Title: Temporary Visitor Driver's License
1Temporary Visitor Driver's License
- Licenses for Non-Residents New for Illinois in
2What is the Temporary Visitor Driver's License?
Read the following lesson and notice the words in
bold-face. (Darkened words.)
- Effective January 1, 2005, the Secretary of
State's Office began issuing a "Temporary Visitor
Driver's License" (TVDL). This license is for - Non-citizens of the United States who have been
granted temporary, legal entry into this United
States. - Reside in the State of Illinois
- Ineligible for a Social Security number
3Who is eligible? To be eligible for a Temporary
Visitors Drivers License (TVDL), a foreign
national must
- Be a non-citizen of the United States living in
the State of Illinois - Be allowed by the U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services to be in the United States - Not be required to obtain a driver's license
issued by the U. S. Department of State, Office
of Foreign Missions - Be ineligible for a Social Security number, and
show a form from the Social Security
Administration (SSA) saying you are ineligible. - The information from SSA needs to be dated within
30 days of the date the individual is applying
for a TVDL,
4Who is eligible? To be eligible for a Temporary
Visitors Drivers License (TVDL), a foreign
national must
- Be approved to be in the country for at least one
year and have at least six months remaining on an
authorized stay - Provide acceptable records that proves name, date
of birth, Illinois residency and proof of written
signature - Pay the right fee, and successfully complete a
vision test, and the correct written and road
tests. - Do not register to vote at the Drivers License
Facility unless you are a citizen.
5Words to Remember
Click here for a checklist for the Temporary
Visitor Driver's License
6Sites for TVDLThe Temporary Visitor Drivers
License is not available at all facilities.
Listed are the facilities that give the TVDL.