Title: Celebration of Ashura Day
1Celebration of Ashura Day
Noahs Pudding(An Ashura Day Tradition)
What is Ashura Day?
A day of fasting among the Muslims observed on
the 10th day of the first month of the Islamic
calendar, Muharram, and derived from the Jewish
Day of Atonement. Muharram 10 is January 29
this year.
Dialogue International endeavors to promote
intercultural and interfaith dialogue and to
provide an environment for students and the
public to exchange ideas and information on
various cultures and beliefs. To reach this goal
we have started a video lecture series which
focuses on major religions and deals with less
known aspects of them. We also organize
celebrations of common holidays in major cultures
and religions, including speeches by
representatives of each religion. We have been
organizing interfaith dialogue activities which
have brought Muslim, Christian and Jewish
speakers and believers together. We hope that all
these activities will serve to establish a
peaceful world and a growth of understanding,
tolerance, and love.
What should we do on Ashura Day?Prophet MUHAMMAD
(p. b. u. h.) has recommended
Worship Allah as much as you can on Ashura
Day.Whoever fasts on this day is like one who
fasts all his life.Whoever clothes a needy
person Allah will release him from a painful
punishment.He who visits a sick person, Allah
will grant him a reward that will not be
decreased.Whoever places his hand on an orphans
head, or feeds a hungry person, or gives water to
a thirsty man, Allah will feed him a feast from
Paradise and will quench his thirst with Salsabil
(a drink that does not intoxicate).
The cooking Noahs Pudding (ashure, hedik, amah
or qamhiyyi) is a common practice among Muslim
and Christian people in the Middle East. Ashure
is a dessert made by cooking the ingredients
above in a special way. It is a traditional
commemoration of the first meal Noah prepared
after the Great Flood.
Come and taste Noahs Pudding with us!
Sunday February 18th anytime from 800 PM to
1030 PM at St. Thomas Aquinas Center
If you are interested in cooking Noahs Pudding
with us!Saturday February 18th at Noonat St.
Thomas Aquinas Center (e-mail mkoksal_at_purdue.edu)