Title: We Welcome You
1We Welcome You
In the heart of the community
With the community at heart
- True Love
- Christian Fellowship
2It Feels So Good
It feels so good just being here again It feels
so good feeling what I feel within Theres just
nothing I like better than Gods children getting
together It feels so good just being here again
3We Welcome You
In the heart of the community
With the community at heart
- True Love
- Christian Fellowship
4 Prayer Requests
- TLC Fellowship, Our Pastor, Our people
- Our Nation, Our Economy
- Those we havent seen in a while
- Jason Crider, Dellas mother illness
- Todd, Stephen, Dean job situations
- Those traveling to Florida this week
- Annual Business Meeting Today
- Food after service portion of service
- No service next Sunday, 02-15-09
- March begins Apostolic Fire Month
- April Attendance Contest
6(No Transcript)
7Here I am to Worship
- Light of the world You stepped down into darkness
- Opened my eyes, let me see
- Beauty that made this heart adore You
- Hope of a life spent with You
- Here I am to worship
- Here I am to bow down
- Here I am to say that Youre my God
- Youre all together lovely
- altogether worthy
- altogether wonderful to me
8Here I am to Worship
- King of all days, oh so highly exalted
- Glorious in Heaven above
- Humbly You came to the earth You created
- All for loves sake became poor
- Here I am to worship
- Here I am to bow down
- Here I am to say that Youre my God
- Youre all together lovely
- altogether worthy
- altogether wonderful to me
9The Roll is Called Up Yonder
- When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound,
- and time shall be no more
- And the morning breaks, eternal, bright and fair
- When the saved of Earth shall gather
- over on the other shore
- and the roll is called up yonder, Ill be there.
When the roll is called up yonder,When the roll
is called up yonder,When the roll is called up
yonder,When the roll is called up yonder, Ill
be there.
10The Roll is Called Up Yonder
- On that bright and cloudless morning
- When the dead in Christ shall rise
- and the glory of His resurrection share
- When the saved of Earth shall gather
- over on the other shore
- and the roll is called up yonder, Ill be there.
When the roll is called up yonder,When the roll
is called up yonder,When the roll is called up
yonder,When the roll is called up yonder, Ill
be there.
11The Roll is Called Up Yonder
- Let us labor for the Master
- from the dawn til setting sun.
- Let us talk of all His wondrous love and care.
- Then when all of life is over
- and our work on Earth is done
- and the roll is call up yonder, Ill be there.
When the roll is called up yonder,When the roll
is called up yonder,When the roll is called up
yonder,When the roll is called up yonder, Ill
be there.
12Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
- What a fellowship, what a joy divine,Leaning on
the everlasting armsWhat a blessedness, what a
peace is mine,Leaning on the everlasting arms.
Leaning, leaning,Safe and secure from all
alarmsLeaning, leaning,Leaning on the
everlasting arms.
13Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
- O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way,Leaning
on the everlasting armsO how bright the path
grows from day to day,Leaning on the everlasting
Leaning, leaning,Safe and secure from all
alarmsLeaning, leaning,Leaning on the
everlasting arms.
14Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
- What have I to dread, what have I to
fear,Leaning on the everlasting armsI have
blessèd peace with my Lord so near,Leaning on
the everlasting arms.
Leaning, leaning,Safe and secure from all
alarmsLeaning, leaning,Leaning on the
everlasting arms.
15Hes Doing Great Things
Bless the Lord, He endureth forever Bless the
Lord, He endureth forever Bless the Lord, He
endureth forever Hes doing great things - great
- Hes healing the sick
- Raising the dead
- Telling the lame
- to get out of their beds
- Hes doing great things
- Great things
- Hes forgiving sin
- Setting captives free
- Changing your life
- Giving liberty
- Hes doing great things
- Great things
17We Welcome You
In the heart of the community
With the community at heart
- True Love
- Christian Fellowship
18True Love Christian Fellowship
2009 Annual Business Meeting
19Agenda for Business Meeting
20Agenda for Business Meeting
21Ephesians 41-6
1-3 In light of all this, here's what I want you
to do. While I'm locked up here, a prisoner for
the Master, I want you to get out there and
walkbetter yet, run!on the road God called you
to travel. I don't want any of you sitting around
on your hands. I don't want anyone strolling off,
down some path that goes nowhere. And mark that
you do this with humility and disciplinenot in
fits and starts, but steadily, pouring yourselves
out for each other in acts of love, alert at
noticing differences and quick at mending fences.
4-6 You were all called to travel on the same
road and in the same direction, so stay together,
both outwardly and inwardly. You have one Master,
one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of
all, who rules over all, works through all, and
is present in all. Everything you are and think
and do is permeated with Oneness.
22Agenda for Business Meeting
- Prayer
- Bible Reading
- Praise Report for 2008
23Praise Report
24Praise Report
- We survived!
- Internet hits!
25Internet Hits
26Praise Report
- We survived!
- Internet hits!
- Word advertisements!
27(No Transcript)
28Praise Report
- We survived!
- Internet hits!
- Word advertisements!
- Pride!
- New location!
- Personal Testimonies!
29Agenda for Business Meeting
- Prayer
- Bible Reading
- Praise Report for 2008
- Goals for 2009
30Goals for 2009
- 40 Members, 25 Regular Attendees.
- 10 Baptized in Jesus' name.
- 10 Filled with the Holy Ghost.
- Sunday School classes adults and children.
- Membership and discipleship training.
31Teaching Topics for Membership
- Existence of God
- Quantity Qualities of God
- Non-Oneness Theology
- Oneness Theology
- Jesus Christ
- Names of God
- Sin Grace
- Repentance
- Water Baptism
- Spirit Baptism
- Worship
- Human Composition
- Heaven Hell
- Spiritual Warfare
- Creation and Evolution
- Sexuality and the Scripture
- Finding Using our Gifts
- Ministry Leadership
- General Board Leadership
- The Purpose of the Church
- The Leadership of the Church
- The Finances of the Church
- The Requirements of the Church
- Human Relations
- Conflict Resolution
- Prayer
- Fasting
- Bible Reading, Memorization, Study
- Gifts of the Spirit
- Fruits of the Spirit
- Stability Civility
- Righteousness
- Dating
- Partnerships
- Biblical Authority
- The Call
- Winning People, Winning Souls
- Presenting Apostolic Truth
32Goals for 2009
- 40 Members, 25 Regular Attendees.
- 10 Baptized in Jesus' name.
- 10 Filled with the Holy Ghost.
- Sunday School classes adults and children.
- Membership and discipleship training.
- Human relations training.
- Additional Trustee _at_ 30 members.
- Activities Planning.
33Activities for 2009
2009 Schedule of Special Activities Feb.-
12-14 GAAAP Mid-Winter Retreat in Tampa,
Florida March- Apostolic Fire- Basic
Pentecostal doctrines teaching April -
Attendance Contest April - 12 Easter
Sunday May- 30-31 Pentecost Sunday
Weekend Revival June- 7-14 Indy Pride
July- Southern Gospel Concert with Rev.
Ray Vestor Aug- 13-16 GAAAP General
Conference New Orleans,
Louisiana Oct- 24-25 Fall Revival
Attendance Contest Nov- 22 Old Fashion
Day Dinner Dec- 20 Christmas Carols,
Communion, Dinner Dec- 31 New Year's
Eve Party
34Agenda for Business Meeting
- Prayer
- Bible Reading
- Praise Report for 2008
- Goals for 2009
- Bylaws
35Vote on Bylaws
ON BALLOT Write- YES To approve Write- NO To
36Agenda for Business Meeting
- Prayer
- Bible Reading
- Praise Report for 2008
- Goals for 2009
- Bylaws
- Financial Report for 2008
37Agenda for Business Meeting
- Prayer
- Bible Reading
- Praise Report for 2008
- Goals for 2009
- Bylaws
- Financial Report for 2008
- Proposed Budget for 2009
38Vote on Proposed 2009 Budget
ON BALLOT Write- YES To approve Write- NO To
39Index Card Pledges
- Write your name
- Write your monthly pledge
- Keep it realistic
- Try to stretch some
40Agenda for Business Meeting
- Prayer
- Bible Reading
- Praise Report for 2008
- Goals for 2009
- Bylaws
- Financial Report for 2008
- Proposed Budget for 2009
- Selection of Officers
41Selection of Officers
- Special Advisor
- Sit in on meetings, offer advice, no vote on
Executive Board - Appointed by the Pastor
- Ratified by the Church
- Serves at Pastors discretion
- Trustee
- Sit in on meetings, offer advice, vote on
Executive Board - Nomination Ballot
- Meets Qualifications
- Election for 2 years
- Other Officers later in the year as potential
leaders are developed and needs arise.
42Special Advisor
- Pastor has nominated the following person to
serve as a Special Advisor to the Pastor
Executive Board. - Bro. Robert Martin
Please put Yes or No on ballot for
Special Advisor
- Nomination Ballot
- Good reputation in and out of church
- Faithful to church and pastor
- Wise and well-respected
- Able to discuss financial issues with insight
- Able to handle personal issues with strictest of
confidence and professionalism.
Put ONE name on the ballot marked Trustee
Nomination. Pastor will review for
acceptability and present 1-2 candidates for
final vote. The church Treasurer cannot be a
Trustee also, so Bro. Todd Simmonds is not
44Secondary Tertiary Leadership
1 Timothy 38-13 8-13The same goes for those who
want to be servants in the church serious, not
deceitful, not too free with the bottle, not in
it for what they can get out of it. They must be
reverent before the mystery of the faith, not
using their position to try to run things. Let
them prove themselves first. If they show they
can do it, take them on. No exceptions are to be
made for womensame qualifications serious,
dependable, not sharp-tongued, not overfond of
wine. Servants in the church are to be committed
to their spouses, attentive to their own
children, and diligent in looking after their own
affairs. Those who do this servant work will come
to be highly respected, a real credit to this
45Agenda for Business Meeting
- Prayer
- Bible Reading
- Praise Report for 2008
- Goals for 2009
- Bylaws
- Financial Report for 2008
- Proposed Budget for 2009
- Selection of Officers
- Open Discussion
46Compliments, Changes, Concerns
- Location
- Time
- Preaching
- Teaching
- Singing
- Music
- Conferences
- Praying
- Activities
- Conflicts
- Outreach
- Anything
47Agenda for Business Meeting
- Prayer
- Bible Reading
- Praise Report for 2008
- Goals for 2009
- Bylaws
- Financial Report for 2008
- Proposed Budget for 2009
- Open Discussion
- Adjournment