Legal Update: Health Care Reform - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Legal Update: Health Care Reform


Some 47 million Americans don't have health insurance - 15% of population ... a Rolls Royce valued at $200,000. Many offices are little storage closets. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Legal Update: Health Care Reform

Legal Update Health Care Reform
  • How the Presidential Election Affects Upcoming
    Legislation -
  • Whats New on the Horizon?
  • Adam V. Russo, Esq.
  • The Phia Group, LLC
  • The Law Offices of Russo Minchoff
  • February 7, 2008

The Uninsured
  • Some 47 million Americans dont have health
    insurance - 15 of population
  • Includes 10 million illegal immigrants who
    wouldnt be covered under proposed national care.
  • Fails to take account of Medicaid as it includes
    millions who are eligible but havent applied.
  • The number includes many who could buy insurance
    but haven't.
  • 18 million of the uninsured have an annual income
    of more than 50,000, which puts them in the top
    half of income distribution.
  • 25 of uninsured have been offered
    employer-provided insurance but declined.
  • 17 million people under 65 are covered by
    individually purchased insurance, about 10 as
    many as the 164 million covered under employer

Increasing Health Care Costs
  • Over the last 6 years, premiums have skyrocketed
    5 times as fast as general inflation.
  • Premiums are 4 times workers earnings and twice
    the growth of business income.
  • Combined premium and out-of-pocket costs for an
    American family of four now average 14,500.
  • Consider this number in light of the fact that
    one quarter of US workers make less than
    20,000/year, and one-third of households earn
    less than 37,000.

Workforce Connections
  • There are numerous people whose livelihoods
    depend on the current health care system.
  • According to researchers at Pricewaterhouse
    Coopers, one in eight US residents has a job
    connected to the health care system.
  • It currently comprises 16 of the gross national
  • What would be the impact of massive health care
    reforms on the economy?

Self-funded Plans
  • Self-funding, stimulated by the Employee
    Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974,
    is a product of health care inflation.
  • Although the intent of ERISA was to protect
    pension benefits, it also provided pre-emption of
    state laws for self-insured plans.
  • ERISA pre-emption makes it cheaper for employers
    to offer health coverage since self-insured plans
    are not required to cover all of the benefits
    state mandates require insured plans to provide,
    such as chiropractic care or alternative
  • 53 of employers self-insure their health benefit
    programs, according to a KFF/HRET survey.

State Mandated Changes
  • For serious health care reform, keep an eye on
    the states.
  • No states proposed plan for universal coverage
    is the same, although there are similar
    strategies for covering the uninsured.
  • Under state mandates, innovation and consensus
    can be easier to achieve because there are fewer
    people involved. 
  • However, a state-based system can be more complex
    to understand because there are so many
    differences among states. 
  • Illinois has developed a program designed to
    insure all children and 27 other states such as
    CA, PA, and NY are exploring to achieve
    state-wide coverage.
  • Massachusetts has been receiving much attention
    because of its efforts to achieve universal
    health coverage. 

Maryland A New Approach
  • Bill to extend coverage to 140,000 people puts
    Maryland among a number of states attempting to
    lower the number of uninsured at state level.
  • By expanding Medicaid to 100,000 adults and
    subsidies to the smallest companies (2 to 9
    workers), the state focuses on those who turn up
    in emergency rooms that provide free care for
    routine catastrophic illnesses.
  • Firms and their employees would get annual
    subsidies to cover the cost of health insurance.
  • The new law has a provision not included in
    similar programs offered by other states workers
    must be offered plans with wellness programs.
  • By signing up for free gym memberships, weight
    management, smoking cessation, and agreeing to
    control chronic conditions such as diabetes,
    workers are eligible for cash rewards or lower
  • Lawmakers said this bill is aimed at the very
    poor and lays the foundation for more ambitious
    moves in the future.

Golden Gate Restaurant Association v. San
  • 9th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed District
    Court for N. District of CA, permitting San
    Franciscos new health care ordinance to go into
  • 9th Circuits reasoning does not persuasively
    implement the ERISA preemption case law of US
    Supreme Court.
  • Opinion puts 9th Circuit in direct conflict with
    4th Circuit, which held Marylands Wal-Mart
    Act, a similar employer mandate, preempted by
    ERISA. 4th has the better argument as its
    opinion reflects US Supreme Court holdings.
  • The law was successfully challenged in District
    Court by Golden Gate Restaurant Association,
    representing over area establishments, which
    argued that the law would violate ERISA -
    conflicting local, state and federal benefit
  • Courts attitude makes it likely that a proposed
    state health care law, which CA Assembly and Gov.
    Schwarzenegger support, will survive any legal
  • Like SF, state measure depends in part on funding
    from employers. The Senate has yet to take up the

Golden Gate Restaurant Association v. San
  • The decision allows the city to require
    businesses with over 20 employees to pay a fee to
    help cover employees health care costs and will
    help about 20,000 people without insurance.
  • In SF, program to provide care for 73,000
    uninsured adults.
  • Estimated 200 million annual cost to be covered
    by state and local taxes and by payments from
    patients based on their income.
  • The rest, less than 20, would come from fees
    paid by employers who don't offer insurance.
  • About 7,350 residents were enrolled in the
    program in 2007, when eligibility was limited to
    those making less than the federal poverty level
    of 10,310.
  • That left 26,000 uninsured out of the program.
    Some are among an estimated 20,000 employees in
    San Francisco whose companies provide no
  • Ordinance provides coverage for those employees -
    some of them nonresidents - either in the city
    program or in a new health plan offered by their

Presidential Election Guide
  • Every front-runner has proposed reforming
  • The primary differences among candidates are the
    level of financial responsibility of paying for
    care and whether coverage is mandatory.
  • None of the candidates want to reduce the role
    that states play in financing, regulating,
    monitoring, and administering the nations health
    care system.
  • Republican candidates favor a system that relies
    more on the individual and private insurers
    rather than employers or government to
    purchase/manage care.
  • Democratic candidates propose building on the
    employer-based system and expanding public

Presidential Candidates and Their Health Care
  • NPR's Julie Rovner decided to uncover the type of
    care the candidates had.
  • Rovner stated that it was like pulling teeth to
    get info from candidates even though health care
    is one of the top issues in the race.
  • Candidates in the US House and Senate are
    eligible for taxpayer-subsidized coverage through
    the Federal Employee Health Benefits Plan
  • Marilyn Moon, health director for the American
    Institutes for Research, said the FEHBP is OK,
    but not "gold-plated.

Presidential Candidates and Their Health Care
  • Most Democratic candidates offer their campaign
    workers health coverage.
  • Republicans were more reluctant to talk about
    their coverage - Huckabee, and Romney wouldn't
  • McCain offers health insurance to his campaign
  • Huckabee and Romney wouldn't say if they cover
    their staffs.
  • McCain gets coverage in three ways - veterans'
    care (served in the military), the Senate
    health-insurance program, and his wife's
    supplementary insurance.

Overall Democratic Plan
  • Democratic candidates call for mandates on
    individuals and/or businesses to obtain coverage
    and fund their proposals, in part by rolling back
    Bushs tax cuts for Americans earning over
  • Democrats are competing amongst themselves over
    who has the better plan to control costs and
    approach universal coverage.
  • The candidates would require insurers to
    guarantee coverage, by limiting or subsidizing
  • The candidates would allow insurers to sell
    individual policies nationally instead of state
    by state.
  • All democratic candidates support a form of
    universal healthcare.

(No Transcript)
Hillary Rodham Clinton - Democrat
  • Wants universal health-care coverage by the end
    of her second term.
  • Establish the "American Health Choices Plan" to
    ensure all Americans have portable, affordable,
    quality care allowing employees to keep current
  • Give income-related tax credits to working
    families to make coverage affordable. Offer a tax
    credit to small businesses to begin or continue
  • The choice to buy insurance as part of the FEHBP
    or a choice of private insurers offering the same
  • Allow states to band together, if desired, to
    offer similar plans.
  • Ensure that insurance companies doing business
    with the federal government cover high-priority
    preventive services.
  • The plan doesnt include details on whether
    illegal immigrants will be covered.

(No Transcript)
Barack Obama - Democrat
  • Requires children to get insurance now aims for
    universal coverage by 2012.
  • Plan includes affordable, comprehensive and
    portable health coverage for all, modernizing the
    system to contain costs, and improve the quality
    of care.
  • Those who have insurance through their employers
    or who qualify for Medicaid or SCHIP would be
    able to keep that coverage.
  • A new public insurance program would be created
    for those without coverage. You could not be
    turned away because of illness or pre-existing
  • The federal public health insurance program would
    be similar to the health care program for federal
  • Participating insurers to offer benefits similar
    to those in the new public plan.

Overall Republican Plan
  • Republicans focus on tax incentives to encourage
    Americans to obtain coverage and avoid new or
    expanding government programs.
  • Republicans want to avoid federal regulation that
    would tell insurers whom they have to cover and
    how much they may charge.
  • Their Achilles' heel is the dependence on the
    private market, which often rejects applicants
    with health problems they do not support
    univeral health care coverage.
  • The self-employed and others seeking individual
    coverage would be subject to a marketplace in
    which insurers generally pick the healthiest
  • Federal tax breaks dont solve the problem people
    in less than perfect health have finding

(No Transcript)
Mitt Romney - Republican
  • Wants expansion of Health Savings Accounts,
    allowing tax-free savings for medical expenses,
    if you buy a high-deductible plan to be used for
    catastrophic medical situations.
  • Encourages states to develop market based health
    care programs.
  • Opposed to a national version of the plan he
    supported for Massachusetts while Governor, which
    requires all to have insurance.
  • Would extend coverage to all Americans through
    the power of the market, not through taxes or
    government reforms.
  • Calls for tax deductions allowing individuals to
    deduct out-of-pocket expenses and costs for
    insurance not provided by an employer.
  • Wants states to individually reform health care
    by expanding and deregulating their own

(No Transcript)
Mike Huckabee - Republican
  • Believes the health care system in the US is
    irrevocably broken.
  • Advocates market-based health care, making
    private insurance affordable through tax
    deductions and cost control measures.
  • A strong advocate of preventive care (he lost
    over 100 pounds), proposes overhaul of system
    with input from private sector, providers,
  • Supports move to a consumer-based, not
    employer-based, system, as well as make health
    insurance more portable from one job to the next.
  • Proposes insurance tax deductions - credits for
    low-income families.
  • Use the states as labs for new market-based
    strategies and a complete reform of medical
  • Broaden HSA to include more than just accounts
    with high deductible limits.

(No Transcript)
John McCain - Republican
  • Has pledged affordable care for every American
    without a Federal mandate. Insurance policies
    would be portable, following the individual, not
    the job.
  • Believes that controlling costs is the key to
    making care affordable, saving Medicare and
    Medicaid, and protecting health benefits for
  • 3 primary goals paying only for quality care,
    offering diverse insurance choices, and restoring
    a sense of personal responsibility.
  • He believes individuals should have a variety of
    plans to choose from and would offer tax credits
    and HSAs to help pay for them.
  • Tax credit of 2,500 (5,000 for families) to
    anyone who buys insurance.
  • Favors allowing safe prescription drugs to be
    imported and more generic drugs to be on the
    market to control drug costs.

Issues for Health Care Improvement
  • Lack of Accountability For Public Funds
  • Problems of uninsured population are ill-served
    when public dollars are spent on unneeded or
    non-existent medical equipment under Medicare
  • Largest area for fraud is the southern district
    of Florida. Feds visited companies that charged
    Medicare for prosthetics, costly AIDS drugs, air
    mattresses, etc. Only a few products were
    purchased/delivered to patients.
  • Cash went into pockets of company operators - one
    purchased a Rolls Royce valued at 200,000. Many
    offices are little storage closets.
  • Examples include a 2 million ankle brace for a
    patient whose foot had been amputated and payment
    of bills for a new hospital style bed, at the
    rate of one per month, for a single patient.
  • Officials say that its easy to win a provider
    billing number from Medicare.
  • Companies continued to bill 400,000 even after
    Health and Human Services inspector general
    determined that the businesses did not exist.

Outpatient Treatment Centers and Physician
  • According to McKinsey Global Institute, a
    significant cost driver in health care system is
    found in the emergence of out-patient treatment
  • The treatments include ambulatory surgery
    centers, diagnostic imaging centers, drug rehab
    clinics, mental health clinics and non-physician
  • US spends 37 more than other countries - The
    practice of referring patients to facilities in
    which physicians have a financial interest has
    provided a significant loophole.
  • Additional procedures are driven by financial
    incentives both to support the lease, purchase
    and operation of equipment and by the
    profitability of the procedures, the use of which
    depends on subjective clinical judgment.
  • Using 2004 data from a CA insurer billed for
    advanced imaging, 33 of providers who submitted
    MRI bills and 22 who submitted CT scan bills
    were classified as self-referral.
  • Among them, 61 who billed for MRI and 64 who
    billed for CT were involved in lease or
    payment-per-scan referral arrangements.

Cost-Shifting To Health Plans
  • When a WC carrier denies payment of claims, the
    injured partys health insurance is responsible
    for payment.
  • One of the worst ways that health care costs are
    elevated for plans takes place when WC carriers
    refuse to pay legitimate claims and direct the
    claimants to their health plans.
  • If suit is filed, and the WC carrier settles, the
    carriers never inform the health plan and leave
    those funds unrecoverable.
  • When a potentially liable third party, say
    WalMart, refuses to pay a claim by a customer
    claiming injury on the premises, who picks up the
    bill?  Again, its the customers health
  • As long as health insurance is viewed as the
    default payer of claims for every accident, the
    cost of health care will always be inflated.

What Can Be Done? Plenty!
  • Review Revise plan language specifically COB,
    exclusions and subrogation/reimbursement.
  • Be aggressive with recoveries from WC, auto
    carriers and responsible parties.
  • Better identify recovery/exclusion opportunities
    through focused claim review. What claims are
    you reviewing? Diag codes, dollar amounts?
  • Understand State and Federal laws relating to
    Plan rights.
  • Update your procedures and investigations ask
    the right questions and obtain the correct info.
  • Just because a liable third party denies
    responsibility, doesnt mean you have to close
    your file and pay you have rights.

New DOL Proposed Rules on Disclosing TPA
  • Broker Fees Must Be Disclosed Separately From TPA
    Fees Upfront.
  • TPAs who attended the SPBA 2007 Spring Meeting
    conveying concerns about hidden broker fees in
    the TPA's compensation to the DOL gave rise to a
    proposed rule from the DOL requiring broker
    commissions to be disclosed separately from TPA
  • If a broker requests the TPA to include their fee
    in the TPA fee and not list their portion
    independently, you can say that DOL regulations
    require the broker commission to be disclosed as
    a unique item. 
  • This provision is a part of a much broader rule
    on plan service provider fee disclosure to plan
    sponsors and was not designed to specifically
    target brokers of TPAs.   
  • The broker issue is buried in an exception to
    reporting aggregate plan service provider fees. 
    The exception can be found at

New DOL Proposed Rules on Disclosing TPA
  • The DOL's Employee Benefits Security
    Administration (EBSA) proposed rule requires plan
    service providers (TPAs) to disclose compensation
    they will receive and any conflicts of interest
    in connection with services to the Plan. 
  • The new rule sets forth the items that must be in
    writing and disclosed to the Plan Fiduciary
    (i.e., plan sponsor) before the contract begins.
  • Some TPAs already disclose compensation
    arrangements in contracts but others are not as
    explicit in disclosure as will be required under
  • Any contracts that are based solely on a
    handshake or meeting of the minds will no longer
    be allowed.
  • While this rule is proposed, the rule is
    clarifying an already existing regulation and
    courts may apply this proposal to existing

New DOL Proposed Rules on Disclosing TPA
  • Motivation for the Proposal - DOL recognizes that
    the increasing complexity in the way service
    providers are compensated makes it challenging
    for plan sponsors to understand what the plan
    actually pays for specific services and whether
    compensation arrangements pose any potential
    conflicts of interest. 
  • The goal of the proposal is to provide
    comprehensive and useful information to plan
    sponsors when entering service contracts. 
  • This is not a new concept or change of policy. 
    This was the intent of ERISA from the start. 
  • This issue will be discussed further at the SPBA
    Spring Meeting in April 2008.

Contact Info Adam V. Russo, Esq.
  • The Phia Group
  • Phone 781-535-5678
  • The Law Offices of Russo Minchoff
  • Phone 781-535-5660
  • Visit my blog at for
    articles, news, and current issues affecting the
    self-insured industry.
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