your name at your local
    office supply store. Stamping Mrs. Jane Smith
    on hall passes, progress reports, reading logs
    and course registrations will save you a lot of
  • Look at your to-do list and allocate some
    responsibility to students. If you need to empty
    your own trash and clean your own chalkboard,
    consider giving students some of these tasks.
  • Find other teachers who teach the same class as
    you and share lesson plans, class ideas and
    grading strategies. The more you share with each
    other, the less you have to create on your own.

General Tips (cont.)
  • Utilize your bulletin boards. Dont spend a ton
    of time on these to make them look pretty and
    seasonal. Do something with them to make your
    life easier! Use them to announce upcoming
    events, teach current vocabulary, display
    diversity, list homework assignments, show class
    rules, etc. They can look attractive while still
    accomplishing a task.
  • If you teach the same class all day long, make a
    transparency/PowerPoint of notes and directions
    for the lesson. Dont repeat the same thing six
    times! Do the work ONCE and then talk about the
    instructions via transparency or PowerPoint.
    Answer student questions, instead of reading the
    instructions to the students.

Organizing Yourself
Organizing Your Workspace
  • Analyze your workspace. Do you have your own
    classroom or are you a floating teacher?
    Whichever you are determines your approach to
  • Floating teachers should request a cart from
    their library/media center to store a few basic
    supplies. Make sure you get some see through
    plastic containers with lids to secure your items
    and allow you easy access to your things. Ask
    each teacher that you float to for a small space
    in their room to keep a few things to lighten
    your load and to get them off your cart. Also,
    ask for a wall cabinet and a drawer in their
    filing cabinet, as well.

Organizing Your Workspace (cont.)
  • Stationary Teachers have their own classroom and
    have a permanent place to store their things.
    Use your classroom furniture wisely and dont be
    afraid to ask your principal or custodial
    department if any additional furniture is
    available to best suit your needs. Ideally, you
    should have a teacher desk and a supportive
    chair, student desks or tables, a computer work
    station, a reading library bookshelf, a teacher
    bookshelf, a locking filing cabinet (two, if
    youre lucky), a locking storage cabinet, a
    student make up table and a bulletin board area.
    Assess your storage needs and allocate your
    furniture and space accordingly.

Organizing Your Workspace (cont.)
  • Here are some simple suggestions to help organize
    your desk and surrounding space
  • Invest in a desk calendar/blotter with large
    squares to write in meetings, parent conferences
    and due dates. Youll always be able to see your
    week events at a glance.
  • Keep your basic supplies on your desk (things you
    use every day). If you dont use it every day,
    put it in a drawer and out of your way.
  • Purchase some simple organizers (baskets or desk
    trays) and use them to get papers off your desk.
    Label them Inbox, Outbox, To Do, To Copy and To

Organizing Your Workspace (cont.)
  • Keep your important binder close by for quick,
    easy access to essential school information.
  • Ask your school custodian for an extra filing
    cabinet. If they dont have any, look for garage
    sales or on the Internet to find great deals on
    bookshelves or filing cabinets to hold your
    files, papers and homework assignments.
  • Make sure your desk is straightened before you
    leave each day. It will start tomorrow off right
    if you walk in to a clean work space.

School Information Binder
  • Are you always looking for a memo or constantly
    misplacing something you need on a daily basis?
    If you put it all in one centralized binder, you
    can access things quickly and easily without
    tearing apart your desk.
  • Prepare a large binder with sheet protectors.
    (You are too busy to whole punch every paper you
    get. Sheet protectors allow you to just slide
    things in quickly.)
  • Prepare a place on your desk or area nearby
    (within reach of your desk phone), so you can
    grab it when you need fast answers.

School Information Binder (cont.)
  • What should I put in this binder?
  • Your school phone directory
  • Directions to access your voice mail
  • Your state standards/school benchmarks
  • Your syllabus and course curriculum
  • Open House Parent Sign in Sheet
  • Complete list of your ESL and ESE students
  • Fire Drill/Bad Weather Drill Instructions
  • Library/Media Center Policies
  • District wide Test Dates
  • Anything your school uses or references often

Professional Development Binder
  • If you havent already created a personal
    binder/file to organize all your professional
    development (PD) trainings or hours/points,
    please do so ASAP! Most states require PD hours
    to renew your teaching license, so organization
    in this area is essential. I recommend
  • Log the date, time, presentation title, presenter
    and the location of every session you attend.
  • Keep any handouts distributed and jot down some
    notes you remember about the presentation on
    those handouts.
  • If your district has a certification office and
    your points/hours are reported to that office,
    ask for a quarterly print out of their records
    and discuss any discrepancies with them.

Professional Development Binder (cont.)
  • Try to attend trainings offered by your district
    so your points/hours are recorded on site. If
    attending an off-site training, make sure you
    request to have the hours/points transferred to
    your certification or professional development
    office before you leave the training. Also, make
    sure you get the name of a contact person to
    follow up with in the event of discrepancies.
  • Keep copies of all forms you fill out for
    yourself. When your teaching license is up for
    renewal, make sure you copy all the forms and
    paperwork before sending originals in to your
    states DOE.

Pre-made Forms
  • If you are given a form at the beginning of the
    year and you know you will use it a lot, make
    copies of it now and then store them close to
    your desk. When the time comes, they are within
    arms reach for quick access. Common forms
  • Copy request forms
  • Leave/Temporary Duty Elsewhere Forms
  • Parent Contact Logs
  • Bathroom/Library Passes
  • Detention Forms
  • Parent/Teacher Conference Forms
  • Reward Certificates or positive notes home

Pre-made Folders
  • Dont scramble around last minute putting
    together information when you can have it
    prepared in advance! I recommend you have the
    following folders ready to go within the first
    month of schools opening
  • A substitute folder (short term leave) put in
    class assignments for two days of leave. Also
    include necessary information from your school
    bell schedule, lunch period information, fire
    drill procedures, helpful students, phone numbers
    of administration, attendance sheets and a class
    synopsis form so you know what took place.
  • A substitute folder (extended leave) same as
    above only provide assignments that can last for
    a week until a new teacher fills your position.

Pre-made Folders (cont.)
  • New Student Folder anytime a student joins your
    class beyond the first day, they are at a
    disadvantage. They dont know your policies,
    rules or class procedures and they are probably
    too nervous to ask. Take the time to make a few
    folders in advance so when a new student arrives,
    you can hand them the information they need to
    know (class syllabus, rules, your contact
    information, state test dates, lunch times,
    guidance procedures, etc.). This will save you a
    lot of time throughout the year as students come
    and go. Remember to touch base with the student a
    few days later to see if they had any questions
    about the folders contents.

Organizing Your Students
Training Your Students
  • If you train your students to use the
    organizational systems you have in place, you
    will make your life a lot easier.
  • Require the students to use the student station
    when they return from an absence. If you have the
    assignment calendar and extra copies of handouts
    in one spot, they wont need to ask you questions
    about when they were absent.
  • If your school provides student planners to the
    student body, require them to use them for hall
    passes and homework assignments.
  • Dont allow students to take supplies from your
    desk. Insist they use the student station.

Student Station
  • Avoid students taking things/supplies from your
    desk by setting up a student station in your
    room. Use a small table/bookshelf and stock it
    with some basic items. Here are some ideas to get
    you started
  • A large, dry erase calendar make sure the date
    blocks are big enough to allow you to write what
    you did in class each day. This will prevent
    students from constantly saying I was absent.
    What did we do yesterday?
  • Basic supplies stapler, paper clips, ruler, hand
    sanitizer, band-aids, safety pins, pencils and
    pens. (Buying your own band-aids prevents
    unnecessary trips to the nurse!)

Student Station (cont.)
  • Baskets/Trays for Homework Collection Instead
    of collecting daily homework, have baskets or
    trays on the student station, labeled by
    period/subject. Students can turn in their work
    as they arrive in class, allowing you more
    valuable class time to teach. Note Make sure
    you pick up the work in the basket quickly or
    some students will attempt to complete the
    assignment secretly during class and turn it in
    as they exit the room.
  • Additional copies of handouts you distributed in
    class. This allows students to help themselves to
    worksheets without having to continually ask you
    for assistance when theyre absent.

Seating Chart Ideas
  • Decide on a seating pattern that best suits your
    classroom management style and the amount of
    students you have. The four most common are
    traditional rows, u-shaped, full circle and quad
  • Seating charts can be randomly generated by your
    schools grading program. If that is not
    available to you, use an old-fashioned seating
    chart that you create yourself. Quick tip Put
    the students names on small post-it notes at the
    beginning of the year. Now you can move them
    around throughout the year and not have to
    re-write their names each time you change seats.

Quick Ways to Group/Partner Students
  • Buy a Deck of Uno Cards and randomly pass them
    out. You can group kids by numbers, colors, odds,
    evens, the list is endless!
  • Play Famous Pairs. Students are paired up by
    finding their well known partner. Batman finds
    Robin, Abbott finds Costello, Lucy finds Ricky,
  • Animal Partners- create a sheet of animal clip
    art with approximately 20/25 animals. Put a line
    underneath each picture. Allow students time to
    sign each others paper under the same animal.
    (Mary signs her name under Amys penguin and vice
    versa). You can only sign each persons paper
    ONCE. When the teacher says Meet with your
    penguin, everyone is automatically paired up and
    20/25 partners have quickly been created.

Organizing Your Supplies
Containers and Organizers
  • The possibilities for storage containers are
    endless! Check your local discount stores, dollar
    stores or even your own home. Here are some ideas
    to get you started
  • Pencil boxes, coffee cans, film canisters
  • Video cassette case
  • Baby food jars and baby wipe containers
  • Photo storage boxes
  • Ziploc bags (my favorite for storing chapter
  • Clear storage carts on wheels for easy mobility
    and easy access to stored items.

Organizing Your Time
Organizing Your Time
  • Arrange a detention wheel with other teachers.
    Instead of each teacher staying after school with
    their detained students, have each teacher pick a
    day to stay late and all other teachers kids
    report to that teacher on that day.
  • Learn to balance your school life and your home
    life. Many teachers over commit themselves to
    sponsoring clubs, coaching or attending school
    events and burn themselves out in the process.
    Limit yourself to doing a few extra-curricular
    activities and leave it at that. Remember, it is
    okay to say no, if you have said yes before.

Organizing Your Time (cont.)
  • Consider adopting a homework completion policy
    vs. a homework accuracy policy. If youre
    going over homework every day (and yes, you are
    supposed to do that?), there is no need for you
    to check every answer the night before. Scan the
    work, give full credit if the assignment is
    complete and then allow the students to make
    their own corrections to their own work when you
    go over it in class. Let homework be a
    completion grade and tests be an accuracy
    grade. This will give students a fair grade all
    the while giving you a well-deserved break!

Questions or Comments
  • If you have any comments or questions about this
    presentation, please contact Marcella Ryan, WGU
    TC Alumni Mentor, at mryan1_at_wgu.edu
  • Please visit our WGU Teacher Blog and share your
    organizational tips and ideas at
    www.alumni.wgu.edu. Click on Teachers College
    and then choose Teacher Blog to post your
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