Title: Response On The Implementation of The
1Response On The Implementation of The 12th IFNGO
ASEAN NGOs Workshop Recommendations
21. There must be a specific policy statement by
ASEAN NGOs on the issue of the utilization of
indigenous sports and the arts as alternative
strategies for drug and substance abuse
3NGO-ANCCs Response NGO ANCC has organized the
specific policy and project on utilization of
indigenous sports and the arts as alternative
strategies on drug prevention for many years. In
2003, NGO ANCC has supported soccer and takraw
competition project for drug prevention through
our 29 organizational members all around the
country. For the arts, NGO ANCC has supported
the arts on handicraft and poster on drug
prevention campaign among the youth group in
schools and communities NGO ANCC will support
the policy on arts and sports as alternative
activities continuously in the future, realizing
that arts and sports are specific tools to lead
our new generations to associate with productive
peers and take them away from drugs.
4SANAs Response One of the main themes of
Singapores drug prevention strategy is the
promotion of a Healthy Lifestyle as an
alternative to drug abuse. Singapore is blessed
with a multi-racial society which encompasses the
arts and sports heritage from both the East and
the West, including the ASEAN countries. Though
we cannot claim that any of our sports is truly
indigenous to Singapore, SANA, in collaboration
with the Central Narcotics Bureau, has, for many
years, facilitated the encouragement of youths to
participate in sports as part of drug prevention
5 For example, since 1997, Singapore has been
organizing yearly Futsal (indoor soccer)
tournaments for halfway houses, youth and
community organizations. The tournament is a
means of promoting a clean and healthy lifestyle
for recovering addicts and youths. In addition,
street soccer tournaments, telematch, bowling and
basketball competitions have been organized for
high-risk youths. SANA will continue to
innovate and explore new areas to market and push
its anti-drug messages to Singapore youths via
arts and sports which represent powerful drug
prevention tools.
6 ASPAC-NGOs Response The alternative activity
is an important strategy in the drug and
substance abuse prevention measure of Thailand.
The Royal Thai Government has announced the
policy to promote sports and arts, particularly
the folk arts, to prevent the youth from drug and
substance abuse. The private sector in Thailand
has positively responded to the policy by working
at the local level with civic societies and
communities. Several programs/projects/activities
have been initiated to instill the attitude and
value of the youth that engaging in sport
activities and folk arts in their leisure time is
beneficial to their mind and body.
7 The SUPPORT Foundation under the patronage of
Her Majesty the Queen of Thailand is one good
example of a project that encourages the people
to improve and conserve indigenous arts and
crafts. The OTOP (One Tambon One Product) is
another example of the Government project that
promotes local arts and innovations.
8PHILCADSAs Response PHILCADSA has formulated a
Board Resolution encouraging the utilization of
indigenous sports and the arts as alternative
strategies for drug abuse prevention. The
agencies to be tapped for consultation in
implementing the policy are 1 the Philippine
Indigenous Games and Sports Incorporated
(PIGSAI), the organization responsible for
saving, preserving, promoting and propagating
these ancestral legacies in the country and 2
the National Commission for Culture and the Arts,
the agency charged with enhancing, enriching and
propagating folk culture and indigenous arts.
9MANAs Response The specific policy statement by
MANA is already issued, June 2003.
10BASMIDAs Response Basmida as the national anti
drug association of Brunei agreed to have a
specific policy statement by ASEAN NGOS on the
issue of the utilization of individuals sports
and arts as alternative strategies for drug and
substance abuse prevention. Policy means ASEAN
Anti Drug NGOs must carry activities guided the
11BERSAMAs Response BERSAMA through a policy
statement encourage the NGOs to utilize sport
activities, including the indigenous sports
arts for prevention and treatment and
made a policy statement on this matter.
12PEMADAMs Response PEMADAM as the foremost
National Origination for the Prevention of Drug
and Substance Abuse in Malaysia has not developed
specific policy statements with regard to the
utilization of indigenous sports and the arts as
alternative strategies for drug and substance
abuse prevention.
13 However, the various indigenous sports
organization and indigenous arts clubs and
association have their own specific policy
statements in line with the national aspirations.
142 The involvement of members of the community is
critical, whether they be community or political
leaders or famous personalities such as artists.
Strategies employed must be creative and to
attract youth. These programs and strategies
must be monitored evaluated and documented.
15NGO-ANCCs Response NGO ANCC has supported the
youth projects in communities for several years.
The youth in communities have participated in the
youth camp every year. Moreover, NGO ANCC has
also supported the vocational training and
scholarship for the needy youth in communities.
16 Moreover, the parent, the youth leaders and the
political leaders in communities are also be
informed and trained on many knowledge and skills
such as the drug and harmful substances
situations, life skill on drug prevention,
parenting skill on drug prevention, treatment and
rehabilitation and mobilizing faith based
organizations against drug abuse etc. NGO ANCC
has strongly agreed and will encourage and
implement this recommendation.
17SANAs Response The following is a response to
both Recommendations 12.2 and 12.3- Apart from
SANAs sports activities, the Central Narcotics
Bureau has also introduced new initiatives to
deliver the anti-drug message to its target
audience of mainstream youths. In 2002, the
Bureau organized five new activities which were
identified as popular among youths. These
activities consisted of model-making, local area
network (LAN) gaming, animation production,
game-designing and adventure. We would like to
highlight two of these activities
18Model-Making This model-making competition
provided youths with the opportunity to channel
their enormous energies towards developing useful
creations. In particular, the competition
prompted participants to develop creative
sculptures with the anti-drug theme using
recycled materials.
19LAN-Gaming With LAN Gaming being a popular
past-time with Singaporean youths, a LAN Gaming
Competition entitled Drug Wars -The fight
against addiction was organized. Students who
participated in the competition were constantly
reminded of the dangers of drugs through games
customized to incorporate the anti-drug message.
The games featured characters such as drug
traffickers and enforcement officers which were
able to display important anti-drug messages.
20 Programs organized by SANA seek to provide the
necessary social support to youths with the
intention of integrating them into the mainstream
of society, thereby keeping them away from
drugs. For example, the wind-surfing course run
jointly by SANA and the Singapore Sailing
Federation, incorporates life-skills development,
thereby equipping participants with leadership
and team-building skills. This course, as with
other programs, aim to develop youths
holistically, therefore increasing their
resilience in meeting lifes challenges.
21 It is to be stressed that all programs developed
do contain elements of socialization, recreation
and impartation of discipline. Much emphasis has
also been placed with regard to setting up of an
evaluation framework to assess the impact of
these programs.
22ASPAC-NGOs Response In Thailand, community
leaders. Political leaders, entertainers, actors
and actresses are well aware of the menace of
drugs on the youth and cooperate in drug
prevention activities. Several groups of actors,
actresses and entertainers have set up sports
teams to campaign against drugs through sports
activities. These teams are, for instance, Maeng
Por Lor Kluen Football Team, Singha U-Stars
Football Team, UBC Football Team, RS Football
Team, All Stars Basketball and Football Team,
Stars Jam Women Basketball Team etc.
23 The football and basketball teams travel all
over Thailand to play friendly and/or charity
matches with local adults and youth teams to
promote sport and raise funds for social welfare
projects or to buy sports or educational
equipment for the youth. Most communities also
promote folk arts such as Thai Boxing, Thai
Martial Arts, local games and cultural
performances in their local events to encourage
the youth to demonstrate their talents. Original
arts may be modified to attract the new
generation such as to practice the Thai boxing in
an aerobic way or the aerobox.
24PHILCADSAs Response Community and religious
leaders, parents, youths and professionals
collaborate and share resources and expertise in
the campaign against drug abuse in the community.
For the past three years, PHILCADSA and several
member NGOs in the country were chosen to develop
and implement at the grassroots level the
UNODCP-WHO Global Initiative Project on Primary
Prevention of Substance Abuse Among the Youth.
Best practices involving youth in the community
were developed, shared, monitored and evaluated
during the Philippine Experience Sharing Meetings
held in Manila, Davao City, and Ceby City.
During all these Meetings a youth representative
of the implementing NGO was invited to
participate actively in the sessions.
25MANAs Response Members of the Community were
involved when MANA held Essay Competitions on
Awareness for AIDS Program and Talks on Education
Prevention of HIV/AIDS and Arts in December 2002
by Adolescents and MANA Youths, Competition
Talks on " Lets Talk About Drugs " , in June
2003, all activities are well monitored,
evaluated and documented.
26BASMIDAs Response Basmida agreed to share
information on creative strategy used by Asean
Anti Drug NGOs. Basmida with the co operation
of DST Sdn Bhd invited Prof. Dr Masitah to give a
motivational talk on Self development for
community which includes families of drug addicts
and for example drug addict. She focus on the
importance of Islamic spiritual values in the
Personal Fight against Drug abuse. The program
had been very successful and members of the
community had shown their interesting the said
27BERSAMAs Response It had been a long
period since BERSAMA includes the involvement
of the community, political leaders and famous
personalities such as artists and sport
champions. The organization for artists is a
member of BERSAMA. These artists conduct
activities that includes attractive prevention
programs for the youth. The programs and
strategies are monitored and documented, while
evaluation had not been actively carried out.
A Family Fun bike activity in Medan city had
been followed by thousands participants.
28PEMADAMs Response PEMADAM is very aware of the
need to involve every sector of the community.
This is reflected by the composition of the
PEMADAM Council not only at the national level
but also at state and district levels. The
members come from different backgrounds with
different expertise and are able and willing to
contribute to the betterment of PEMADAMs
contributions to society. PEMADAMs programs are
on going and intermittently monitored,
formatively evaluated and duly documented.
293. The programs developed must contain the
elements of socialization, recreation and
discipline. The implementations need to be
holistic in nature.
30NGO-ANCCs Response NGO ANCC has organized
the evaluation programs to develop the programs
in very part of Thailand to be more effective and
fruitful to all target groups. NGO ANCC has
also organized the collaboration meeting among
organizational members in every part of Thailand
every year to provide the opportunities to all
members for exchanging the ideas on drug problem
solving, updating the current drug situation and
developing more effective programs.
31 SANAs response for this recommendation is
similar to the previous one
32PHILCADSAs Response The concerted action
among individuals, organizations and groups has
resulted in the development of comprehensive
community-based prevention programs which are
integrated in existing programs such as primary
health care, community education and services,
outreach and advocacy. The youth are given the
opportunity to plan, conduct participatory
research, tap and identify resources, share in
decision-making situations, participate in life
skills training and asset building projects and
other wholesome and productive activities.
33PEMADAMs Response PEMADAM is in complete
agreement with the concept of developing and
implementing preventive programs that are
holistic in nature.
34MANAs Response The Drug Abuse Awareness and
Prevention Programs, for Youths and Adolescents
institution and non-institution were developed by
MANA Exhibition and Competition Sector, through
Participatory Discussion Groups and Township
MANAs' Youth Sectors.
35BASMIDAs Response Basmida had planned and
implemented various Anti Drugs programs one of
the program this year was Majlis Ramah Mesra
Bersama Rakan BASMIDA. The event was successful
a total of 180 Rakan BASMIDA for example addict
and their family members were present. One of
aims of Basmida together for example addict their
family and to encouraged their to socialized
among themselves and to creative a harmoni atmos
among them as well as disciplined themselves
with others and a survey was also done on all the
for example addicts.
36BERSAMAs Response Many of the programs are
holistic in nature and includes socialization,
recreation and disciplines. Some NGOs stress on
discipline actions. One of the socialization
program is a cross country activity with a
minority ethnic group in collaboration with the
Buddhist's youth association.
37ASPAC-NGOs Response The Office of the
Narcotics Control Board of Thailand (ONCB), civic
societies, NGOs and business sector support and
provide platforms for then youth to express their
views and participate in formulating drug abuse
prevention projects in their communities and
neighborhood. At present, youth groups, not only
in schools but also in communities, in every part
of the country actively involved in drug abuse
prevention. Funds are provided as much as
possible from GOs, NGOs, public organizations, as
well as local sources. Many private sectors
organize special campaigns to raise funds to
support youth activities.
384. Publicity is essential to create public
awareness. Public and government support can be
garnered through adequate publicity.
39NGO-ANCCs Response NGO ANCC has cooperated
with Office of Narcotics Control Board of
Thailand to organize many programs creating
public awareness. Community based and
voluntary based programs and activities which
are the major power on drug problem solving
campaign have been promoted in every part of
40SANAs Response There are several SANA-Central
Narcotics Bureau community-based collaborations
to increase public awareness on the dangers of
drug abuse. One such collaboration is the
Xpressions Art Competition. Publicity for
this initiative was channeled via Family Service
Centres, Community Centres, and primary,
secondary and tertiary educational institutions.
The competition helped participants display their
artistic flair in communicating the dangers of
drugs through the art pieces they produced. Due
to the intensive publicity, the competition
attracted nearly 6,000 student participants,
making it one of the most participated
competitions ever. The feedback from
participants was most positive with regard to the
assimilation of the anti-drug messages.
41PHILCADSAs Response PHILCADSA, through its
member organizations, particularly the Foundation
for Drug Information and Communication, believes
in focusing on the centrality of information and
communication to 1 inform people about the
realities of the drug abuse problem 2 clarify
drug-related issues and 3 promote healthy
drug-free lifestyles. The nationwide program
Drug Abuse Prevention Through Media is a
cooperative endeavor of the FDIC, the Philippine
Information Agency and the Kapisanan ng
Brodkasters sa Pilipinas.
42 It has launched DRUGNET, a professional
information service, which provides a steady flow
of insightful media to print and broadcast
initiative chose a unifying message - Go for a
Drug-Free Philippines for all information and
communication programmes targeting the youth,
families and the community. Kilos Laya Laban sa
Droga conducts and sustains anti-drug People
Empowerment Campaign to mobilize as many people
as possible who will serve as multipliers in drug
law enforcement and prevention efforts.
43PEMADAMs Response The Malaysian government has
declared 2003 as the year for total war against
drugs. With this all government efforts are
geared towards public awareness of the drugs
scourge. As partners in this endeavor PEMADAM has
made this the cornerstone of its public awareness
44MANAs Response To get the adequate public
awareness MANA has to co-ordinate with Ministry
of Education, Ministry of Social Welfare,
Ministry of Health and Ministry of Information.
45BASMIDAs Response Basmida suggested special
workshop on role of Media in Anti Drug. Basmida
as Committee Members of social issue Negara
Brunei Darussalam has been actively involved in
the nation wide social issues programs which
involved NGOS and GO. Various programs for
Public awareness had been done such as T.V
Program, Real life Drama (Profile of Drug
Addicts) . Basmida had been activity involved
life interview on T.V and Radio.
46BERSAMAs Response Several publicity had been
conducted in TVs, in order to create awareness.
Local government on certain areas has been
cooperated with the NGOs to carry out media
47ASPAC-NGOs Response The Royal Thai Government
with cooperation from private sectors has
launched various public relations campaigns to
raise the conscience of the youth and the general
public against drug abuse. These campaigns have
been launched continuously. Drug abuse prevention
activities always receive positive responses and
co-operations from every segment of the society.
To Be Number One is an example of a nation-wide
anti-drugs club chaired by Princess Ubonratana.
This club has more than 120,000 members in
schools, workplaces and communities.
485. NGOs must be involved and the will to succeed
must prevail if the relevant and accredited
programs are to be successfully implemented
49NGO ANCC has strongly agreed with this
50SANAs Response Regular meetings are held
involving SANA and its VWO partners, together
with government agencies, with the aim of
developing collaborations to impact youths. These
collaborations represent the philosophy of the
many helping hands approach in empowering
youths and their families.
51PHILCADSAs Response NGOs are encouraged by
Government to participate in drug demand
reduction efforts, particularly in the setting-up
of treatment and rehabilitation facilities, drug
testing centers, drug abuse awareness campaigns,
drug abuse prevention programs, training and in
the conduct of research. The provision of
incentives is a concrete and valuable assistance
accorded by the Philippine Government to NGOs.
Approximately 90 of treatment and rehabilitation
facilities as well as testing centers are
privately owned and managed.
52PEMADAMs Response As a national NGO, PEMADAM is
fully involve and totally committed in the
implementation of its accredited programs. Indeed
this is the key to PEMADAMs success to date.
PEMADAM is always searching for competent
individuals as volunteers and promoters for such
53MANAs Response International NGOs like CARE
Myanmar, Medicine Du Monde and AHRN groups give
full co-operation and co-ordination in Drug Abuse
Matters, with the good guidance of UNODC,
54 Basmida welcomed and agreed to the
recommendation that NGO must be involved and
succeed must prevail if the relevant and
accredited programs are to be successfully
implemented .
55 BERSAMA encourages the NGOs to create successful
implemented programmes, that are relevant and
accredited. BERSAMA had awarded several NGOs who
are actively involved in combating illicit drugs.
56 ASPAC-NGOs Response is similar to that
concerning the programs containing the elements
of socialization, recreation and discipline
576. The ASEAN region must deliberately support and
promote ASEAN indigenous sports and the arts
through annual festivals at national and ASEAN
58NGO-ANCCs Response NGO ANCC has totally
agreed to this recommendation. In Thailand, we
have supported Thai boxing or muay thai and
Takraw as indigenous sports on drug prevention
campaign. Moreover, ASEAN region should support
Takraw as ASEAN indigenous sport in national
and ASEAN festivals.
59SANAs Response SANA supports this
recommendation. In its own unique way, SANA has
been facilitating the empowerment of youths via
programmes developed with ASEAN countries. In
January 2003, a team consisting of SANA staff and
volunteers, Singapore International Foundation
personnel, and out-of-school youths, completed a
20-Day expedition to build a day-care centre for
the villagers of Van-Phu, Province of Yen Bai,
60 During the trip the team engaged in various
activities (including the promotion of arts)
enhancing the lives of village orphans and
children. In November 2003, a similar team
completed a 19-day expedition to Vietnam to
refurbish a public library in another village.
During the second expedition, there was a
cultural exchange of sorts between the
Singaporean and Vietnamese youths which helped
facilitate a closer relationship between both
61PHILCADSAs Response In the Philippines,
demonstrations and exhibitions of native games
and other forms of Martial Arts such as arnis are
done during town and barrio fiestas. Fiesta
revelers are encouraged to participate in
cultural and indigenous games such as palo sebo,
trumpo, dama, basag palayok, and the like. The
Department of Tourism in cooperation with
regional, provincial and local governments, as
well as business and industry and NGOs sponsor a
month-long fest at Intramuros, city of Manila to
showcase a particular regions folklore, cultural
activities, products, sports and the arts. This
is a regular undertaking which is open to the
general public.
62PEMADAMs Response The Ministry of Culture,
Arts and Tourism Malaysia with the support of the
corporate sector is in the forefront in promoting
indigenous sports and arts. It also encourages
and funds NGOs that organize their own
festivals. The majority of the festivals are at
the national level but a few such as kite flying,
dancing and the martial arts have been organized
at the international level.
63MANAs Response Still in process.
64BASMIDAs Response Basmida supports the idea
that the ASEAN region must be deliberately
support and promote ASEAN indigenous sports and
arts. However Basmida had submitted the 12th
INFGO Asean NGOS workshop 8 10 October 2002 in
Manila, Philippines to the Prime Minister Office
and to Narcotic Control Bureau Negara Brunei
Darussalam Indigenious Sports and arts (Music and
Dance) had been activity carried out during
Festivals at national and ASEAN Levels for the
Community with the support of Ministry Culture
Youth of Sports, Negara Brunei Darussalam.
65BERSAMAs Response The support and promotion of
indigenous sports and arts had been deliberately
promoted. However, it is still limited due to
66 ASPAC-NGOs response for the recommendation is
67 7. ASEAN NGOs must promote and provide
opportunities to involve youth in indigenous
sports and the arts. In future deliberations,
the participation of youth and their views need
to be taken into consideration.
68 NGO ANCC has supported many youth programs for
several years. The youth club on drug prevention
campaign has been established for more than 10
years to be the good models to other youth and
taking their views and opinions in consideration.
Youth are also involving in alternative sub
committee to share their ideas and opinions to
develop the youth alternative programs (arts and
sports) every year. Youth are trained in arts
and sport (soccer, volleyball and trakraw) in
every monthly meeting and annual youth camp.
69 SANA makes every effort to incorporate the views
of youths in developing initiatives. This is
achieved via program evaluations by participants
as well as informal focus groups. The
aforementioned wind-surfing course for
out-of-school youths was developed in
collaboration with youths and modified in
accordance to their feedback.
70PHILCADSAs Response In trying to bring back
focus on the countrys indigenous games and
sports, every Sunday, the Philippine Indigenous
Games and Sports (PIGSAI) conducts a live museum
at the Luneta Park known as the Palarong Pinoy.
Promenaders are encouraged to join in the games
and watch demonstrations of arnis, a popular form
of Filipino Martial Arts. The street children
of Metro Manila are also given free lessons in
Martial Arts. Some schools, colleges and
universities have included in their Physical
Education classes, lessons in arnis, as a means
of self defense and as an alternative to drug and
substance abuse. This year, there is now a
revival of Filipino folk dances and folk music in
the elementary and secondary schools as a means
of arousing nationalism and pride of country.
71PEMADAMs Response The Ministry of Youth and
Sports Malaysia has always involved youths in the
promotion of indigenous sports and arts. NGOs
are also encouraged and funded to involve youths
in such programs. Youths are also involved in
planning and implementing these programs.
72MANAs Response - One of MANA Delegates
attended WHO sponsored Adolescent Health Program
Workshop, 2003 October. - MANA had
set up a Youth Forum, inclusive Ex-Addict Youth
to be served as Peer Educators.
73BASMIDAs Response Basmida had urged Youth to
come forward and to lay the foundations of early
immunization and protection to ensure the healthy
and productive fortune of adolescents and Youth.
Basmida also urged the support of parents,
families, religious groups and communities to be
role model in drug prevention program to and to
instill a sense of urgency to ensure a Drug Free
ASEAN by the year 2015.
74BERSAMAs Response Youth are involved in
promoting the indigenous sports, even though
limited. Participation of youth and their views
are highly taken into consideration.
75 ASPAC-NGOs Response is similar to that
concerning the programs containing the elements
of socialization, recreation and discipline
76HEDOs Response The organization, in its e-mail
submitted, said, We agree with all the
recommendation and we are working very hard to
implement them in Vietnam. Although we think that
it has a small thing in the third point. We
think that it is too difficult to gain
"Strategies employed must be creative and able to
attract youth". Because employment is a national
problem in some ASIA nations. So we think that
is easier to give jobs for youth so they are able
to get away drug.
77Thank You Merci Obrigado ?????? Gracious Arigatoh